Satanic Bible


I am also interested in buying and reading Anton leVay's 'Satanic Bible' as I'm curious to find out if it is as at all as evil as people tend to think or just a book that has some good ideas or views on living life. Any comments or advice kindly welcomed. I read somewhere where it stated that the 'Satanic Bible is a handbook of positve ideals for creative and non'conformist individuals and has nothing to do with Satan as such' The book is supposedly a satirical mockery of Christianity'...


Anton LaVey's Satanism isn't about worshipping the devil or anything... Basically, the Satanic Bible is a handbook about how to have a good life, get what you want, self-gratification, etc... If I'm not mistaken, I believe it includes self-gratification magick somewhere....

Hope that helped. (It probably didn't) Enjoy the book though!



I read it years ago when it first came out. No, it's not going to be what you think and a lot of it seems to make perfect sense from your basic human self-serving point of veiw. It makes sense because it's based on the foundation of self gratification that most people use as their everyday approach to life.

Sure, it's interesting reading if you want a diversion but it probably won't help you to develop as a spiritual being or aid you on your spiritual path.

If your main goal in life is getting what you want and serving your ego it'll be a good read. If your more conserned with your growth as an indivdual you might get just as much from reading Martha Stewart.


martha stewart LOL


16 Mar 2002 world reference there...Who is Martha Stewart?...

17 Mar 2002

She is the queen of consumerism, the princess of etiquette, and the high priestess of the excessive do-it-yourself d?cor.

I have long suspected she is the Devil.

Aside from that, I have always admired her canap?s.

17 Mar 2002

Shoulder pads and mousse-abuse?...

17 Mar 2002

No, more like, do it yourself interior design and cooking. She is the American gospel to some on how to live and entertain elegantly. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself. I have to admit that I find some of her ideas and especially her recipes exquisite.

She has become quite wealthy promoting herself as THE consultant to domestic perfection. Once again there is nothing wrong with that. She appeals to the human part of all of us that wants to be elegant, entertaining, and able to surpass the Jones? in style.

No, I don?t really think she is the Devil but then I have always been a defender of the devil, it makes for good conversation. She is a creative, talented person who excels at self promotion and has created a whole following of clones as a result. The problem, as I see it, is not Martha herself but from those who buy into her hype, those who feel somehow devalued because they are unable to measure up to Stewarts benchmark of excellence.

I?ve actually met these people in my professional career (I?m sure you have too). It?s important that the towels match and the yard is a perfect mat of green. To them joy is had strictly from the material world and what they can obtain.

This brings us back to the mater of Anton LeVey and the Satanic Bible. My opinion of both of them can be summed up by a line from the movie ?Fight Club?. The main character stated, ?F**K Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart is polishing the brass on the Titanic and it?s all going DOWN!?

We live in a world of free will. We are allowed to investigate and try out all that life offers. We are encouraged to make our own decisions. If Musicman is curious about the Satanic Bible I say read it, learn all you can about life?s diversity and different view points. Become well read and well rounded but remain skeptical. Listen to your heart. If getting the ?things? you want and asserting yourself among others in important, so be it. However, remembering that we only have so much time on this earth may lead you to conclude that developing love, for yourself and others is a more constructive way to pass your limited time here.

17 Mar 2002

actually dear martha never wears make up or does anything with her hair.......she's very laid back in her show :)

i think most people don't like her because she has achieved such great success doing what she is good at! she's an amazing cook and crafty person. she knows soooo much about plants, indoor and outdoor, actually i doubt there is a topic that has something to do with your home, asthetically speaking, that she doesn't have some good knowledge about.

she started out as a caterer, if i'm remembering correctly and just took it a step beyond.

in light,

New River
17 Mar 2002

Actually i'm amazed that Martha Stewart hasn't written her own version of the bible yet! lol

when i saw the topic, Satanic Bible, i thought it was an oxymoron. but then i guess anyone is entitled to write their own bible. i hadn't heard of it. i have heard of the Mystical Bible. has anyone read it?

my dear departed great grandmother's ghost would probably show back up if she saw me reading a book called the Satanic Bible. but then she'd probably show up if she saw me reading the Martha Stewart bible too! lol

love, light and hope, New River

17 Mar 2002

technically, Bible is just latin stolen-from-greek for 'book', so anyone can right their own, i suppose...

17 Mar 2002

I read it in highschool, my friend was interested in satanism wheras I was more into Wicca, but i wascurious and borrowed it, read it all in a day because ifound it interesting. It pretty much teaches you are your own God, you birthday is the most important holiday of the year. Everything you do should be for yourself, hell with other people. If anyone does you the slightest wrong, feel free to curse them. It is called Satanism because the sin of Satan was pride, thinking he was better than God, and thats what Satanists do. Im far too spiritual and loving for that :)

18 Mar 2002

Quote:Originally posted by Kiama
Anton LaVey's Satanism isn't about worshipping the devil or anything... Basically, the Satanic Bible is a handbook about how to have a good life, get what you want, self-gratification, etc... If I'm not mistaken, I believe it includes self-gratification magick somewhere....

i'd have to agree with kiama's assessment. i also own a copy of the Satanic Bible and was surprised that it wasn't all encompassing eVil like everyone said. actually, i found it to be an interesting read with a lot of good stuff to say about how to live on this planet in the here and now.

i don't call myself a satanic worshipper. and i never will. however, i feel (as in anything one can bash) that if you are going to bash a belief/idea system then you have to learn all you can about it first. learn it and read up on it and try and see it from those people's point of view first...before you just haul off and bash them for feeling this way. that way you've gained understanding of just why and what it is about those beliefs you disagree rather than using the all-encompassing "just cos" argument. i find it rather odd that people will bash the belief or me for owning a copy, but when i throw it in their laps to read it, they elect not to read it and stay "afraid" of the the stigmatism attached to it. of course, this situation is VERY genericized and i hope does not offend anyone.

on a lighter note, i'm proud to say that i have my copy sitting on my shelf next to my copy of the God's Bible. I figure, if there is a heaven and a hell, then let God and satan battle it out on my bookshelf rather than in MY life. =)

blessed be,

18 Mar 2002

I agree about learning what you can about something before bashing it, such as those who claim Tarot as "evil". Make your own educated decisions. That goes for those folks who burned Harry Potter books as well!

As far as Martha is concerned, I actually run into her around here from time to time. We get our Mocha-chinos at the same coffee shop. I interviewed for a position at her magazine a few years back. The interviewer began our meeting with, "Here at Martha Stewart Living, we all strive to be as perfect as Martha."

Martha and The Devil.... bound to the material world, one with chains, the other with double-faced satin ribbon.

~ january

18 Mar 2002

Quote:Originally posted by january
Martha and The Devil.... bound to the material world, one with chains, the other with double-faced satin ribbon.

NOW THAT IS A KEWL .sig to have!!!

nice january very nice.

and btw, is this true about your second-degree of seperation from the eVil martha and her perky kingdom of homeliness?


Kaleidoscope Eyes
18 Mar 2002

I'll be honest. Basically, the book is a load of crap: How to be an egotistical, self-serving asshole. IMO, we've got all of that we need in the great lunatic asylum called earth.

I understand that much of the author's "Satanism" was more showmanship and self-promotion than anything. Whether this is so or not, I don't know, and I don't care. As others have written, the book is basically about self serving and self gratification. I've dealt with enough people like that to know such an orientation can lead to no good.

Yeah, I actually read the thing... a long time ago. I was young, stupid and impressionable.

It's fookin' garbage... but don't take my word for it. Read it if you want.

19 Mar 2002

LaVey was not so much about serving the Devil as serving one's self. it is all about worshipping ego.
i actually met the man in SF back in the 60's (although i was only 15 or so). but everything i've read about him since tells me he was a total huckster.
i will try to post a link regarding this if i can find it. i recently changed ISP's and lost all of my bookmarks. but if anyone is interested, i'll dig it up.

19 Mar 2002

okay, that wasn't TOO hard. here's the link...

please realize that this is NOT an indictment of satanism, just an expose' of the man who claims to be the founder of the modern
'Church of Satan'.

21 Mar 2002

Honestly people who think the Satanic bible is evil, likely haven't read the darned thing. I've had people that come on my website and tell me I shouldn't even use the word Satanic on my site, let alone talk about Anton's books. Gotta love that sort of thing. It's worth a read. An interesting little book and it's gotta a great Anton baldy shot on the back. I remembered his face long before I read the books lol. By the Anton standards, people really need to start reassessing the subject of Satanism. It's not really what it is cracked up to be :)


The Satanic Bible thread was originally posted on 16 Mar 2002 in the Spirituality board, and is now archived in the Forum Library. Read the threads in Spirituality, or read more archived threads.

Malachite world reference there...Who is Martha Stewart?...


She is the queen of consumerism, the princess of etiquette, and the high priestess of the excessive do-it-yourself d?cor.

I have long suspected she is the Devil.

Aside from that, I have always admired her canap?s.


Shoulder pads and mousse-abuse?...


No, more like, do it yourself interior design and cooking. She is the American gospel to some on how to live and entertain elegantly. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself. I have to admit that I find some of her ideas and especially her recipes exquisite.

She has become quite wealthy promoting herself as THE consultant to domestic perfection. Once again there is nothing wrong with that. She appeals to the human part of all of us that wants to be elegant, entertaining, and able to surpass the Jones? in style.

No, I don?t really think she is the Devil but then I have always been a defender of the devil, it makes for good conversation. She is a creative, talented person who excels at self promotion and has created a whole following of clones as a result. The problem, as I see it, is not Martha herself but from those who buy into her hype, those who feel somehow devalued because they are unable to measure up to Stewarts benchmark of excellence.

I?ve actually met these people in my professional career (I?m sure you have too). It?s important that the towels match and the yard is a perfect mat of green. To them joy is had strictly from the material world and what they can obtain.

This brings us back to the mater of Anton LeVey and the Satanic Bible. My opinion of both of them can be summed up by a line from the movie ?Fight Club?. The main character stated, ?F**K Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart is polishing the brass on the Titanic and it?s all going DOWN!?

We live in a world of free will. We are allowed to investigate and try out all that life offers. We are encouraged to make our own decisions. If Musicman is curious about the Satanic Bible I say read it, learn all you can about life?s diversity and different view points. Become well read and well rounded but remain skeptical. Listen to your heart. If getting the ?things? you want and asserting yourself among others in important, so be it. However, remembering that we only have so much time on this earth may lead you to conclude that developing love, for yourself and others is a more constructive way to pass your limited time here.


actually dear martha never wears make up or does anything with her hair.......she's very laid back in her show :)

i think most people don't like her because she has achieved such great success doing what she is good at! she's an amazing cook and crafty person. she knows soooo much about plants, indoor and outdoor, actually i doubt there is a topic that has something to do with your home, asthetically speaking, that she doesn't have some good knowledge about.

she started out as a caterer, if i'm remembering correctly and just took it a step beyond.

in light,

New River

Actually i'm amazed that Martha Stewart hasn't written her own version of the bible yet! lol

when i saw the topic, Satanic Bible, i thought it was an oxymoron. but then i guess anyone is entitled to write their own bible. i hadn't heard of it. i have heard of the Mystical Bible. has anyone read it?

my dear departed great grandmother's ghost would probably show back up if she saw me reading a book called the Satanic Bible. but then she'd probably show up if she saw me reading the Martha Stewart bible too! lol

love, light and hope, New River