Please tell me about your blue topaz


Sonic said:
If a curse only has power based on your belief in it, then the same holds true in opposite form. There is a balance to all of this, and I choose the flipside.

Thank you for a valuable lesson on many levels.


AHhh yes and mine was a gift too!
for my wedding from my husband...

Briar Rose

After reading all the information from the Jeweler's Association the bottom line is THEY are saying there are 2 types of methods for enhancing the Topaz. One is irradiated and and one is heat treaded. And THEY say that both aren't harmful.

If you are really really curious you could write to International Isotopes; John Miller and ask him what he thinks. They are the # 1 company in the industry that tests the gemstones for these sort of questions.

I wrote to him about my Vaseline glass beads, and he told me they give off a back room radiation. So they are sitting outside my house for the meantime. Everyone on the AT thread I posted agreed I should get rid off those beads.

So I am a little confused about how an irradiated Topaz could be well liked here. Is it the color???

I don't think we can just look at a gemstone and say, "Okay, I am sending you good thoughts so you aren't going to be bad." If it's irradiated it's bad. We can't take out the properties.

Anyways, to sound like a total hypocrite, I have a HUGE blue topaz my mom&dad gave me years ago. And I wear it once in a while. It is not London Blue. And I think it's heat treated, but who knows???

What I don't think I would do with it is use it for healing, or meditating.

And, the # 1 topaz in question this holiday season is the London Blue Topaz. Most jewelry stores pulled it off the showroom.

In January I start studying for my gemstone and diamond certification. All I can go by now is what International Isotopes tells me, and what I feel as a Crystal Healer.

And I don't think you are going to die if you wear the lovely ring your boyfriend bought you!!!!!!



Now that's a ring! Very nice indeed.


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Little Hare

Good Lord :bugeyed:

I want a blue topaz ring :laugh:

Briar Rose

Hey Sonic, I like your ring too. The stone is pretty, and I like the band. It is what I would have picked out for myself.


Beautiful rings, both of you! Very nice and elegant. Blue topaz is a pretty stone to wear~all blues and purple stones are. I would love a tanzanite one, but they are supposedly very brittle, so I don't dare!!