Petrified wood?


I thought I'd put this here because this place is the only group in my life who won't immediately think I need my meds adjusted because I spent twenty minutes talking to a rock. :)

So, in my yard sits a petrified wood boulder. I'm not kidding--it's at least a three-man rock, the previous owner brought it back from who knows where, and couldn't find a strong enough crew to remove it when he sold the house. (He did try!) It had been kind of a crappy morning; woke up out of sorts & fuzzy-headed, fell back asleep & had a nightmare, which of course made it worse. I rummaged around this part of the site for a while & found a bit on cleansing tones, which actually helped a surprising amount. But it wasn't enough.

And then, out of nowhere, I decided to go talk to the rock.

Laying my hand on it, I didn't sense anything beyond a tremendous feeling of age, but unlike many here, I often don't pick up energies. I just tend to notice their effects. I sat there & marveled at the striations, dusted off a bit of leaf litter, and apologized that I hadn't paid it much attention in the last year or two.

And knowing that a move is in the cards in the next year to eighteen months, I told it that I intended to take it with me when I sell, unless it objects before then. It's going to cost a fortune, but I won't leave it behind if it's willing to come.

I didn't receive an answer, just sitting there with my hand on it, drinking in the scents of damp pine and cedar, and just a hint of blackberry, a promise of the fruit that will arrive on nearby vines in late summer.

But for the rest of the afternoon, I felt calmer & more grounded. It was only later that I thought to look up the properties of petrified wood and realized that, yep, it had done it's job. And I'm making a note to spend more time with it going forward.

Anyone else partial to this stone?

I've attached a pic of a bare handspan or so of my friend. I need to put something next to it to really get a sense of scale next time!


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I work out on properties with fields of petrified wood. I love it. The variations of colour and pattern. Sometimes we find whole tree portions with rings in tact that you could almost count if they weren't so weathered - a nice cut through would bring up the age rings a treat. If they weren't so darn heavy we would take them home and polish them up. Very nice indeed.

Briar Rose

Luck you! and lucky crystal to have you love it!

I looked it up in the Crystal Bible 3 by Judy Hall on pages 231,232,233:

It reads that when a living tree falls over into water and the earths elements such as manganese iron and copper were chemically absorbed. And it has shinning silica and Aragonite (I love that one).

The book reads that it can connect you with a mentor. And that the rings are helpful for past life readings and can be read like a book, with each ring revealing a page in a book of the Akashic Record.

Reads that it supports the soul during challenges and tribulations of spiritual evolution and reveals the soul gifts at their heart.

The book has so much more to offeer in reading about it.

You are one lucky woman to have it in your yard!!!! Abd from your picture, you have an excellent one! I love holding this one.

I don't know what to call it though, Petrified wood (as that is what it is) or shorten the name and call it a Crystal? At any rate, I would HUG it!!!

At the end of the segment, she telsl to make a gem exiler. You could very well place a clear glass of water on this piece, and cover the top of the glass with cheese cloth(or a net like cloth) so that no bugs fly in. Then after 4-6 hours, you can drink the water and the water will activate the wisdom from your higher self.


What a fabulous read! Very informative.

Luck you! and lucky crystal to have you love it!

I looked it up in the Crystal Bible 3 by Judy Hall on pages 231,232,233:

It reads that when a living tree falls over into water and the earths elements such as manganese iron and copper were chemically absorbed. And it has shinning silica and Aragonite (I love that one).

The book reads that it can connect you with a mentor. And that the rings are helpful for past life readings and can be read like a book, with each ring revealing a page in a book of the Akashic Record.

Reads that it supports the soul during challenges and tribulations of spiritual evolution and reveals the soul gifts at their heart.

The book has so much more to offeer in reading about it.

You are one lucky woman to have it in your yard!!!! Abd from your picture, you have an excellent one! I love holding this one.

I don't know what to call it though, Petrified wood (as that is what it is) or shorten the name and call it a Crystal? At any rate, I would HUG it!!!

At the end of the segment, she telsl to make a gem exiler. You could very well place a clear glass of water on this piece, and cover the top of the glass with cheese cloth(or a net like cloth) so that no bugs fly in. Then after 4-6 hours, you can drink the water and the water will activate the wisdom from your higher self.


At the end of the segment, she telsl to make a gem exiler. You could very well place a clear glass of water on this piece, and cover the top of the glass with cheese cloth(or a net like cloth) so that no bugs fly in. Then after 4-6 hours, you can drink the water and the water will activate the wisdom from your higher self.

Hmmm...I might try making a gem elixir with it the next time we have some decent weather for it. Heaven knows I could use that grounding effect it had on me yesterday, and it's not like that hunk o' rock is exactly portable. :D Thanks for the idea!

For today--some rain, some gloom, some sun--I went out during a brighter patch put my labradorite that's always with me onto the petrified rock to let them talk. And while they were communing, I worked on clearing back some of those delectable but pesky blackberry vines, else I'd walk out late this summer to find that whole area buried in the stuff and no pretty rock to be found!

I work out on properties with fields of petrified wood. I love it. The variations of colour and pattern. Sometimes we find whole tree portions with rings in tact that you could almost count if they weren't so weathered - a nice cut through would bring up the age rings a treat. If they weren't so darn heavy we would take them home and polish them up. Very nice indeed.

I've been to a couple of places on the other side of the state like that, just amazing. And yes, believe me, I've been tempted to haul a few more home...if only they were a wee bit easier to pick up!

Briar Rose

I do find htis amazing. The earth is speaking to you!

I would love to dowse your area. That would be a good feeling.


What a beauty! When I saw your post yesterday, I closed my eyes and felt the stone's energy. I saw a crack open vertically, like a doorway. Today, on a clearer computer monitor, I see a crack in the stone. Now I feel a lightening of my shoulders, an unburdening. Thanks stone!

When you go to leave, ask the stone to help guide you to people who can help you move it without damaging it. If three or more men could be required, a forklift or other machine may be easier. Another thing I've experienced. Ask the stone to help you move it by being lighter. I've done this myself as have other friends, who gave me the idea in the first place.

!!!!! Yeah, I've had large stones do this.


Yes, you do need your meds adjusted heehee! You're supposed to hug TREES, not ROCKS!! Duh! Although technically, pet wood IS a tree, right? AND a crystal. There you go, it's doing double duty. I have a large hunk (about 15 lbs) my brother gave me & it has growth rings also, I just never thought about it having metaphysical properties; my bad. How many millions of years does it take for wood to petrify with minerals? I forget. But it's definitely been around the block. "Your rock's bigger 'n my rock"...I would want to take it with me too, if I moved. Especially if you bond. Now I have to go look it up...


What a beauty! When I saw your post yesterday, I closed my eyes and felt the stone's energy. I saw a crack open vertically, like a doorway. Today, on a clearer computer monitor, I see a crack in the stone. Now I feel a lightening of my shoulders, an unburdening. Thanks stone!

When you go to leave, ask the stone to help guide you to people who can help you move it without damaging it. If three or more men could be required, a forklift or other machine may be easier. Another thing I've experienced. Ask the stone to help you move it by being lighter. I've done this myself as have other friends, who gave me the idea in the first place.

!!!!! Yeah, I've had large stones do this.

It's funny you should mention this! I actually wondered if the stone had made itself heavier in order to stay put when the previous owner came back to try & haul it off. The guys were strong enough--though all were a bit timid about backs & shoulders and such, to be sure!--and it *should* have been doable. But it didn't budge.

I'm hoping that means it preferred to stay with ME, of course, but it may simply prefer to stay where it's been for the last couple of decades! We'll see what happens when the time comes.


Visit the source!

I was a child when my family and I drove from FL to CA the first time. One of our stops was to the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest. I feel in love with those rocks right then and there and still now over 30yrs later have the rocks i both brought(taking petrified wood out of the park is illegal. You are supposed to only buy from the approved stores) and the ones we just picked up ourselves(It goes on for miles and it is out of town the government can not watch everyone every min. he hee).

If you love Petrified Wood i suggest you visit there one day and like just soak up the energy and feel connection. Oh it is in Arizona just to let you know!