Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 12 - #102


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 12
Number: 102



Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Materialization

Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Greater curvature of stomach

Crystal Element: Chinese Writing Stone -- It is also called Porphory. It received the name Chinese Writing Rock or Stone because of the crystalline structure resembling the Chinese characters of the written language.

I see doreen virtues crystal children in this symbol, and actually every new born baby, every new soul has this potential they all glow and shine and are straight from the divine, but often parents dont see it, they are caught up in their own world and neglect to feed this spiritual gift in the child, they bring the child 'down' into their world - physicality and mundane.
Oh that was a little negative eh...
this is a lovely symbol - of home and of manifestation.. the child can be an idea or dream as well - lets fulfil those dreams by first having the courage to imagine them



Hi Marina,

We both have similar thoughts on this symbol.

When I first thought of this symbol, my mind went immediately to the thousand petal lotus in full bloom surrounded by an array of swirling colors. Its petals gently embracing, nuturing and holding the miracle of life!

This is an incredible picture by Alex Grey, of a mother nursing her child.

We celebrated my daughter’s birthday this weekend, and this symbol took me back to when she was but a babe in my arms. She was so helpless, so delicate, so small, so priceless.

I was blessed with three beautiful children which were given to me to care for, nurture, protect and teach. Each one of them is a unique little being filled with hopes, visions, self belief and an awesome power of being able to create anything imaginable. At individual stages of their development they tested and keep testing and pushing through their limits, gaining a higher vibration, a higher awareness each time. Each one is a reincarnation of a great teacher, whose work is revealed to them a little at a time. Each is a clairvoyant and skilled in magic, but this skill as a human is still in training.

Anything we create, bring into being should be treated as if it were a child. After all, we are responsible for its development, its well-being and its growth. And in that development we might have to learn a trade, back to school, to make a project happen, then so be it! Go back to school. We have to learn and learn well what we want to become.

Yes, there will be times we will find the learning, the study, the discipline to be a waste of time. But everything we feed ourselves, also feeds our creation. All the nurturing, feeding and caring that makes up our manifestation will come together. It’s just that our egos don’t understand that we will be put to the task each time of taking care of our responsibilities. A task that brings the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional together.



Hmm, I just thought of something. A fetus in a Mother's womb is fed and nourished by the umbilical cord. Mother also represents the earth, nature. After a child is born, although the umblicial cord is cut, we are still energetically connected to the earth, that nourishes us with food and the elements.

Perhaps the symbolism of a Chinese woman is because their diet consists of whole grains, salad and fresh vegetables. They also eat fresh fish and chicken. Our foods contain a lot of perservatives and chemical additives. In North America, we eat a lot of hard to digest foods!

We can never be separated from Mother nature, if we did we would surely die. She is alive and in our day to day struggles to survive we forget She is always there at our beck and call. She is a fertile garden of creative power, especially under the influence of the Moon! Have we forgotten the Moon influences the rhythms of Earth, the tides, the blood in our bodies?

Does this make any sense to you?



Yes Tink - it makes sense,
if we are manifesting - we need a good source of energy and we need to keep intentions UP, your food exploration is RIGHT ON!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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