pendulums and tarot?


Hi everyone,
has anyone ever heard of incorporating the use of a pendulum with a tarot spread?


Hi bella,
No never done that, I wonder how that should be done anyway? Maybe others can tell you more.


I've done this before in a group reading (about 5 of us sitting at a booth at the local Waffle House trying to determine the meaning of the spread). Everyone was getting overtly frustrated since we obviously all had different opinions and interpretations of the cards. So we would each interpret the card and use the pendulum to determine whether or not the interpretation was accurate for the current situation.

I had a lot of fun, since it turned out no one was right at all until we discovered where we were going wrong by throwing out a lot of yes/no questions about the cards. Eventually, we discovered our answer, and were all quite satisfied with the results.

Of course, the others wanted to strangle me with the pendulum chain, but that's because their egos got in the way and were upset that they were overlooking what the cards were saying. That's just my experience, though. I haven't really ever read into the topic. I had originally just been playing with the pendulum (I get bored easy and when I'm bored, I get compulsive) and suddenly they asked something and it responded strongly, so thus began that little adventure.


Hi Bella

I've done that for years. I don't really depend so much on my pendulum so much any more because it seems to get garbled easily but in the past it was amazingly accurate.. I've used it to varify cards, thier meanings (whether I was taking it the correct way for the person) and even to put me on the right track.


i use my pendulum if i don't know when to stop shuffling the cards. i'll just ask it if i should stop, and i get an answer.



I use both and teach using both have done for years. For those first learning its a great mix of tools for them getting confidence


I rarely use my pendulum. I feel as if sometimes i move the pendulum sub conciously. But i do use it to clean my cards from negativity after a few readings.


I did use my pendulum with my tarot cards once. I dealt out all the cards upright, and then I dowsed to find out what ones to reverse. It was very acurate, but time consuming.



I keep a pendulum at hand in case a querent does not know which deck to choose.


bella7777 said:
Hi everyone,
has anyone ever heard of incorporating the use of a pendulum with a tarot spread?

I can see that being done. If someone needed to know what was the dominate card in a reading or the most profound or the most impacting. I think most readers can use their hand over the cards to find out which had the strongest pull but a pendulum could be used instead. Personally I think it may look really cool to the person getting the reading but otherwise I prefer keeping it simple and would just use my hand.