Ugly Christmas sweaters dream


So I had a dream where I was at party and I noticed these two people wearing god awful Christmas sweaters.
I looked up the meaning of Christmas. Means celebration. But I don't like Christmas very much. My favorite holidays are Halloween and New Years. My thoughts were Christmas is the end of the year. I associate it with ending of something. When Christmas arrives I always look forward to the New Year. With the ugly sweaters I am not sure what to think.
An ugly ending? LOL.
Any insights?


Maybe you were just having a sleepover at Ron and Harry's? Which would be more of a Halloween thing...


Maybe you were just having a sleepover at Ron and Harry's? Which would be more of a Halloween thing...

Who is Ron and Harry?


Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Ron's mom was the queen of unattractive christmas sweaters. But it was also the first gift Harry ever got I think.


Maybe the dream was pointing out to you that you just don't like how some special things are presented / "dressed up".
But perhaps your subconscious is inviting you to look beyond your reactions to the outer trappings of people, celebrations and activities a little more deeply ... to explore beneath the outer clothing, which may not be to your taste, to discover the heart of the matter beneath. Just a passing thought. :)