Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 25 - #85


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 25
Number: 85



Oh, this image brings sunny climate to my mind, where palm trees grow, and a longing to be there...

There are no palm trees in nature where I live, and the few we have are potted plants or growing in conservatories.

But the symbol talks about a gardener - so chances are this tree is not necessarily in its natural environment. It's more likely in a park, maybe in a climate where it still can survive but is not 100% ideal.

It does not talk about the people climbing up to get the sap, like on the Canary islands, to make a yummy syrup. It does not talk about harvesting dates or coconuts.

This tree, grown large because it has been taken good care of over a long time, is there purely for decoration, for the joy of the heart and the soul.

Palm trees, I think, don't grow fast, so it must be an old tree if it is large, and the gardener makes sure it stays healthy.

It is a symbol of love and caring for this tree, without having the intention of taking advantage of it, using it, for any other goal than enjoying its beauty.

Unconditional love?


Dr Jones - Key Word Enhancement
Body Point Radius
Element Fossil Palm/fern Fossilised Fern

Well I have lived in the tropics and I can tell you everything grows fast there, BIG palms of course take a while, but even the not so big ones shed leaves..... lots and lots of leaves, its a lot of work in the garden to keep it looking nice... also maintaining the health of the palms too.
After a cyclone - hurricane this symbol FEELS right everyone is OUTSIDE cleaning up.... fixing, repairing, healing, ehnancing their own personal space, but also creating a harmonous - sacred space to live...



The palm tree has been known as a symbol of rest, respite and hospitality in many Middle Eastern cultures.
“In Ancient Egypt, the palm tree was sacred to the god Heh, god of infinity, and the phoenix set itself afire on a pyre of palm leaves The palm tree was considered in Biblical times as a princely tree and was used as a symbol of victory and well-being and also as temple decoration. Palm trees were used in the carved decorations of the temple, usually associated with Cherubims, lions, and open flowers. The palm tree was considered holy in Babylon and later was sacred to the Greek god Apollo. The palm found another meaning; The oasis of the desert was a welcome stop for both camel and traveler who first sighted the waving palm tops in the distance. Psalms provided food and shade; the oasis, water. So palm branches become the symbol of welcome, public homage, and journey's end.”
You can read the rest of the story here
The palm tree is a sign that indicates a willingness to cooperate but not dictate, converse but not groupthink, argue but not hate.
The foliage of Palm trees from my knowledge is all on top of the tree. Some have said the Palm tree has been known as the Tree of Knowledge. Running with this idea, I see the leaves of the Palm tree as our constant search for information and knowledge. And at times we can be under great stress and worry when matters seem to be beyond your comprehension.

We can suffer from excruciating headaches, which are the result of the sheer pressure that comes from thinking so hard about things for which we cannot find an acceptable answer, or from having to endure environments, people, or situations which go against our own philosophies and independent ideas. When this happens we will come to a point where we realize we must trim old thoughts and idealistic views so we can expand out and be open to the many perceptions of our world.



Part of Body: Radius

Ohh I just had to do this one!

The ulna and the radius are the two bones in the forearm. The ulna connects with the humerus and radius which allows the palm of the hand to face upward or downward.

That's so interesting!!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

Ohh, purple_scorp! I didn't realize palm trees were so tall! With my fear of heights you wouldn't catch me up there. In the beginning it would take a lot of courage and determination to climb these trees, especially with no safety net below, eek!

I'm going to share my first thoughts that jumped out at me when I first looked at this picture. I saw a headstrong man who has often rushed into action in a moment of heightened passion!

First of all I get a sense this person has a higher calling....and honors and cultivates the path they are on at the moment. He's aware of his special talents. He grows strong in solitude.


This guy looks like he climbs up and down these trees all the time. I bet he entertains the tourists alot! He's quite a star in that area! But I think deep down inside this person has incredible problem-solving abilities. Perhaps a little impatient, because of his take charge attitude but hey this guy can quickly leap to the top! He climbs that tree like a monkey.

I think he can do this because he constantly clears away any dead leaves or debris that inflicts many of our minds. Palm trees are ancient....they represent the history of our planet and perhaps they represent a persons history and probably family too. It is our memories that keeps the dead alive. When our thoughts start to rule our lives, we need to climb our tree 'alone' in solitude and let go of all thoughts and be still and relax. The trunk of palm trees must be strong to withstand the high winds and hurricanes. I wonder if they could also stand for focus, strength and integrity?!

Ohh one more thought....this person could also be developing and cultivating their spritual development. This guy is always learning something new. Phew! There's a lot to see in this picture!

tink :love: