Sabian Symbols Study Group: Aries Degree 10 - #10


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill.

Sun Sign: ARIES
Degree: 10
Number: 10



Sometimes I like the very 'obvious' Symbols LOL!!

I like the saying 'What is old is new again' with this Symbol.

Keywords: Linda Hills Commentary from the book Sabian Symbols as an Oracle:A Teacher gives new symbolic Forms to traditional Images' shows someone who can take a thing or a situation and transform and update it. The Traditional Images can be ideas, objects, icons, beliefs, things we are familiar with. It indicates a need for a fresh and revitalized perspective on things.

As an Oracle, the Symbol speaks of 'updating' and a 'fresh modern perspective'. A new understanding and reworking the traditional.

Mainly this has come up with communication, creative ideas, religion and old scriptures, ways of thinking, revelations and inspiration.


Other related Symbols for Aries degree 10.

The Symbol before this one (Karmic Influence) is:
Aries 9: A Seer Gazes Intently into a crystal Ball Before Him.

and the Symbol following it (Quest) is:
Aries 11: The President of the Republic , or The Ruler of Ones Country.

The Symbol opposite this (opposing influence) is:
Libra 10: A Canoe is Approaching Safety Through Dangerous Waters.

The 4 Symbols in tension with Aries 10 is:

Cancer degree 10:
A Large Diamond in the First Stages of the Cutting Process.

Libra degree 10:
A Canoe is Approaching Safety Through Dangerous Waters.

Capricorn degree 10:
An Albatross Feeding from the Hand of a Sailor.


Symbols which are 60 degree apart from Aries 10 are:

Gemini degree 10:
An Airplane Dives Toward the Earth as Though Falling.

Leo degree 10:
Early Morning Dew Salutes The Sunlight.

Libra degree 10:
A Canoe is Approaching Safety Through Dangerous Waters.

Sagittarius degree 10:
A Theatrical Representation of a Golden Haired "Goddess of Opportunity"

Aquarius dgree 10:
A Man Who Had For a Time Become the Embodiment of An Ideal is Made to Realize that as a Person he is not This Ideal.


The 5 Pointed Star - Symbols which are 72 degree apart from Aries 10 are:

Gemini degree 22:
Dancing Couples Crowd the Barn in Harvest festival.

Virgo degree 4:
Black and White Children Playing Together

Scorpio degree 16:
A Girls face Breaking Into a Smile.

Capricorn 28:
A Large Aviary


Elven x


Another lovely symbol, but many people who I know who have this in their chart have very highly developed mathematical skills, they use maths and physics to 'map' very alchemical I think.. so Dr Jones's key work - INTERPRETATION is VERY APT for my experience...

When I pull this for an oracle reading I usually have to 'use my imagination' to find the answer to my question, its like you KNOW the answer and a wink message.

I think Jung, Myss and Virtue - spiritualist/psychologists 'DO' this symbol...



Part of Body: Eyeball FROM SOLARFIRE


I also see Lynda Hill, and those who work with the Symbols in this manner.

Whether its a leap in their evolution or just something simple which is added - the Symbols are moving (evolving), and there are those like Lynda - taking them to different levels of expression. I see this growth - just by comparing the first book and deck that Lynda produced and printed herself, to what is in the pipeline now with the Symbols from her. They have expanded without loosing any of their core substance - and are easier to read and to 'see'. They are applicable in a changing world - where I sometimes wonder if anything has changed at all ;)

Elven x


Element Fossil
Discussion: The term fossils means "having been dug up". They are the preserved reamins or traces of ancient animals, plants and algae. They are always found in sedimetary rocks, and the study of the fossil record is called paleontology, and is the study and interpretation of developing life on earth. Spiritually fossils help achieve greatness in business and they add motivation to attain a standard of excellence in all areas of life. Fossils are indeed patterns in rock tempting us to interpret their shape and meaning.
Look, spirit, energy, name, mode of expression - evolving... symbols to be interpreted..


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Some more random musings :)

Aries fire, Wheel of Fortune and air ..... the wheel turns, like a wind turbine ...... creating movement and energy .... which in turn feeds the fire, more motivation, stretching, learning ...... growing.

10, the number of endings .. fulfilment ... cycles are completed .... change abounds.

Teacher ... an educator, one who has knowledge, passing it onto others ..... a guide, adviser, helper.

A meshing of the old and new, updating .... *modernising* ... reaching across time to promote understanding ...... helping to bring clarity in ..... to make sense of that which at first baffles us.

Symbolism, shapes, esoteric knowledge ..... thought of geometry and algebra ... mathematics .... science .... using the eyes again to see and to promote *seeing* .... within the mind's eye. Would be interesting to see if there is a direct correlation between the eyeball and the body part of Aries 1 ...... as in straight through and not travelling through anything else (my biology knowledge is non-existent) - since 10 reduces to (Aries) 1 ;)

A fossil ...... history .... also seeing the *progress* .. like the advancement of species, archeology ...... especially when you think of where we come from ... Aries 1 again LOL .... that movement from water to land ... and so forth.... until each cycle reaches it end, and starts anew someplace else. How what we experience becomes embedded within us .... what we use to grow from .... to respond and react to automatically .... all scrunched down and squished up to make a compact small nugget!

PS ..... looking at the title I automatically thought of a masculine energy here ...... and then see your pic is feminine ...... a kick for me somehow I think ..... something I'm not yet seeing .... or perhaps an automatic response of mine to the word *teacher* LOL ...... love the symbols here ..... balance with the ying and yang, clarity and hope with the sun and star .... and spiritual needs with the Star of David? The dress looks to be old-fashioned ..... yet the feeling is of modern day .... feels that as she is in the shadows she is the driver behind the message ..... which then gives rise to the thought *getting the message through is more important than the messenger* ..... perhaps another reference to the whole, the one?


hi huredriel,

hmm, masculine energy! Funny, I guess it depends on what type of teacher you are thinking about. Just thinking about education in Australia.....teaching at the lower grade levels is predominantly a female thing. You don't see many young male teachers and the older ones are usually in positions of Principal (Head of School) etc.

I think at the High School (secondary) level there are more male teachers than in the lower grade levels, but I believe they still are fewer than female teachers.

And in tertiary education (at trade schools) the staff gender balance is probably 50/50 (as the males dominant teaching in the trade areas).

I remember when my own two children were in child-care (before they started school) there was one male child-care worker. He was in his early twenties and the kids loved him because he'd rough and tumbled with him, and he would give them piggy backs - was a bit like having a bigger kid play with you. He was in such hot demand in that field, that he was poached to a bigger organisation where he was offered mega bucks. That was about 8 years ago and I have no idea what he is doing now. Wondered if it would be a short-term thing.

That "my" teacher is wearing an old-fashioned dress to me symbolises that the symbols she is putting a new spin on, are themsElves very old and will stand the test of time.

I can almost visualise the teacher in my image, if it was an animation, morphing from that old-fashioned lady, to a younger, fresher girl.

with love


LOL, I think most of my school teachers were blokes, that's probably why :D