Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 17 - #77


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 17
Number: 77



Head or mind?

Interesting symbol - change of views.

In youth we think we're invincible, robust, nothing can go wrong except for the occasional scabbed knee. The first heartbreak comes as a huge surprise...

... and gradually we find out we're not as invincible. Gradually, our way of thinking changes and suddenly we find we have become adults. Mature? hm, that's a different question, that's when we find out that we don't react as impulsively any more ;)

In this symbol, the change happens suddenly, not gradually. This head has gone through something that made him skip all the "gradually" and he finds himself mature all of a sudden. Thus, I'd call this a wake-up call ;) something intense, unusual. Makes not only the thinking process change but also the external appearances - remember, the symbol says "head" - not "thoughts" or "mind"...

Something happens that makes us think and look different - the look can be in the eyes, or did it make our hair turn grey? The realisation that we're not unbrekable and invincible comes suddenly, and it manifests not only in out thoughts but also in our looks.

The change od point of view comes radically, and it will leave us a stranger to those who used to know us. Suddenly, they don't recognize us any more, they see familiar traits but don't find the old patterns any more.

This symbol might symbolise (ack, awful english lol) the change of view of the others - not only our inner change. It might talk about how others see us differently all of a sudden...


Dr Jones - Key Word Development

Jane Patrick-ridder body part from her book - First rib

Element Banded Amethyst
Discussion Chevron also known as Banded Amethyst
Chevron amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of amethyst. Together these minerals create the chevron amethyst, which enhances peace of mind, relaxation and self-discovery. Chevron amethyst brings courage and inner strength. The stone lessens any resistance to helping oneself, particularly as concerns self-awareness. Chevron amethyst is associated with the third eye (brow) or crown chakra. This element, has 2 aspects - like the symbol

This symbol reminds me of hte yogi - the wise old man, that part in the bible where they say only children can pass through the eye of the needle, all that about innocence and purity being at the same point on the circle as the true spiritual awareness, that we develop finding all these layers, levels of evolution when we think we just made it - we are back again redefining what we want and were we go....

Its a great symbol as an oracle, an evolution of ideas, and the people I know with this symbol are very cluey people!



Robust: healthy, hardy, athletic, strong, bold, enthusiastic….

I’m sure this robust youth has trained in either the martial arts like Kung Fu or tae kwon do. Mastering this discipline has changed his eyes, his look more vital, more rugged and alive. This is possibly a moment he’s been waiting for…to demonstrate his abilities of an ancient ritual technique. The very thought makes his heart pound…he is about to enter the mystic realm …a rare world in a meditative state it is a cave containing old prophecies….it is the Akashic records.

Through his trainings he has learnt he is but a single entity in the stream of life, part of a wave…part of the wheel of life. He remember’s his teacher’s words clearly. To arouse the sleeping giant within one must discover one’s own truth, one’s own diversity …an intimate mixture of elements Within the Self.!

Now was his chance – as he breathed deeply in and out his awareness started moving to a new, higher level, it waslike a giant unfolding within him.

When my son was 11, he was attacked and beaten by a gang of kids near his school. He hadn’t had his growth spurt yet….and he wore braces. After the attack, he withdrew from life, using different excuses and reasons not to enjoy his youth, his life.

Encouraging him into martial arts was the best thing I could have ever done…it gave him an opportunity, a reason and a focus on doing something for himself. He had more strength, more energy, coupled with character and confidence. He discovered his true potential…he gained control of his body and control of his life. Barriers were broken…others were attracted to him…he was filled with self-confidence, self-respect and empowerment. He wasn’t only creating a better body, he was creating a better life for himself and for others.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

Ohh I have a totally different view of this symbol now purple_scorp!

What I see here is a mind that had trapped itself into a narrow vision now has searched and sweeped through different ideas and has been aroused and found a brilliant solution to a long-standing predicament!

tink :love:


Hey tink,

this is one of my favourite cards. I deliberately searched for two very similar poses, and a photo of a younger boy that could quite conceivably be the older man. I was thinking evolution, growth, maturity etc when I created this card. I see that even when a boy grows up to be a man.....inside, he is still that boy with the same ideas, hopes, and dreams.

with love


purple_scorp said:
Hey tink,

this is one of my favourite cards. I deliberately searched for two very similar poses, and a photo of a younger boy that could quite conceivably be the older man. I was thinking evolution, growth, maturity etc when I created this card. I see that even when a boy grows up to be a man.....inside, he is still that boy with the same ideas, hopes, and dreams.

with love

And again purple_scorp you have given me a new twist a new perspective for this symbol.

tink :love: