Sabian Symbols Study Group: Taurus Degree 26 - #56


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: TAURUS
Degree: 26
Number: 56



Dr Jones has the Key Word Constancy

Solar fire the body part Nasal bones (When the tone conceived in the brain is correctly emitted from the throat and guided into the nasal bridge, it makes all these bones resound and gives to the original tone by its over and under tones forming a kind of accord, warmth, mellowness, fullness and strength. It must be well comprehended that I am speaking of the nasal bones...

Element Rubellite
Discussion Rubellite is a pink tourmaline. Spiritually it strenghtens love, passion, emotional balance and devotion.

A wonderfully passionate symbol - sustained harmony notes vibration skill pleasure. An expression of love, care, interest and intention! A very throat chakra-heart chakra connection.
I see the colours the two wear in their clothes, the stars at night, the wafts of spanish food aroma coffee and of course the feeling there are only two people in the whole world! An instrument? a guitar...


Wow! MCsea, that's fantastic information on the nasal bones!

MCsea said:
Solar fire the body part Nasal bones (When the tone conceived in the brain is correctly emitted from the throat and guided into the nasal bridge, it makes all these bones resound and gives to the original tone by its over and under tones forming a kind of accord, warmth, mellowness, fullness and strength. It must be well comprehended that I am speaking of the nasal bones...

I'm not sure about anyone else here but occasionally I'm called on to do my daughter's homework - yes I said do! One such work was Romeo and Juliette!

The balcony scene to me was incredibly intense, passionate, sexual, desirous and explosive.

To be serendated, (yes I am a romantic) oh, I can feel the music, the song, flowng in my head. I can see within a flowing pattern, as though the words were waves passing through me, vibrating within my head then my breast, my belly, to my toes and fingertips and back, and I revelle in the sensation, on the physical pleasure the song brings.

This is when our eyes are open, our ears can hear and two hearts beat as one, bathing in the rapture of the symphonic energy of Love.

When a note is sounded, it resonates and reverberates, attracting answers to our harmonic or dis-harmonic sound. But when we strike our true note, the Song of Myself, we attract synchronicities and a web of emotional intrigue towards us. We attract, family, friends, companions and a group of kindred souls.




I was driving home today, when some music from GREASE the movie you know John Travolata came on, and it reminded me of a modern day Taurus 26!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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