Rosetta Tarot App Available

Babalon Jones

Late breaking news: I am super excited to report that just this afternoon, I got the notice that the Rosetta Tarot app for iPhone, iPad and iTouch came out on the app store! for you astrology buffs, later tonite I will post the chart of the launch on the blog at my website, as I think it is a super powerful and interesting chart.

I put something in the Advertising thread section that lists all of the apps features and gives a link for more info or to puchase.

I've been exploring it since I got home from work today, even though I've seen all the demos this final version has some cool additions :)

Check it out if you have any interest, and feel free to ask any questions about it.

The app developers are super cool - it has a special spell written into the programming code to link the cards to tarot archetypes for accurate readings - what other app has that?


Well, I guess that helps me decide which Tarot app to get now! I was just reading the description in the Ads section. So the entire text of the Book of Seshket comes with it or is it the LWB only? I'm getting either way, but just curious.

Babalon Jones

Hi Goldenwolf!

The entire text of the Book of Seshet is included, both as an ebook and as links to the cards. So it is a pretty good bargain!


That's fantastic :) Sounds like an excellent app... and I'm going to check it out right now. Yours is a deck that I'm coming to trust for its direct messages and I'm in some need of that sort of advice right now.

edit: just bought it, had a quick play. I like it very much. Love the spreads and the access to the full book; the journal mode looks like it'll be very helpful indeed. I've done a one-card draw and it was absolutely spot-on, as I'd expect from this deck. :thumbsup:

Babalon Jones

Thanks DaisyDragonfly!

Yeah, I am super happy with how it turned out. The developers really know their stuff, the programmer did a fantastic job and they did lots of play-testing.

And the fact that they embedded spell work in the code to link the cards to the archetypal forces just makes me happy 'cause how cool is that? :cool2:


Congratulations on the app publication Babalon :thumbsup:

I downloaded the app and its really impressive. I've tried several apps previously and not been fully happy with the functionality included in any of them, but this one ticked all my boxes. Easy way to browse the deck, cards are shown at full screen, easy access to a one card draw and also card of the day, or a variety of built in spreads or free form. Text of the companion book as well as LWB meanings accessible from each card image. Customisable background for laying out spreads, a journal and ability to save spreads in it, and can be used portrait or landscape which is very nice, and pinch to zoom in on card details. Settings to choose options like reversals, shuffling, etc.. I can't think of a function that isn't included, even beyond the things I want for myself I can't think of anything that someone else may want that is not there either.

I'm very happy with it, congrats to you and the developers.


I put something in the Advertising thread section that lists all of the apps features and gives a link for more info or to purchase.
***rushes off to the ad thread***


Grigori's done a great round-up of its features - it really is very impressive.

More than that: it's accurate. Deadly accurate. It's been fantastic for my last two daily draws (done on the tube in the morning 'cos I don't have time to do anything at home until Tuesday evening) and it's been just eerily on-point with its messages and advice.

Babalon Jones

Thanks you guys! I am glad people are appreciating all of the features. This programmer knows what he is doing! Some of the features I made sure to ask for, knowing what *I* wanted in an app and what I've heard others wish for, so very glad all that is noticed! Thank you for your comments!!

If you have questions, just PM or email me. Already one person emailed me saying "I wish the app did x" and the cool thing was, that it DOES do that, I just had to tell them how to get to that option. :cool:

(and if you haven't already, reviewing the features at the app store would help a lot!)


Congratulations on the app...I have it and it is excellent!