One I Ching


I will offer one reading for feedback (other conditions below, read carefully)

I Ching is a new venture for me, and as I'm doing it the old fashioned way (coin toss) it takes some time. I won't post until I feel it's ok to go so you may need to wait awhile AND be prepared to work out what the message might mean *with* me in the feedback - I want to learn from this too :)

Other conditions :

* You haven't had a reading on any of the forums, apart from games threads, in the last week (I will check)

* No yes/no questions

* The question seems to work better if there is a time frame or time reference involved. Eg :
what will happen if I go to see him on Friday ? How are the energies around my love life in April ? BUT if you cannot provide one I will do my best.

* Retrospectives will not work ( Why did he avoid me last week ?)


Hi Samantha! :)

What information might I need re: finding work -- let's say by my birthday (next two months)?



Question is good :thumbsup: Will start coin tossing tomorrow; hope the floor is sufficiently soundproofed or I will be in trouble with the neighbours, ancient Chinese practice or not :D



Question is good :thumbsup: Will start coin tossing tomorrow; hope the floor is sufficiently soundproofed or I will be in trouble with the neighbours, ancient Chinese practice or not :D


Sounds good! :thumbsup:

Thanks! :)


Hi Amanda,

You wanted to know what information the I Ching could give you in the next two months about finding work.
Whilst I won't bore you with the translations I looked at whist doing this ( Pearson, Wilhelm, Shaughnessy - more academic, who themselves are working with older translations of ancient- not modern- Chinese - and a coffee table book by Crisp) I did end up going with what felt right to me, even if that meant welding together interpretations (!) Or otherwise trying to find a common denominator therein to make this accessible ? Perhaps ! You will be the best judge of that .....

The first Hexagram I threw contained the following lines, with ..................... Denoting a solid line, and ..........x............ a broken one, :

6) .....................
5) .........X..........

I'm reading this first hexagram as energies which have been with you in the recent past, are present currently, and will continue into time frame given (2 months)

This hexagram is numbered 4 in the book of changes, it's name meng meaning "new grass" . Lines 1-3 are the trigram for water, 4-6 for mountain. My first thought was that whilst mountain feels like a block (not unlike in Lenormand) water can of course flow around, under or even -slowly- through it. So, even before I reached for the translations of the hexagram as a whole I wondered if this were a sign that, possible, obstacles could be overcome - perhaps even pre emptied by taking and working with the meaning/advice of said hexagram.
Another first impression was around the hexagrams name itself. I thought this was a very appropriate title for someone like yourself who has embarked on new study, sown your seeds, and is now watching the new shoots grow. However (and I'm sure you can guess what's coming) there is also the connotation of something which is still fragile and taking shape. The potential is enormous BUT further growth is desirable before the new shoots can *stand by themselves*.
In view of this the next part is interesting and maybe sheds light on something you need to do or bear in mind as you consider your move to the world of work.
Hexagrams have changing lines. lines which are considered too weak or too strong. In the one which I threw the only changing line is line 6. This line is considered to contain the most important message for you. To me the advice here appears to be about a need to continue to *accept instruction* from a teacher or mentor figure. The I Ching points out that asking for further guidance may feel restrictive (the new grass is after all very enthusiastic about moving forward on its own, under its own power) but is, at this pivotal time, a necessity. feels as though the universe is keen to *hold you back* until you have come (through instruction) to really understand what kind of *action* is appropriate in this situation and exactly when it is appropriate to put that into action. (So getting your timing right could be key here.)
Changing line 6 has a warning that if you do not listen to the words of your teacher (and presumably the I Ching itself) then you will receive "punishment" in some shape or form ( Pearson translates this as " Training the young through punishments " - so at least, in her view, this punishment is meted out with an aim to some kind of improvement/realisation on the part of the *student*)

To sum up (c/o Crisps interpretation) : " If you lack experience, you need a good teacher. If you have a good teacher, pay attention and do what the teacher tells you."

With the changing line, Hexagram 4 becomes Hexagram 7 :

6) ...........X............
5) ...........X............
3)........... X............

This hexagram represents the future energies around looking for work once hexagram 4 has been acknowledged.

Lines 1-3 remain unchanged as water, whilst lines 4-6 have become the trigram for earth. It strikes me that Earth is less of a barrier to water than mountain was, whilst the combination itself is synonymous with (plant) growth . I thought this was a very favourable sign/condition given the previous starting point (new grass)

Hexagram 7, is named Shi which means " With a multitude of followers". As there are now no more changing lines the advice becomes less specific (or this is how I see it) and the vibe (again for me) is more of a summing up as to what you can expect rather than what you need to do/take into account. The news here is good ! This hexagram likens you to a commander and a forceful one at that. Your strengths lie in unifying a (probably previously in-cohesive) group and striving towards a common goal with them. Whatever job you are looking for should therefore incorporate this kind of dynamic - or so says the I Ching :D , some kind of supervisory position comes to mind here tho' no indication of what kind of field this might be in. Anyway, one way or the other you are destined to lead and not follow ..... " You as a natural leader, with the support of people who have good reason to come out and fight for you when the cause is just and the need is great." ( Crisp )

I hope this gives you some food for thought. I don't think I answered your question exactly as you (or I !) might have liked to have done, but as I posted at the start this is still very new to me. Thanks for your understanding and patience :heart:


]Hi Amanda,

You wanted to know what information the I Ching could give you in the next two months about finding work.

I'm reading this first hexagram as energies which have been with you in the recent past, are present currently, and will continue into time frame given (2 months)

Sounds good! I'm not familiar with the I Ching -- I have a site I go to that gives me a computer-generated reading from time-to-time (I'm less inclined to use it frequently because in general it seems more 'wise' and 'long-lasting' with it's information to me), but I don't really understand how it works or how it is interpreted... so I will just be taking your word for it; already I see some things I regard as 'hits' here.

This hexagram is numbered 4 in the book of changes, it's name meng meaning "new grass" . Lines 1-3 are the trigram for water, 4-6 for mountain. My first thought was that whilst mountain feels like a block (not unlike in Lenormand) water can of course flow around, under or even -slowly- through it. So, even before I reached for the translations of the hexagram as a whole I wondered if this were a sign that, possible, obstacles could be overcome - perhaps even pre emptied by taking and working with the meaning/advice of said hexagram.

Obstacles have consistently been in my path, but not too debilitating (I have survived so far, after all :D). There was a time I felt fate had me under her thumb and I was squirming every which way I could to just make it; I spent three years after getting my Bachelor degree just trying to find any work. That was the worst three years of my life I think. But I got a job, even though it wasn't very near my line of studies. I was more excited than I should have been for such a job, but it was an opening at last. That job led to another job with better consideration of my studies, that I was again probably too excited for, once I realized how poor management was. It seems I have had two opposing entrances with those two situations, and so now I'm hoping for a more equally balanced middle way: something worth getting excited about that considers my studies and lasts like that.

Another first impression was around the hexagrams name itself. I thought this was a very appropriate title for someone like yourself who has embarked on new study, sown your seeds, and is now watching the new shoots grow. However (and I'm sure you can guess what's coming) there is also the connotation of something which is still fragile and taking shape. The potential is enormous BUT further growth is desirable before the new shoots can *stand by themselves*.

It has been a struggle for me on also deciding whether I should just work for myself or not. Three years was a long time to come up with pretty much nothing. But I didn't want to work for myself, I wanted more experience, I wanted a mentor. I still battle the idea to 'stand by myself'.

In view of this the next part is interesting and maybe sheds light on something you need to do or bear in mind as you consider your move to the world of work.
Hexagrams have changing lines. lines which are considered too weak or too strong. In the one which I threw the only changing line is line 6. This line is considered to contain the most important message for you. To me the advice here appears to be about a need to continue to *accept instruction* from a teacher or mentor figure.

I'm only about half-way through my Master program now, so I've still got about a year to go. There has only been one professor who has stood out to me, and he offered to serve as a reference for me. He was the best teacher I have had so far (and I don't expect anyone else to measure up, quite frankly).

The I Ching points out that asking for further guidance may feel restrictive (the new grass is after all very enthusiastic about moving forward on its own, under its own power) but is, at this pivotal time, a necessity. feels as though the universe is keen to *hold you back* until you have come (through instruction) to really understand what kind of *action* is appropriate in this situation and exactly when it is appropriate to put that into action. (So getting your timing right could be key here.)

I'm not feeling I should make any moves at this time. There are a few options, 1) go look for work myself, 2) seek reference and recommendation for specific work from previous professor, 3) look into working for myself, 4) wait and do nothing -- until it all becomes more clear, or I get closer to graduation. I'm currently taking option 4. I worry that if I don't take the professor up on his offer soon, it may not still be there later.

Changing line 6 has a warning that if you do not listen to the words of your teacher (and presumably the I Ching itself) then you will receive "punishment" in some shape or form ( Pearson translates this as " Training the young through punishments " - so at least, in her view, this punishment is meted out with an aim to some kind of improvement/realisation on the part of the *student*)

Story of my life. :D "The Girl Who Could Take a Beating". I guess I should be less of a smart ass and be more grateful nothing's killed me yet.

To sum up (c/o Crisps interpretation) : " If you lack experience, you need a good teacher. If you have a good teacher, pay attention and do what the teacher tells you."

I really wish I could find one. I've honestly tried. Doors slammed in my face over and over again... there's no one! The professor who has offered to serve as a reference is probably the closest thing I've come to a mentor, and it's only because he's offered to take me under his powerful wing and bridge a gap for me, if I figure out the direction I want to go in. It seems I'm missing the middle portion of this interpretation... I lack experience, skip-skip, do what the teacher tells you. By lacking experience, I will still need a good teacher, won't I?

This hexagram represents the future energies around looking for work once hexagram 4 has been acknowledged.

Lines 1-3 remain unchanged as water, whilst lines 4-6 have become the trigram for earth. It strikes me that Earth is less of a barrier to water than mountain was, whilst the combination itself is synonymous with (plant) growth . I thought this was a very favourable sign/condition given the previous starting point (new grass)

It does seem to carry on cohesively from the previous.

Hexagram 7, is named Shi which means " With a multitude of followers". As there are now no more changing lines the advice becomes less specific (or this is how I see it) and the vibe (again for me) is more of a summing up as to what you can expect rather than what you need to do/take into account. The news here is good ! This hexagram likens you to a commander and a forceful one at that. Your strengths lie in unifying a (probably previously in-cohesive) group and striving towards a common goal with them. Whatever job you are looking for should therefore incorporate this kind of dynamic - or so says the I Ching :D , some kind of supervisory position comes to mind here tho' no indication of what kind of field this might be in. Anyway, one way or the other you are destined to lead and not follow ..... " You as a natural leader, with the support of people who have good reason to come out and fight for you when the cause is just and the need is great." ( Crisp )

Well this is good for the heart. A Master of Science in Management, emphasis Leadership. :D Seems a continuation of progress on my career path, rather than settling backwards or something similar. It is noted though, that working for myself probably wouldn't suggest a 'multitude of followers'... but then again, that could be customers for instance, rather than subordinates... tricky, tricky this I Ching. :D

I hope this gives you some food for thought. I don't think I answered your question exactly as you (or I !) might have liked to have done, but as I posted at the start this is still very new to me. Thanks for your understanding and patience :heart:

No, it's good! Overall, it seems like progress which is pretty important to me. I needed to know I'm making progress. I'm still not entirely clear on what I should do about the offer I received from the professor -- it worries me I guess... if I follow it, where would that take me? Would that be a place I really want? On the other hand, how stupid would I be not to take it? I guess it kind of comes down to how much risk I want to take with allowing someone else to have a hand in my future. Maybe it's not as risky as I fear.

Thank you! :) I hope my feedback helps.


Hi Amanda,
Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. Thanks for the FB.

I couldn't get your point about "still needing a teacher" ? Maybe my post wasn't clear, or I misunderstand what you say. The I Ching seemed to imply that you need ongoing help from a mentor in order to find/secure the kind of work you are looking for (or are *meant* for) because your present inexperience means you cannot *stand on your own* in this context.
Whilst you are still *growing* in your present field (pun intended :) ) you, as new grass, have the potential to do a job very well (as you say, progress has been made and continues to be made - no sign of anything stopping this as such) What you need is someone to make conditions favourable so that growth continues. You will continue to be "held back" until this happens, presumably because the universe realises that it is your best avenue/bet.
I went back to Wilhelms translation. In his opinion the teacher needs to be sought out (as you realise, and as you have already done) The onus here is on clear direct communication between both parties (Teacher is just as responsible in this instance - hence the need to find a " good" one ) Once you have a clear and definite answer to whatever is posed *then* the onus switches to you and a need to take the answer and accept it without any doubts (!!!) You use it as a basis from which to come to a firm decision ....
So long as you feel that communications between the two of you have been clear (you say what you hope for ? your fears/present situation? ) then it seems that your option 2 fits here....


I also had a look at Lynn. He makes the point that the teacher does not and will not *push* themselves/ their opinion on the student without being asked. This may be due to ego (my thoughts here) OR a belief that if they have given an opinion once they do not need to do so again and again - their experience/ability to get a clear overview means that they think/know that they know best ....also (Lynn) a belief on the T's part that the student would infact "rebel" if their view was imposed on them with force.

Does this help or hinder ??


Hi Amanda,
Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. Thanks for the FB.

I couldn't get your point about "still needing a teacher" ? Maybe my post wasn't clear, or I misunderstand what you say.

I meant about the professor; he's only offered to serve as a reference and make a connection for me, so I would not be working with him directly as I might a mentor. So, even if I did take him up on his offer, I'm still not sure exactly where I would end up (or rather, WHO I would end up with) and I wouldn't imagine that he would be too involved.

The I Ching seemed to imply that you need ongoing help from a mentor in order to find/secure the kind of work you are looking for (or are *meant* for) because your present inexperience means you cannot *stand on your own* in this context.

That sounds about right. The way I see myself is pretty much that. I think I'm very intelligent, fast-learning, and probably my strengths lie in the academia of my field (so far) -- I have very little experience really applying what I know, though. My last job had me cut off at the knees, so to speak, and everything I said or did that came from what I have learned was usually ignored or overlooked.

Whilst you are still *growing* in your present field (pun intended :) ) you, as new grass, have the potential to do a job very well (as you say, progress has been made and continues to be made - no sign of anything stopping this as such) What you need is someone to make conditions favourable so that growth continues. You will continue to be "held back" until this happens, presumably because the universe realises that it is your best avenue/bet.

I agree, I need someone. Apparently, I'm not meant to work for myself though -- I've approached several business owners and offered to work for free and deliver on what I know (that is, behave more advisory or as a sounding board + general labor /administrative or whatever/) just so I could essentially observe them, and I was turned down every time.

I went back to Wilhelms translation. In his opinion the teacher needs to be sought out (as you realise, and as you have already done) The onus here is on clear direct communication between both parties (Teacher is just as responsible in this instance - hence the need to find a " good" one ) Once you have a clear and definite answer to whatever is posed *then* the onus switches to you and a need to take the answer and accept it without any doubts (!!!) You use it as a basis from which to come to a firm decision ....
So long as you feel that communications between the two of you have been clear (you say what you hope for ? your fears/present situation? ) then it seems that your option 2 fits here....

Makes sense. If I were to contact my professor and ask for reference , it may present me with an unknown (this may be what I'm more afraid of) -- his connection is a VP of a well-known, national head-hunting firm... so where would that take me? I could specify this area, but that might be extremely limiting, I'm not sure.

I also had a look at Lynn. He makes the point that the teacher does not and will not *push* themselves/ their opinion on the student without being asked. This may be due to ego (my thoughts here) OR a belief that if they have given an opinion once they do not need to do so again and again - their experience/ability to get a clear overview means that they think/know that they know best ....also (Lynn) a belief on the T's part that the student would infact "rebel" if their view was imposed on them with force.

Does this help or hinder ??

I know this professor hasn't. That's actually why I think he's the best. He only guided us through our class, really. He had the right amount of impact on us as students and pretty much let us flourish in our own ways while he stood by as a guide to step in as-needed. And I'm certainly one to rebel if something felt forced or pushed on me. :p

I guess I just don't know the details, and that's probably what is hanging me up here. I know I probably wouldn't be working closely with him, and so I wonder still who this mentor might be that he might end up connecting me to and where that would be exactly. Here? Somewhere far away in another city or state?

Your additions do help clarify, thank you! I believe your reading has highlighted some 'unknowns' I still need to work out for myself surrounding this issue.