Sabian Symbols Study Group: Virgo 13 - #163


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: VIRGO
Degree: 13
Number: 163



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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In my interpretation, I combined this symbol and purple_scorp's picture together.

Hmm, this person could be a great communicator, who always has something stimulating to say in any type of gathering. This definitely could have a significant hold over people. And to do it, he’s had to detach and alienate himself from the upsetting crowd. Either he commits himself completely to this task or maybe he shouldn’t do this at all. Knowledge and wisdom will be on his side, provided he is prepared to look at the reality of the situation squarely in the eye. A pretty tall order for a politician wouldn’t you say? If he’s good, the crowd will be forced to give him the benefit of doubt. It’s like a poker game, we can call a bluff….but we better be sure we’re conscious of everything we said. There could be repercussions later. In fact they could get downright ugly.

This symbol is not one of surrender or retreat……what we need to find is a sedative really quick to calm these ‘panic attacks’. The hysteria could be caused from a sense of hopelessness, anger or from the people feeling disconnected from their source. I can imagine how hard it must be to struggle against something that seems much bigger than ourselves.

I’m sure this person has profound insights but his advice to these people needs to be very down to earth and definitely on a practical nature or he’ll have a heck of time holding them back.

I wonder if there were early warning signs that this could happen but they were either ignored or perceived as childish or irrational…..or considered a distraction. It takes skill to master the spiritual lesson of being our highest self in times of stress and alienation. It creates within us a personal power that can take us to new heights of accomplishment that came from deep within the earth and the spiritual realm.

tink :love:


Hey tink,

when I chose this image, I wondered.....who created the hysteria? Was it the same Statesman that had to calm them down, or was the Statesman calming them down as the result of somebody else or thing?

with love


Finally what I see as a typical virgo symbol - details, deadlines, structure and then the destruction that follows..

Virgo 13
Birthdays: September 4th–6th
Numerology: 163
Sabian Symbol: A strong hand supplanting political hysteria
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Power
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Hepatic arteries
Crystal Element: Epidote
Expression: Epidote is a green-black metamorphic silicate mineral. Epidote is used in directing personal power by actively influencing external events.
Message: High self-esteem and confidence in personal skills supersede fear.
Sun Focus: Your personal power is on show; you have the ability to resolve situations through prudent manipulations.
Affirmation: I choose to influence others, campaigning for positive change.