rx Page of Pentacles keeps repeating itself


Ok, so I was doing readings for my two sisters - for both I did a general celtic cross reading regarding where they're at in their lives, and what are the most important underlying issues for them to learn from at the moment.

For my first sister, Liberty, her current situation showed up as a 2oP, and for the "hidden factors" position she had a Page of pentacles, reversed. I am using the Cat People deck, and in particular, for this Page card, I was drawn to the warm colored cat sitting above her and the cool colored cat sitting below her, and the circle or flow between those cats that surround the Page as she reads in her book. The card baffled me.

Then, after I finished her reading I cleared the cards and moved on to read for my sister, Crystal. Crystal's current situation card was the 4oP, and she too had the Page of pentacles in the hidden factors position, reversed.

So my conclusion was that the two of them share a common resource in their lives for a balanced flow of learning and financial abundance - and that they have judgments or resistances to whatever this young, smart resource is. (I generally read reversals as a resistance or avoidance to the card's upright meaning). I told them to keep their eyes and ears open about it and to share with each other their conclusions.

Then today Crystal and I did a reading for how we could progress with the center that the three of us own together. In the "past" position, was the reversed Page of pentacles.

Following that reading, Crystal asked me to read how she could best show up for Liberty and serve her as a sister and friend. As she shuffled the cards, the Page of pentacles jumped out of the deck.

So this dear Page is getting aggressive enough for me that I feel I'm missing the mark! Whatever I may be reading this card to mean, she has something more to say. Can you share with me something more about how this card has shown up in the past for you, or what she's trying to say now to me and my sisters?



When a card is a JUMPER, it's seen as a nudge to pay attention to it ,It's a common theme throughout your readings ,Pay attention to the finances,there's a problem there and its not pleasant, beware of ex's.


The Page pents Rx it could indicate unseen financial problems ahead, or perhaps it could indicate that they are ignoring some vital piece of information that will afect the stability of the business as well as their lives.


a friend has had a flash , it's being posted here as it feels appropriate, EMBEZZLEMENT OF FUNDS. Consider managed investments that are handled by another party.

The crowned one

Someone is keeping something from them.


Ok good. In my recent studies too, I've been seeing this particular page as being studious - I kind of see her as the youthful energy that's more excited to read about chemistry than going out to the movies; she's fulfilled through understanding and mastering things.

Also the card meanings on this website talk about the page representing a practical hard-worker - wise with money, and eager to experience some degrees of accomplishment.

So now as I look at her reversed, and I'm brought back to how I was initially drawn to the theme of balance and flow in the card (the Thoth deck also shows her with a yin-yang), my instincts tell me that there's been a spirit of imprudence, perhaps laziness, avoidance or self-doubt, that has created a vulnerability or lost opportunities - maybe a tainting of opportunities.

This would support the instincts you've all had of embezzlement, fraud, financial messes, etc. I think her message relates to the disease that is causing these symptoms.

Ok I feel like I'm getting somewhere with her - yahoo but I'm not sure how excited they'll be :S


don't discount theft by another party.


Ok, theft by another party (re-pete-a), someone's keeping something from them (crowned one), embezzlement (re-pete-a), financial problems (willowfox)...

I've heard it said, "by the mouth of three witnesses you shall know the truth of all things." Sounds like between your three hits on the card, I'll need to reinterate this message to them.

Thanks again :)


embezzlement came from another party that was present here at posting time.It does widen the possible fields of enquiry


Hi xhollysue, I read this topic earlier this morning and your Page Pentacles rx has been on my mind ever since.
I don't have the particular deck you used, so my thoughts concerning this Page are what you might call a generic amalgamation, where all that I have learnt of her/him from various of my decks roll into one general overview.
I hope you don't mind me offering you some of the thoughts it has given me.

You said in your opening post that you'd done a general reading for each of your sisters in which each drew a Pentacles card reflective of their current situations, and then both drew this reversed Page elsewhere in their spreads in the 'hidden factors' position.
You then go on to say that you did another reading some days later to determine how you might progress the business that the three of you share.

While I agree with the suggestions that you've received in regard to giving greater attention to the management of your fiscal position, making sure that your money is safe and where it should be, which your 2 and 4 Pentacles may have been giving a clue to in their positions, I can't help but think that perhaps the Page reversed is encouraging both your sisters, and yourself, to look at where you might invest more of yourselves in your business.
Are you doing all that you physically can to 'grow' your business, to aid its progression to greater success and stability?
Are you each reluctant to invest futher funds into it?
Are you all giving of your greatest individual effort to ensure its growth and progress?
Do you all see it growing/progressing in the same way?
Do you each have different ideas of what might be required to further such growth/progress?
Are the rewards you expect to receive from your business equal to or greater than the efforts you are prepared to make to achieve those goals?
Are you worried that you have invested more in establishing your business than it can realistically return to you in profit and growth?
I'm divided on whether or not this Page is referring to monetary/financial resources or your own physical resources of sweat, time and effort.
Perhaps more of the latter could negate the need for the forementioned.

I should also clarify that when I read I always look at the interrelationship of cards within a spread, so my thoughts here on the Page's meaning are heavily influenced by both the 2 and 4 of Pentacles you mentioned.

I hope I haven't clouded the issue further for you, but as I said, after reading this earlier that pesky Page has niggled my mind till now. Perhaps spurred by the fact that I drew her myself just the other week and given the time she needed to bring home her message it was greater physical effort required of me to secure and stabilise my financial/physical/material position that she had been indicating.