Repeated dreams of suicide preparation?

Puppet Master

I've had multiple dreams like this and with each and every one they become more specific and go further along ie from thought to preparation to one step from completion.
In the original one I was merely contemplating the act and how to do it effectively.

In them I'm always in my room preparing and with me I have a blade of some sort and a firearm. I see myself placing a heavy item (entertainment stand) in front of the door to make sure no one can get in (apartment door lock + that) or at least to delay. I kneel down with my legs under me and had the blade and gun both laid out in front of me. After which I revealed my abdomen and prepared to drive the blade into my abdomen like who commits hara-kiri/seppaku and the dreams ended.

In the last one I don't know where the blade came from but it's more of a small sword where as the original was a large knife thing I had in a castle/dragon statue ( this).

In all of them there is no emotion not sorrow, not anger, nothing at all it's like staring into the void.

The one thing I find odd is that outside of the shelf, the sword, and the gun the room was completely empty. Nothing on the floor or the walls where as in reality there are many things there.

The katana thing is common in my dreams whether fighting or something else so that parts a little more sense but still.

Is there any meaning to such odd dreams?


Let me just ask, do you play violent video games? Is there a lot of violence in your waking imagination, in other words? (What's in your head when you're awake is there when you sleep.)

Puppet Master

Not really barely play video games at all these days and as of the last one my mind just jumps from thing to thing without clear focus on any one thing.


Ok. If you're having trouble focusing and you think your dreams are a way of sending yourself a message, I would consider talking to someone, for help. :heart:



Interesting dream!

Firstly, if these dreams are disturbing you,
I'd get some professional help, maybe even if the dreams are not disturbing you...
It's probably best just to have a chat...

* what's been happening in your life recently?
Has there been any major changes in your life?

* any emotional problems?

* any situations where you feel the 'old you'
Needs to be reborn?


Are you contemplating suicide, or have thoughts of suicide when you are awake Puppet Master?
Whether you are or not, I would seek some help about the dreams, they are disturbing you and getting more intense, don't suffer them alone.

Very best wishes to you


Like dreaming about *death* this dream is a metaphor

You are in a preparation time for big change...rebirth....each time the dream goes more towards the proposed ending, you are getting closer to a new start

Very interesting!