Round cards


I wonder if there is a post anywhere about reading with round cards? I have a deck winging it's way to me in the post and I would love to browse/start/comment on a thread about this subject. Please give me a link if you know of one or just comment about the subject - thank you


I don't know about threads, but I have a couple of round decks. Normally I don't do reversals, but round cards are unusually stubborn ... :)


I don't know about threads, but I have a couple of round decks. Normally I don't do reversals, but round cards are unusually stubborn ... :)

Hi - I don't do reversals either but the thought of round cards intrigues me. Imagine the clock face - well you get cards pointing at 12, at 3, then completely reversed at 6 then going back up the other side at 9 and all the shades in between. So you must have interpretations leaning this way or that - the whole thing seems quite exciting to me. I just hope I like the cards when they come - lol


You need to talk to Pathwalker. Round decks are her THING !


Hi flipperjane - excitement huh! What deck are you getting?

Some of my round decks just give upright meanings - Songs for the Journey Home for example, and Motherpeace - and I think you would just turn them upright as you lay them down.

Some give reversed meanings as well, but treat them as if they were rectangular cards, they're either "up" or "down".

At least one, The Star that Walks Around, talks about the "progression" of the card, talking about Moon phases and seasons.
[I could copy out that relevant section if you want]
Basically it's seen as an added element of the card, is it "coming into being" "full and happening now" "passing away" or "hibernating" all things like this.

I think you would have to look at your own cards, and what the deck creator might have written, and see what feels right for you. Do a few practise readings, and see if you feel you want to create nuances of meaning. This is a fairly unexplored area I think, so you really are free to make up what works for you. :)
you'd need to keep notes though I would think, at the beginning, whilst you and the deck images sort out what you want to say.

For myself I tend to only read upright, with the occasional "smack on the side of the head" from a reversed card that obviously wants to be noticed - these ones usually make me laugh in their directness and irony.

Do keep this thread going with how it goes for you won't you? I'd love to know what you find works well.

very best wishes

p.s I will check out the LWB with the rest of the circular decks, just in case someone had something else to say.
Not sure who else uses round decks regularly.


Daughter's of the Moon book gives us -

"...when the cards are tilted or reversed, there is extra stress connected with the situation. This is where our "work" lies, as it is a blockage to our success..."

But the cards are given only upright meanings.


The "A'HA Oracle, by the wonderful member here - Linnie - gives us:

"...Also, reversed cards do not automatically suggest an alternative or negative aspect, they may merely request a greater share of your attention..."

There are a couple of other useful comments in the book for this deck. But it begins to show us that it's how the pack speaks to you that is important, and how YOU read the tilts and reversals.
Go with the flow and see what you get!


You need to talk to Pathwalker. Round decks are her THING !
Thank you :)

Hi flipperjane - excitement huh! What deck are you getting?
impatiently waiting for Circle of Life to arrive on the door mat
Some of my round decks just give upright meanings - Songs for the Journey Home for example, and Motherpeace - and I think you would just turn them upright as you lay them down.

Some give reversed meanings as well, but treat them as if they were rectangular cards, they're either "up" or "down".
OH - I assumed they would all give nuances - learning all the time ;)
At least one, The Star that Walks Around, talks about the "progression" of the card, talking about Moon phases and seasons.
[I could copy out that relevant section if you want]
Basically it's seen as an added element of the card, is it "coming into being" "full and happening now" "passing away" or "hibernating" all things like this.

I think you would have to look at your own cards, and what the deck creator might have written, and see what feels right for you. Do a few practise readings, and see if you feel you want to create nuances of meaning. This is a fairly unexplored area I think, so you really are free to make up what works for you. :)
you'd need to keep notes though I would think, at the beginning, whilst you and the deck images sort out what you want to say.
sounds brilliant - I will definitely keep notes.
For myself I tend to only read upright, with the occasional "smack on the side of the head" from a reversed card that obviously wants to be noticed - these ones usually make me laugh in their directness and irony.

Do keep this thread going with how it goes for you won't you? I'd love to know what you find works well.
I will and your advice and feedback will be gratefully recieved
very best wishes

p.s I will check out the LWB with the rest of the circular decks, just in case someone had something else to say.
Not sure who else uses round decks regularly.

Daughter's of the Moon book gives us -

"...when the cards are tilted or reversed, there is extra stress connected with the situation. This is where our "work" lies, as it is a blockage to our success..."

But the cards are given only upright meanings.

The "A'HA Oracle, by the wonderful member here - Linnie - gives us:

"...Also, reversed cards do not automatically suggest an alternative or negative aspect, they may merely request a greater share of your attention..."

There are a couple of other useful comments in the book for this deck. But it begins to show us that it's how the pack speaks to you that is important, and how YOU read the tilts and reversals.
Go with the flow and see what you get!

Thank you SO much Pathwalker (love the name by the way) sorry about the delay in answering this thread - time differences - I just got up and rushed to the computer - now I'll go and get dressed and have a coffee and wait impatiently for the postman.
p.s. how many round decks are there out there and which ones are your favourites or you don't like at all.


Tarot of Cloisters, which is out of print and hard to find.

Circle of Life by Lo Scarabeo

Daughters of the Moon

Large and small Motherpeace

The Star that Never Walks Around

Those are the only ones I can think of offhand.


I don't have the Star deck, but I use a similar technique to the one it describes for reading Circle of Life. Picture a clock and an upright card.

6 o'clock (exactly 180 degrees upside down) - New Moon/Dark Moon/Midnight/Winter Solstice. The event or energy the card describes will not be happening, has completely finished, or has only just begun. If you think something hasn't happened yet, now is the best time to research and start planning. Complete disagreements, definite Nos.

7-8 - Waxing Crescent/Pre-Dawn/Imbolc - Small but definite beginnings. You need to give things a greater push. More work required before an idea will be picked up by someone else. Preparation for an announcement. Suggestions of creeping towards a Yes.

9 (90d counterclockwise) - First Quarter/True Dawn/Spring Equinox. Officially recognized beginnings, launch dates, renewals.

10-11 - Waxing Gibbous/Mid-Morning/Beltane. Positive reception of ideas, arguments still disagreed with but more easily swayed by positive opinions.

12 Noon (0 d upright) - Full Moon/Noon/Summer Solstice. Climax, full bloom, definite Yes, best time to act. Full support and greatest reception.

1-2 - Waning Gibbous/Mid-Afternoon/Lughnasah. Well underway. Experiences should be routine or familiar by now. Starting to lean towards disagreements. Stay the course but don't expect everything to fall exactly into place as you might wish.

3 (90d clockwise) - Last Quarter/Sunset/Autumn Equinox. Start winding things down, take stock and prepare for new projects. Divided opinions but more suggestive of No.

4-5 - Waning Crescent/Samhain/Early Night. - Time to pack up. Party's over. Winds are stilling, energy is weak. Success is unsustainable, but opportunities will come around again. Strong disagreements, Very Likely No.

With the clock system, every card has its own degree of completion regardless of its position in a spread. So the last "Outcome" card in a Celtic Cross spread doesn't necessarily make it definite or that everyone will agree to something.