Several Aspects in Natal and Transits Chart


How unusual is it to have several aspects or transits coming up in your natal and transits chart? I noticed that I have so many it is almost ridiculous. Here is a sampling:

Transiting Mars conjunct Moon
Transiting Saturn conjunct Jupiter
Transiting Venus conjunct Mars
Transiting Sun conjunct Mars
Transiting Mercury conjunct Mars
Transiting Moon trine Venus
Transiting Moon sextile Saturn
Transiting Moon opposition Moon
Transiting Moon trine Jupiter
Transiting Moon sextile Mars

Some of these aren't quite in aspect just yet but will be in a few days of one another (see attachment). I also stopped at "moon" but will come back and count more angles later.

There are more, minor aspects such as quincunx and semi-sextiles that I am not "counting," and even the outer planets I have left out. Do I look at each one separately or does the sheer number of transits involved intensify the effects of the other?


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Hi ya KK,

The chart says it's a Natal and Transits chart, not a progressed chart. So these are the transisting bodies to your birth 'planets'.

Usually, as a broad generalisation :))), I think it may only be when a transisting body contacting a natal planet with which there is also a natal contact, that may indicate an enhancement of whatever it means for you natally.

Hope that makes sense KK. However, Minderwiz or Dadsnook may have a diferent slant on it. Can you get a Progressed Chart - for this year, or whatever year you're interested in?

Bee :)



If this was a progressed chart, and not a natal & transits chart, your belief that there were innumerable conjunctions would appear to be wrong. Progression charts typically have small planet movement for each symbolic year. A full degree of separation might be too much to allow for many combination, especially for Mars outward as those planets move very little in a day's time.

For transits, more allowance is often allowed because of the movement over several days time. For Solar Arc Directions every planet is moved at the Sun's rate which is almost a degree per day/year. Dave


The 'Transits' are clearly today's positions, so at best we're looking at a transit to natal chart, as Bee points out and as stated on the chart.

As Dave points out, aspects from progressed planets have to be treated in a different way, with much smaller orbs to be considered as important. Those Astrologers who use the outer planets, tend to place more emphasis on their transits, whilst placing more emphasis on the progressions of Mars inwards.

Such a number of transits is interesting and might have some significance IF there are other indicators that something is likely to happen in the near future. The transits can then be used to determine the timing of the event. Transits on their own are no guarantee of anything.


Thank you for the replies! I certainly meant transits instead of progressed (I swear I do know the difference ;)).


Minderwiz, if it's not too much trouble, could you please change the title from "Several Aspects in Progressed Chart" to "Several Aspects in Natal and Transits Chart" so I don't look like such a dufus? Thank you :)


For Kilted Kat

Why should your kitty-tail be covered from being a Dufus? I just made a bad mistake on my blog-site, putting up a wrong chart for the day when a sniper started a shooting spree in Washington, DC back 2002. Now, tonight, I've got to edit the whole posting, chart, and analysis before too many people read it. We can all be a Dufus at one time or another. Join the club. Dave


I could, but you'd also need to edit your first post in the thread as it's full of the word 'progressed' :)

I think if you edit your post you might also be able to edit the title, however as Dave says, we all put our foot in it at sometime :) :)

Curtis Penfold

Hey, how do you get your charts? I've seen us talking about this stuff before and everybody acting like they knew how the planets aligned and all that stuff. Is there a website for it? Can you get this information for free?