ROC June - Esk and JojoCat


Esk and JojoCat's Thread

June 18 (Sunday): Complete readings
June 25 (Sunday): Complete feedbacks

Please let me know in the June Notification Thread when you and your partner have completed the reading and feedback.


June's Suggested Spread:

For June, let's find out more about ourselves by using Glass Owl's The Secret Agent Spread.

The Secret Agent Spread (4) by Glass Owl


1. My Cover
What persona or mask am I wearing around others?

2. Compromised
What removes the mask or "blows my cover?"

3. On The Run
What drives me to keep going or helps me during times of crisis?

4. Changing Identities
Who am I really?


Important Notes:
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Please stay in communication with your partner, and PM when you have posted your reading, feedback, or if you are experiencing scheduling issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to post readings and feedbacks.
5. Have fun and let's ROC!


Please PM Fortuna for questions or issues.


Hi Jojocat.
This spread seems really interesting, i'm looking forward to exchange with you
I'll use my wisdom of the oracle for your reading. For mine, feel free to use the deck you want.


hello esk~ yes I'm looking forward to exchanging! And sorry for my delay in responding.

I will use my saju oracle deck for the spread. Will post again later with your reading!


1. My Cover
What persona or mask am I wearing around others?
This card, when upright, is about forgiveness and making amends. So it's possible your mask is one of humility and altruism. In front of others, you may act as if you have forgiven some mistakes, as if you have healed and as if you are most of the time disinterested. But is it really true? Are you really at peace with everything and everyone? Do you really do things for others and not for yourself?
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I've a feeling that even if you're not a bad person at all, you want to appear better, nicer. It's like you're afraid others could think you're too self centered. So, sometimes, you pretend that everything is fine even if it's not, that you care more about others and the greater good, than yourself.

2. Compromised
What removes the mask or "blows my cover?"
To the sea
This card here is really interesting and reveals that your mask is not something you want to wear all the time. In fact, there is no specific reason that removes you mask. It seems like sometimes, it just disappears by itself, maybe you don't even think about it. It just happens with some events in your life.
This card depicts a fairy in a boat and I had a feeling when looking at it that being abroad helps you removing your mask. It's like holidays, or other context makes you more in tune with who you are.

3. On The Run
What drives me to keep going or helps me during times of crisis?
I have good vibes with this card because it describes one of your good side.
Your greatest help in times of crises is yourself and you great adaptability. It's like you can be at home almost anywhere and you are able to easily fall on your feet. I also feel that you're easy-going and at ease in social context, and that's a great help in many kind of situations. So you should be more confident with yourself and with you abilities in social circles and with others in general. It is a good quality in order to be liked and you should focus more on this and less on your mask of selflessness. Generally i've noticed that people like uncomplicated and easy going persons.

4. Changing Identities
Who am I really?
Time to go
This card has some kind of mystery. It doesn't answer directly the question of you who you are, but instead, tells you that you are on the process of discovering yourself. The lady in the card turns her back and is moving toward a door. Just like her, you seem to walk to your personal door. It's like you have begun an internal process that helps you to be more in tune with yourself, to discover some hidden aspects of your personality. And this card just tells you that you should go on without any fear of doubt. You are on the right track, and this process will help you learn more about yourself and be who you really are and who you really want to be :).

Overall I have the feeling that the mask described in the first card is still here but is in the process of disappearing because you are making inner work, or you are simply growing wiser with life and experience. This reading makes me think that your mask is not a real one. You can be yourself at times, and maybe more often than the “false” you. Plus, this deck can be read reversed and all your cards are upright so I think this is a good sign for you, it means there is not major blocks that hinders you to be in tune with your true self.
You mask however is still here sometimes, and to help you being more like your true self, you can keep in mind that you have good qualities and can be appreciated for who you are, you don't need your mask of altruism. And don't forget it's completely healthy to think about ourselves sometimes ;)

I hope this makes sense. Don't hesitate to tell me if it doesn't.



oh wow, lots resonated. Feedback is below and I'll do your reading early next week I hope (but def before the deadline)

1. My Cover
What persona or mask am I wearing around others?
This card, when upright, is about forgiveness and making amends. So it's possible your mask is one of humility and altruism. In front of others, you may act as if you have forgiven some mistakes, as if you have healed and as if you are most of the time disinterested. But is it really true? Are you really at peace with everything and everyone? Do you really do things for others and not for yourself?
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I've a feeling that even if you're not a bad person at all, you want to appear better, nicer. It's like you're afraid others could think you're too self centered. So, sometimes, you pretend that everything is fine even if it's not, that you care more about others and the greater good, than yourself.

So this is true, though from a sideways rationale from how you describe. I'm not particularly humble or altruistic, and no one gets that from their first impression of me (the first impression is almost always that I have lots of direct and honest energy -- which is true -- and/or that I am charismatic or charming, which is the mask in a sense (I am charismatic but I try very hard to not to overwhelm others now)). So perhaps this speaks to me trying to tone down my energy to put others at ease. I don't think I try to appear "nicer" that much but you know my father repeats this advice (that I have to put myself first) endlessly to me so maybe it's true, idk (honesetly I thought it was his own internal ego-issue that made him obsess about it hahah).

I'm not particularly good at forgiveness or making amends LOL... which is a softer way of saying that neither quality come easily to me. My Buddhist faith has helped me get closedr to peace and acceptance with human foibles though.

2. Compromised
What removes the mask or "blows my cover?"
To the sea
This card here is really interesting and reveals that your mask is not something you want to wear all the time. In fact, there is no specific reason that removes you mask. It seems like sometimes, it just disappears by itself, maybe you don't even think about it. It just happens with some events in your life.
This card depicts a fairy in a boat and I had a feeling when looking at it that being abroad helps you removing your mask. It's like holidays, or other context makes you more in tune with who you are.

Yes, I got tired of the mask about 2 years ago. Grew to hate it. And I quit my corporate bullsh*t lawyer job around then. And moved to Korea last October. And I have become so happy since I left the US. Most of my days are filled with gratitude and happiness and wonder at the beauty of the world. So it's not a holiday but very close to what you described. Basically I couldn't take keeping up the facade anymore and then I found a way so that I didn't have to... and it's been wonderful!

3. On The Run
What drives me to keep going or helps me during times of crisis?
I have good vibes with this card because it describes one of your good side.
Your greatest help in times of crises is yourself and you great adaptability. It's like you can be at home almost anywhere and you are able to easily fall on your feet. I also feel that you're easy-going and at ease in social context, and that's a great help in many kind of situations. So you should be more confident with yourself and with you abilities in social circles and with others in general. It is a good quality in order to be liked and you should focus more on this and less on your mask of selflessness. Generally i've noticed that people like uncomplicated and easy going persons.

This has come up in readings before as my strength. I suppose I don't think about my adaptability too much as it's always been with me but your reading made me really dig deep into this. So now I begin to realize how much of a gift this is. Really I thought everyone was like me, able to adjust everywhere; I thought it wasn't that special. The rest is true too (if I can say that without sounding arrogant; that certainly isn't my intention); I make friends easily and am socially facile.

And I am glad to hear that the person I can depend on during times of crisis is myself. Thank you!

4. Changing Identities
Who am I really?
Time to go
This card has some kind of mystery. It doesn't answer directly the question of you who you are, but instead, tells you that you are on the process of discovering yourself. The lady in the card turns her back and is moving toward a door. Just like her, you seem to walk to your personal door. It's like you have begun an internal process that helps you to be more in tune with yourself, to discover some hidden aspects of your personality. And this card just tells you that you should go on without any fear of doubt. You are on the right track, and this process will help you learn more about yourself and be who you really are and who you really want to be :).

YEP, very true. Moving to Korea has made me really introspect. I finally figured out how to meditate a month ago! And yes, I'm walking this path alone, with no mentors or friends who have walked it before. That used to upset me but I've gotten to acceptance about that too. And it suits the iconoclast in me LOL.

Overall I have the feeling that the mask described in the first card is still here but is in the process of disappearing because you are making inner work, or you are simply growing wiser with life and experience. This reading makes me think that your mask is not a real one. You can be yourself at times, and maybe more often than the “false” you. Plus, this deck can be read reversed and all your cards are upright so I think this is a good sign for you, it means there is not major blocks that hinders you to be in tune with your true self.
You mask however is still here sometimes, and to help you being more like your true self, you can keep in mind that you have good qualities and can be appreciated for who you are, you don't need your mask of altruism. And don't forget it's completely healthy to think about ourselves sometimes ;)

I hope this makes sense. Don't hesitate to tell me if it doesn't.

Yes, this is very true! <3 I don't think the mask would have disappeared so much if I had stayed in NYC. Moving countries really jumpstarted lots of great changes in my ife journey. My mask was what I needed to survive in a world that was not right for me for so many reasons. And now that I am really and truly out of that world, everything is happier.

All I can think of to relate on the altruistic front is my desire to help historically oppressed people. But that too was more recent which was why I didn't think of it as part of my mask, because isn't a mask a historical thing? Not sure. But also, related: I can't do that as much here. This is not my culture and it is not my place to tell the people who grew up here how to live heir lives or to change things for them. Self-determination in politics is a thing too, especially because doing otherwise is trying to set oneself up as a savior and runs counter to my philosophical and political beliefs.

That came out kind of garbled and it's okay. I'm happy to explain if you'd like to know more but it's not necessary to the reading from my side -- I think that first part about altruism was the only part that felt off; otherwise the rest resonated! <3

Thanks for reading for me~


Hello Esk, here is your reading!

First, my apologies for the delay. I got busy over the past few days but was so happy to have a lesson cancelled so I could do it tonight.

Second, a bit of forewarning -- the message came out strongly and clearly. But it is not the gentlest of messages so perhaps consider a bit of emotional girding before reading on. Nothing terrible coming from the spread (quite the contrary!) but it does go a bit deeper than I expected. I like to warn people of this, especially if it is my first time exchanging with them as then they are likely less used to my reading style -- which is that I lay out the cards, start typing, and then the message comes fast and furious... and my readings tend to be about core issues more often than not. (Now I wonder if I should start adding that in initial posts on reading circles LOL.)


Daytime (also year)
Motherly love
Best friends forever

1. My Cover
What persona or mask am I wearing around others?

Your cover/persona/mask is of brightness and that all is well and that you do not need any help, that you can do it all alone with the limited tools you have at your disposal. There is a feeling that you can be content with the simple things in life-- which is true (you can be content with those) but it hides the fact that you content yourself with those simpler things because you do not like to ask for help. With help, those simple things can be true luxuries -- but what you have chosen so far is to "settle" for the simple things and not even try to make them luxuries.

An example is your home seating arrangement. You truly don't need a fancy sofa or chaise lounge. But you could have soft and fluffy pillows on your simple couch, and/or a nice throw blanket. Some nice things to snuggle up with while you read a book or knit/craft on your couch. Those small touches bring it over from "simple" to luxury" without breaking the bank. But you have chosen to stay with the simple couch because you do not want to ask for help. It's not even a lot of help-- something as small as "can you look at my resume very quickly?"

I have another recent example. My friend at the last minute needed a place to store her luggage when her other plans fell through. I live on the third floor. She insisted that --
because I was letting her keep her luggage in my apartment -- she had to carry all of the luggage up to my apartment. Which I said was ridiculous. I mean, sure it would have made her feel better to carry them all but there was no need for her to do it. It was a tiny thing that she was asking and also a tiny thing to carry a duffel bag up the stairs. In contrast, when the same friend asked me to help her translate, I accepted her buying lunch for both of us.

Do you feel the difference between a small ask and one that is not so small? You can ask for the small help -- it's not much but will help you immeasurably. And your friends and family will not mind doing it, not at all.

2. Compromised
What removes the mask or "blows my cover?"

Motherly love. Hmm, I'm waiting for the message to get clearer on if this is about you and your mother (my first impulse) or about you as a mother figure. Nope, going with my first flush-- with your mother you do not have these hang-ups about asking for help. And she helps you a lot. But does she sometimes have conditions to her help? Maybe this is where you learned that other behavior from?

Or maybe accepting her help means helping her back in ways that can feel a bit uncomfortable?

The mother in the card is so full of love and warmth for the baby in her arms. I can imagine them as the people inside the house on the daytime card -- while the farmer farms, his wife and child are safely tucked up inside.

This incidentally is not true for the cards -- the people are of different social strata and the wife of the farmer would have been out in the fields too. But for you and this reading, it is meant to be the external vs internal, the public vs private spheres, you know?

Also, do you look for mothering of a sort in your romantic relationships? It's okay if so -- and knowing that will help you a lot. So perhaps admit that to yourself if it's true; fighting it makes it harder.

3. On The Run
What drives me to keep going or helps me during times of crisis?

Tavern. People and shared connection, shared good times that might just be a blip in the night but show you that good people exist and that we are all lonely in some way and need human connection. I feel like this ties into the first card because -- in your refusal to ask for help -- sometimes you let yourself be a little too much of an island, you know?

Also, this card tells me of the brief respite of play during crises -- that even when you are exhausted, sometimes you find the energy to go out and be around people (even when you want to hide) and then it can be so nourishing. There's a lot of feeling alone in these cards for me right now, and I think the message is to accept that you don't have to be so lonely. There are people around and you are good with people (despite how you doubt yourself) and a shared afternoon whiled away in "idling" can be very recharging for you.

4. Changing Identities
Who am I really?

BFFs -- you really crave that one-on-one connection. (Sidenote: a lot of people say, "doesn't everyone?" And I can tell you that in my years of counseling and coaching, no, not everyone does. Many people in fact do not want that close one-on-one and intimate connection. It is scary to them. And this is not a bad thing -- it's why we have communities and groups -- because many people want to feel part of something and do not want that intense connection one-on-one.)

You are a great BFF, though your main flaw is not letting people in enough really. You want to be the BFF but you don't let many be the BFF to you. In the other cards, there were pairs but they were offset pairs, pairs where the parties were not equals (farmer and cow, mother and child, tavern keeper and guests). But in this card, there are two BFFs walking side by side AND two cows grazing on the side of the road, also paired. Your ability to be a BFF and find your BFF (or to let your BFF in closer if that is the case) is critical to your changing identity. To you breaking away from the lopsided relationships. Embrace that dream and then make it happen. You can do it!


Like I said above, this came out as a strong message but also one that could be viewed as harsh. I'm sorry for being the messenger on this. I hope you find it beneficial to you~ :love: :heart:




Thank you for this reading and sorry for answering you a bit late. I wanted to type the feedback on my computer because it's much easier for me, but it has some problems currently. I'll try tomorrow again and if it doesn't work i'll answer you from my tablet.

For now i can reassure you about the reading, it is not so harsh, maybe a bit sad because it deals with some difficult things for me, but it is not harsh and you have delivered it with gentleness :). It is also quite accurate, you're good with these cards.
I promise i'll come back tomorrow with a real feebakc!


I think my computer is really dying so I apologize for my mistakes, i don't have any spellcheck on my tablet.

First you reading is really good and reflects some issues i have, and surprisingly not only with the first card.
Indeed it's about deep things, deeper than I expected, but I'm currently doing some inner work so the message is welcome

Hello Esk, here is your reading!

First, my apologies for the delay. I got busy over the past few days but was so happy to have a lesson cancelled so I could do it tonight. Indeed it's about deep things, deeper than I expected, but I'm currently doing some inner work so the mesage is welcome.

Second, a bit of forewarning -- the message came out strongly and clearly. But it is not the gentlest of messages so perhaps consider a bit of emotional girding before reading on. Nothing terrible coming from the spread (quite the contrary!) but it does go a bit deeper than I expected. I like to warn people of this, especially if it is my first time exchanging with them as then they are likely less used to my reading style -- which is that I lay out the cards, start typing, and then the message comes fast and furious... and my readings tend to be about core issues more often than not. (Now I wonder if I should start adding that in initial posts on reading circles LOL.)


Daytime (also year)
Motherly love
Best friends forever

1. My Cover
What persona or mask am I wearing around others?

Your cover/persona/mask is of brightness and that all is well and that you do not need any help, that you can do it all alone with the limited tools you have at your disposal. There is a feeling that you can be content with the simple things in life-- which is true (you can be content with those) but it hides the fact that you content yourself with those simpler things because you do not like to ask for help. With help, those simple things can be true luxuries -- but what you have chosen so far is to "settle" for the simple things and not even try to make them luxuries.

An example is your home seating arrangement. You truly don't need a fancy sofa or chaise lounge. But you could have soft and fluffy pillows on your simple couch, and/or a nice throw blanket. Some nice things to snuggle up with while you read a book or knit/craft on your couch. Those small touches bring it over from "simple" to luxury" without breaking the bank. But you have chosen to stay with the simple couch because you do not want to ask for help. It's not even a lot of help-- something as small as "can you look at my resume very quickly?"

I have another recent example. My friend at the last minute needed a place to store her luggage when her other plans fell through. I live on the third floor. She insisted that --
because I was letting her keep her luggage in my apartment -- she had to carry all of the luggage up to my apartment. Which I said was ridiculous. I mean, sure it would have made her feel better to carry them all but there was no need for her to do it. It was a tiny thing that she was asking and also a tiny thing to carry a duffel bag up the stairs. In contrast, when the same friend asked me to help her translate, I accepted her buying lunch for both of us.

Do you feel the difference between a small ask and one that is not so small? You can ask for the small help -- it's not much but will help you immeasurably. And your friends and family will not mind doing it, not at all.

What you say is true, but I'm surprised to see this because I didn't think it was an issue. It's true i often pretend everything is well. I don't like to show weakness and I want to appear as a strong person. I've always had difficulties asling for help it's true, i like to be able to take care of everything. And I now realise it has been restricting because for many things, even trivial things, I have refused asking things to others and I gave up what I couldn't do by myself. Now, i sometimes feel that i've learnt less than other people because instead of asking for help, i've surrendered to difficulties I couldn't handle alone. I think i've always feared to bother people, even closed ones.

2 Compromised
What removes the mask or "blows my cover?"

Motherly love. Hmm, I'm waiting for the message to get clearer on if this is about you and your mother (my first impulse) or about you as a mother figure. Nope, going with my first flush-- with your mother you do not have these hang-ups about asking for help. And she helps you a lot. But does she sometimes have conditions to her help? Maybe this is where you learned that other behavior from?

Or maybe accepting her help means helping her back in ways that can feel a bit uncomfortable?

The mother in the card is so full of love and warmth for the baby in her arms. I can imagine them as the people inside the house on the daytime card -- while the farmer farms, his wife and child are safely tucked up inside.

This incidentally is not true for the cards -- the people are of different social strata and the wife of the farmer would have been out in the fields too. But for you and this reading, it is meant to be the external vs internal, the public vs private spheres, you know?

Also, do you look for mothering of a sort in your romantic relationships? It's okay if so -- and knowing that will help you a lot. So perhaps admit that to yourself if it's true; fighting it makes it harder.
Your first assumption is right, it's about me and my mother. I don't have a child and don't want one. Funny things. The first time i began to read this part, my mother called me on the phone ;)

My relationship with my mother has been very complicated at times, with some hard conflicts, but she's always been here for me. It's true she's probably the person i am more comfortable with when i have to ask for help because she helped me a lot in the past and i know she loves me.
Maybe she has also played a role in my reluctance to ask for help (even if it's not all about her)because when I was young she appeared to me as a very very strong woman ( some people said cold) and I had a lot of admiration for her and this aspect of her personnality. She never teached me to not ask for help, quite the opposite, but i don't know, my child mind integrated this, maybe because i saw her like some kind of superwoman and i wanted to be like her.

3. On The Run
What drives me to keep going or helps me during times of crisis?

Tavern. People and shared connection, shared good times that might just be a blip in the night but show you that good people exist and that we are all lonely in some way and need human connection. I feel like this ties into the first card because -- in your refusal to ask for help -- sometimes you let yourself be a little too much of an island, you know?

Also, this card tells me of the brief respite of play during crises -- that even when you are exhausted, sometimes you find the energy to go out and be around people (even when you want to hide) and then it can be so nourishing. There's a lot of feeling alone in these cards for me right now, and I think the message is to accept that you don't have to be so lonely. There are people around and you are good with people (despite how you doubt yourself) and a shared afternoon whiled away in "idling" can be very recharging for you.

Haha, yes I can be seen as an island. I've always had struggle to socialise with people and even if i've made a lot of progress, i'm still a little introvert and shy.
The loneliness of this card is something i feel a lot. Because of my difficulties to bond with others I often feel lonely. And i feel people don't really like me, hence they'll never help me. I think i fear to ask them for help because a refusal would equal a rejection, and a proof that I'm truly alone.
But i'm releaved that you say I'm good with people. Lately I've noticed some people like to be with me, but i'm not used to it, i'm still amazed when they talk to me lol.

4. Changing Identities
Who am I really?

BFFs -- you really crave that one-on-one connection. (Sidenote: a lot of people say, "doesn't everyone?" And I can tell you that in my years of counseling and coaching, no, not everyone does. Many people in fact do not want that close one-on-one and intimate connection. It is scary to them. And this is not a bad thing -- it's why we have communities and groups -- because many people want to feel part of something and do not want that intense connection one-on-one.)

You are a great BFF, though your main flaw is not letting people in enough really. You want to be the BFF but you don't let many be the BFF to you. In the other cards, there were pairs but they were offset pairs, pairs where the parties were not equals (farmer and cow, mother and child, tavern keeper and guests). But in this card, there are two BFFs walking side by side AND two cows grazing on the side of the road, also paired. Your ability to be a BFF and find your BFF (or to let your BFF in closer if that is the case) is critical to your changing identity. To you breaking away from the lopsided relationships. Embrace that dream and then make it happen. You can do it!


Like I said above, this came out as a strong message but also one that could be viewed as harsh. I'm sorry for being the messenger on this. I hope you find it beneficial to you~ :love: :heart:

This one is sooo true. This is something i've talked with my therapist not so long ago. And they told me the same thing, that it's not something that everybody wants and needs. But on my side I crave for this kind of relationship. I feel i've met people who had the potential to be my bff. But I think it was not reciprocal. I mean, yes, we were friends (sometimes more lol), but i never was this special, unique person for someone, and actually it's the part of this reading that hurt me the most i think. Maybe, as you said, i didn't let them enter my world fully so it couldn't be equal. I hope i'll soon find this person and I'll try to be more open to them than i was before.

Thank you for this enriching reading. It was really useful and hepful. You're really a gifted reader and i'm lucky to have been paired with you this month ;)


I think my computer is really dying so I apologize for my mistakes, i don't have any spellcheck on my tablet.

It's totally fine! I didn't notice any major errors or anything to disrupt readability <3

First you reading is really good and reflects some issues i have, and surprisingly not only with the first card.

What you say is true, but I'm surprised to see this because I didn't think it was an issue. It's true i often pretend everything is well. I don't like to show weakness and I want to appear as a strong person. I've always had difficulties asling for help it's true, i like to be able to take care of everything. And I now realise it has been restricting because for many things, even trivial things, I have refused asking things to others and I gave up what I couldn't do by myself. Now, i sometimes feel that i've learnt less than other people because instead of asking for help, i've surrendered to difficulties I couldn't handle alone. I think i've always feared to bother people, even closed ones.

So my counter-feedback to your feedback is that.... I think this ties into the self-sufficiency and strength you think that your mother had. And I think that it's great that she was this way and most impressive that she raised you having her as a model (ie without putting an emotional burden on you, which sadly happens too much I'm afraid).

But I did get a very strong feeling that you refusing to ask for help restricted your growth in many ways. Because, as you said, you then had to give up what you couldn't do for yourself... and difficulties that could have been overcome through teamwork became real difficulties because you did not let your team of cheerleaders help you (even if only to tell you that you can do it... talking about problems really helps!!). A big part of the joy in life is receiving the help from others, because that cements the bonds of friendship and kinship. I will say, however, that I struggle with this too, so I super-empathize :heart:

Your first assumption is right, it's about me and my mother. I don't have a child and don't want one. Funny things. The first time i began to read this part, my mother called me on the phone ;)

My relationship with my mother has been very complicated at times, with some hard conflicts, but she's always been here for me. It's true she's probably the person i am more comfortable with when i have to ask for help because she helped me a lot in the past and i know she loves me.

Maybe she has also played a role in my reluctance to ask for help (even if it's not all about her)because when I was young she appeared to me as a very very strong woman ( some people said cold) and I had a lot of admiration for her and this aspect of her personnality. She never teached me to not ask for help, quite the opposite, but i don't know, my child mind integrated this, maybe because i saw her like some kind of superwoman and i wanted to be like her.

Yes, I understand what you mean. We can hear the words from our loved ones ("don't be afraid to ask for help") but then be caught up in the cycle of following their behaviors (because they never ask for help). And that can hurt us in the long run as we emulate the behaviors.

Haha, yes I can be seen as an island. I've always had struggle to socialise with people and even if i've made a lot of progress, i'm still a little introvert and shy.

The loneliness of this card is something i feel a lot. Because of my difficulties to bond with others I often feel lonely. And i feel people don't really like me, hence they'll never help me. I think i fear to ask them for help because a refusal would equal a rejection, and a proof that I'm truly alone.

But i'm releaved that you say I'm good with people. Lately I've noticed some people like to be with me, but i'm not used to it, i'm still amazed when they talk to me lol.

LOL I empathize with this too! I'm suchhhh an introvert. Some days I get enough people interaction from talking to folks on the internet! :p

I also understand what you mean about fearing to ask for help -- it can feel like an attack on our own personalities (I feel that way sometimes, as much as I try to fight it).

Don't overthink your anxieties, you know? I know exactly where you're coming from (I've been there) and what helped me was to just accept that "for whatever reason, X and Y think I'm worth hanging out with. I'll just keep talking like I normally do." And then that authenticity opens up to real connection (in my opinion -- remember that those who want community (but not intense one-on-one connection) will not feel the same way; they're just not wired the same way as us).

This one is sooo true. This is something i've talked with my therapist not so long ago. And they told me the same thing, that it's not something that everybody wants and needs. But on my side I crave for this kind of relationship. I feel i've met people who had the potential to be my bff. But I think it was not reciprocal. I mean, yes, we were friends (sometimes more lol), but i never was this special, unique person for someone, and actually it's the part of this reading that hurt me the most i think. Maybe, as you said, i didn't let them enter my world fully so it couldn't be equal. I hope i'll soon find this person and I'll try to be more open to them than i was before.

Thank you for this enriching reading. It was really useful and hepful. You're really a gifted reader and i'm lucky to have been paired with you this month ;)

Oh, love, I'm so sorry to have hurt you through this reading. I tried really hard to be as compassionate as I could be -- but also blunt, because when I get messages like this, I know I have to deliver the message; it's part of my duty to the universe for giving me a gift to dig deep like this. But I am sorry to hurt you with my words. Just know that I understand your perspective and validate your desires. (PM me if you want more information on this-- it relates to the three instinctual stackings, of which the desire for intense connection -- like you and I crave -- is the most rare, like only 10-15% of the population has this desire honestly.) I promise you that it's totally okay to have this desire. I hope you can open to and accept this desire earlier in your life than I did :heart: :love:

Let me know if you have any other questions~