retrograde countdown, mercury and jupiter



Jupiter has gone retrograde on this saturday while themoon is in steady and fixed Taurus, unwavering in attitude but unable to contend with the overall identity being enforced.

first some older threads dealing with jupiter retrograde activity


As opposed to Jupiters retrograde in 2004, in virgo, where organization was at a premium and expenditures took all the green away from your cash reserves, 2006 jupiter retrograde in scorpio might lack intensity, but not impact, pushing for answers won't work but keep up the detective work and your answers will be there.

in 2005, Jupiter went retrograde in Libra, where the expansive jupiter went reculsive into itself while the of laws and balances or life took hold and took us for a rather sublime ride, juptier etrograde in scorpio won't be as mellow, it will be fun at times though, Jupiter keeps his humor no matter how bleak things look, although his humor might go a little low-key for a while.


Venus update:

Venus enters Aquarius, again. and is now opposing Saturn (retrograde)

The feeling is reminicant of 2004-2005 Chiron entering, retrograding, and re-entering Aquarius and oppossing Saturn, while both direct and retrograde.

The recent venus retrograde was odd, and the feelings are being fully felt. Proximity to Ceres is emphasiszign the need and love of food, coinciding with the lent observences, there may be some concessions if allowed in moderation. Activity on thelunar side is in Gemini, and is acting as a magnet for the moons emotions, and Gemini spontantanious activity.

Jupiter trine the sun is acting as a positive note, a time of shedding and rejuvination before the dual retrograde of mercury and jupiter shifts once again. Pluto is in stationary mode righ tnow and goes full retrograde on the 29th, where Mars will make opposition from his current Gemini powerbase, for being a fairly quiet sign lately, Gemini has gotten a charge without anyone noticing how it happened.


Mercury and Jupiter Retrograde....

When will Mercury and Jupiter come out of retrograde, and venus as well (If it's still in)?


So far so good.....don't know if it's because natal merc is rx for me and in progressed it's direct......but....things seem to be OK for now
(knocking on wood as I type!)


Venus is direct, and is returning to her stationary point (2 aq), so venus issues will start mving foreward, (including money :thumbsup: )

Mercury returns direct on the 25th of march, on the 29th pluto goes retrograde, and on the 5th of april Saturn returns direct.

Despite the jupiter retrograde, prosperity will come, it just won't be perpetual.

Whiteraven, don't worry, it's just because you are so used to these feelings, try not to plan too far ahead, you will get what you need (not what you want) this way.


amped up full moon

The Virgo Moon will oppose the Pisces Sun, while Gemini Mars makes a near opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius. This is a nearly perfect square, and is fine tuned with juno in Gemini and asteroid Union in Sagittarius. The sun/moon opposition takes place at 24 degrees, juno is at 24 degrees--and mars is at 16, Union is at 24'52"--and plutis at 26.

Sabiain Symbols degrees 25 for Mutable signs

Taurus 26:
A spaniard serenading his senorita

Virgo 24:
Mary and her white lamb

Sagittarius 24:
A bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of the house.

Pisces 24:
A tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean, but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.

All together a good combination, it does represent the positive values of different cultures, and an emphasis on the more positive aspects while maintaining simplicity. Pluotso station before hsi retrograde will give us a chance to put thigns right, ther is a widnow of oppurtunity in play, don't ignore it.


jupiter sq neptune

This 90 degree aspect will bring finances and financial concerns to the forefront, feel like you are saving money by going to one big place (Wal Mart perhaps?) well, you are probably not. Feel as if your financial situation is in dire straits, it's probably not and you have more money than you have initially counted. Feel as if you might have been ripped off at the register, well you should use those in store price scanners to see how much your bill will be. It will be up to you with Scorpio and Aquarius energy at the forefront.

Jupiter retrograde in scorpio will make you hunt for your money savers, while urnaus in aquarius guarentees it will make you feel out of touch when you do find them. Stereotypes about money, social status, and cultural expecations will come crashing down all around you if you are trying to uphold them as infallable and unchangable. This will cause waves, and those in authority will have to navigate those waves or be taken down in ways that are unwelcome. This direction will be consistant as the Sun is nearing Aries on the 20th next week, religious 'reckongnings' will be cut short due to third parties, don't feel too discounted though, more events are in the making.


Mercury retrograde is sucking. We had a power outage last night at my home and I had no phone, no computer, no TV, no internet, no electricity to charge my mobile phone...nothing! I could do NOTHING. So I went to sleep. Mercury seriously needs to CUT IT OUT!!

I'm a Pisces Sun (at 17 degrees, in 5th house), Sag Moon (2nd house), Acendant in Scorpio (2nd house), Mercury in Aries (5th house), Mars/Venus in Taurus (both in 7th), Jupiter in Capricorn (3rd house), Saturn in Gemini (8th house), and Pluto in Libra (rx-11th house). All in all, not so bad, right? Why am I having such a crap time of it this month of March?

When is this mess over, anyhow?


P.S. I have nothing even close to the 24-25 degrees in my chart..


neptune is at 17 aquarius, mars is at 13 gemini, jupiter ret is at 17 scorpio, and mercury ret is at 17 pisces, you're in teh spotlight. Sorry to hear about your power outage, it could be worse, you could be out of power for an entire week in the middle of August. Don't try tot ake you rstress otu on anyone else, unless its a therapist, that's what they are paid to do.

Mercury goes direct on the 25th, until then, stay tight, and keep your computer on a power surge protector.


paradoxx... take a glance and tell me what this means...

if you have a moment, take a glance and tell me what this means:
i feel very much at a crossroads right now, in more ways than one

here is my planet listing:
5 degrees sun in pisces
25 degrees moon in virgo
3 degrees mercury in pisces
14 degrees venus in pisces
22 degrees mars in cancer (retro)
26 degrees jupiter in gemini
26 degrees saturn in leo
14 degrees uranus in scorpio
18 degrees neptune in sag.
16 degrees pluto in libra
2 degrees chiron in taurus
4 degrees lilith in cancer


does that mean anything to you?

i have felt a lot of deep emotions coming out from my past that i have been dealing with...
i have wanted and asked for a lot of clarity in my relationships and good boundaries
i feel a lot of potential energy, but feel a bit overwhelmed and "stuck"

to astrologers, this is such a thumbprint, it reveals so much to post your birthchart info like this,,, but to others, perhaps it is not so revealing...

please feel free to comment it if you feel inspired to do so...