Recurring lovers card over and over again


Hey everyone, Every time I ask a question with something to do concerning my ex the lovers card comes out. I will pull it on my own or it will even jump out. I am so confused as to what this means because it comes out every time I ask something, no matter the question.

I normally try to go by my instincts but this one really got me. I know the lovers card is normally about choices or a union. Could it mean hes making a choice between me and the new person he is seeing. Making a choice to contact me. Am I supposed to make a choice. Could it represent a union meaning hell be back leave me alone and stop asking lol..Those are the things I possibly thing they could mean. Could it have an entirely different meaning? I just never had one single card pulled so many times and since it comes out at different questions I confused on how to read it. It comes out as single questions and in spreads.

Thank you so much for any insight


It sounds like you're too emotionally invested in the reading and asking similar questions multiple times isn't the best way to go.
It might be best to have a neutral party conduct the reading or hold off on reading about the situation.
The lovers card in this instance seems to reflect that you want things to be resolved, but I would say it's up to you to make a choice to move on or remain hung up on your ex.


It sounds like you're too emotionally invested in the reading and asking similar questions multiple times isn't the best way to go.
It might be best to have a neutral party conduct the reading or hold off on reading about the situation.
The lovers card in this instance seems to reflect that you want things to be resolved, but I would say it's up to you to make a choice to move on or remain hung up on your ex.

Thank you..I am emotional right now. Back and fourth with emotions lol. I will try to hold off a maybe try asking again later down the line, none of my friends are into cards so I have no one else to ask at the moment. I didn't think of it telling me what to do because I was asking about him and us. Now I do see it in a different light.


When this card turns up for me about a past love it's indicating the choice I made at the time and to have another look at this from a different perspective. Perhaps that's what it's asking you to do too. Re-assess and objectively think about whether being with that person was a good choice given what you know now. I wouldn't automatically see it as a reunion card although it could indicate that, although I've not had it in that context before.


When this card turns up for me about a past love it's indicating the choice I made at the time and to have another look at this from a different perspective. Perhaps that's what it's asking you to do too. Re-assess and objectively think about whether being with that person was a good choice given what you know now. I wouldn't automatically see it as a reunion card although it could indicate that, although I've not had it in that context before.

I always feel this card does mostly stand for a even tho I asked about 'him' with most questions being directed to him, his feelings, will he come back, outcome, and actions. You think its telling me to look back from my point of view. Thats so hard for me in the situation too because my feelings go both ways..When something like this happens and the same card comes up over and over again how do we know how to understand its meaning? If its the same card does that always mostly mean hey we want this message to be to 'you'?


I will try to hold off a maybe try asking again later down the line,

Generally, it's best to wait about a week between readings if it's something that has to do with relationships.

Remember that an "outcome" card is only a potential outcome, and you can usually make changes in your life that can help avert bad outcomes. But those things take a while to work through, and asking the cards about the same situation before anything has changed may result in totally chaotic readings.


Sometimes we forget that each card in a spread is like a word in a sentence. We need to remember that individual cards will speak better at times in context with the rest of the cards. By viewing the cards surrounding a single card in a spread, we get a good indication what that individual card is trying to say. The Lovers card may be trying to tell you many different things within multiple readings but instead of thinking about what it might mean in context with surrounding cards, you may be subconsciously just zeroing in on the Lovers because of its name without stopping to think it through in light of the readings you've seen it in.

I've found that combinations of cards are what tell the story the best for me.

As someone else said, too, you might be asking too many questions about a single subject or a couple of subjects and the cards are, in effect, saying "so make up your mind already!"


After long thought I think I know what this card means. I think it is telling me about my state of mind and how wrapped up I am in the situation. I took the bite from the apple and now I'm stuck rooted unable to move on, being wrapped and held down by the snake in complete infatuation, in love, broken, and dark like the surrounding clouds. They say with Ceccoli cards you are supposed to go by what you feel and not traditional meanings..if that is the case then this is me and my situation. I only wish I had some real insight to the longing question I wanted answered.

Picture of card:


I don't have this deck so this is the first time I've seen the image you've posted. I think it's interesting that there is only one person pictured rather than two or three people. With the snake image and the apple tree, it does seem to appear that she's lost in a fantasy, doesn't it? And almost an addictive fantasy at that.