Sacred Path Reading for Fae13th

Ruby Red Slippers

I'd like to know how to find my passion, how to not feel so numb most of the time...or what causes this numbness and where I got it.


I used a made-up spread, using the Sacred Path Oracle. I know you have this deck, and it would be good for you to lay out these cards and take in the visual effect.


Steps to get from Source to Passion

…..Source of Numbness…….

Source of Numbness – Great Mystery – Original Source
How’s that for an opening card??
We are free-willed and co-creator with the Source for all we choose to experience in life. The buck stops here! We are totally responsible for all our joys and all of our pains. So whatever your “muck” is, take the time/ritual, whatever is needed to empty it out of you. For it is only in the “emptying out” that we can be re-filled with Beauty, Joy and the “Spark” of “Life-Source”.
Ask your Higher Self to come and sit with you for an hour. Empty your mind, through 4 deep breaths, breathing in the Light of Love and out the darkness that has taken up residence.
Write down all the funcky monkey stuff that is hanging around your psyche. Now turn the page and write down all the things you are grateful for.
My Guides tell me this will be an easy exercise for you, just let all of this flow through the pen….
Turn the page from the grateful page and LISTEN – The Original Source shows us the mystery from within. So write whatever you hear, no filter through the ego or left-brain! It contains all the answers we need to find along the way. Beauty is experiencing life without having to control the outcome along the way!

Your Passion – Hour of Power
Your Passion rests in the Celebration of You. The New and improved you that is now connected with the Original Source! The You that feels powerful, happy courageous, ready to meet life full of vitality, using your talents to connect with ALL life forms, feeling balanced in who you are.
Once you have re-connected to your own life force, you will be charged by all of the life forces around you as you feel the tentacle of energy from you to them and them to you. You will feel refreshed and happy knowing there is a constant interconnection of energy flow, you are helping fuel for other life-forces and them beaming to you energy from themselves. Could anything be better than a symbiotic relationship like this?
I am guided to tell you that you need to get out in nature and take “Medicine Walks”. It is where the exchange can happen; it will be your reconnection to the beauty of Mother Earth – Gia, that this will all happen. While there stretch your body, stretch your arms to the heavens and bend over to touch the earth. Ask the rocks, the dirt the wind to hear you. Hug a tree and ask it to take your cares and woes through its’ roots to the center of the earth. Then SING, yes, I said SING…this will waken up your charkas and nature will love to hear you experiencing the joy coming from inside of you!!!! It doesn’t matter what song…. just SING! It can be the most healing exercise on the planet.
This will be your ritual of JOY! It will nourish you, maintain you and allow you to exist in a stress-full environment without absorbing the negative energy.
Practice often and consistently for maximum happiness!

The “Step cards” in between were – Heyokah – Dreamtime & Kokpelli

The Heyokah is the comedian of the Sacred Path, the clown, so to speak. He reminds you that humor is excellent therapy as well. Try laughing at least once every hour for a day or two and notice the palpable relaxation that occurs. Once you know this, make laughter therapy part of your everyday life. It is especially helpful, to make laughter your first reaction to EVERYTHING, even serious things. It relieves tension, exchanges the breath of life lightly and keeps the lightness of your “Higher Self” close at hand!

The Dreamtime card reminds you that you are always getting messages of love, joy & connection through the night, whether you dream or not or remember them or not. This is the silver cord connection to you from the Original Source. My Guides tell me to remind you that this is the card of Unlimited Vision, if you dream it, it can be yours. Put the dream out there and by not becoming attached to the outcome, it can develop it ways better than you could have planned/controlled. Somehow I get the feeling that you had given up on your dreams. Did someone succor punch you along the way? Well, Re-inflate that part, punch out the spot and fill it with dreams of the “feeling kind”. In other words, tell your “Higher self” how you want to “feel” through an event, such as I want to feel the relaxation and pure sensual joy of slipping into a hot bath, sinking into the warm waters and smelling the lavender fill my nose and the relaxation course through my body, Experiencing the “whole of me” and my connection to everything, the tub, the scents, my heartbeat, my breathing….you get the idea. Attach yourself to the “feelings” of the dream rather than the “how of the manifestation”.

The Kokopelli, reminds you “Music is the voice of the soul” – Play it often, upbeat, sing, hum, the music of your uniqueness is inside and the only way to get it out is through music. Fill your home, your head, your body with the vibration, it will help you to pick up on the vibration of connectedness to Mother Earth.

Thank you for allowing me to do this reading for you. You are my first with these cards and they sing a beautiful song to me as I write to you. We are all connected to Mother Earth and it is through this connection we are enabled to free all from pain and suffering. It is through the music of joyful connection of all two-leggeds that we will re-connected to the flora and fauna of the earth and the connection will allow us to join the music of the Universe. Listen, can you hear the song of others joining in……

Ruby Red Slippers


Oh, Ruby Red....what a beautiful reading :)
I came home last night from a beach trip, and I always feel reconnected after floating in the ocean for a few days. Then I found your reading, and immediately made plans to go to the river, and take the kids and dog for a long walk this afternoon.

I am going to lay the cards you drew out, since it's been years since I've read with them, and post my thoughts later.


Ruby Red ~

I've read this gorgeous message of yours many times over the past few weeks, and it has helped with a big decision.

I've completed my application to an online college, and will be speaking with my admissions assistant on Monday!!

I'll be getting a certificate or degree (depending on the course I pick) in either naturopathy or aromatherapy. Something I've dabbled in over the years and have been told that I had a gift, but chose to ignore and doubt myself.

Last night I sat in my hot-tub on the deck, while it rained on me and the wind blew and way out in the distance, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. And I finally felt ready to do this.

Thanks for helping me see the way!!! (((((hugs)))))