SG: Numerology - 4


Moving on to... NUMBER 4! :)

A box? A square? What is number 4?

Practicality... construction... putting ideas into form... order... system... and even restriction.

Rune: Dagaz
Tarot: Emperor
Element: Earth
Astrology: Saturn, Cancer, Earth
Tree of Life: Chesed, Love (Mercy)
Gemstones: Emerald, Amethyst, Sapphire
Colors: Spring Green, Deep Violet
Month: April
Day: Thursday

Come on. Let's add some more. :)


Slowing down. Preliminary peace. Calm before the storm. A first sense of stability. Truce.


"A little more complexity than is absolutely necessary, or even desirable for the sake of mature, lasting stability" (square, compared to triangle) - otoh, practicability (most of our rooms are built on squares)

There are no right angles in nature! All right angles are human made - therefore, 4 is also civilisation, arts, everything artificial.


putting down foundations for the future. structure, solidification, materialization, stability, order, solidity, manifesting.

personal power, strength, leadership, experience, steadfastness. logic and reason. self discipline, hard work.

restriction and burdens, feeling walled in.


I don't know, maybe it is the mathematician in me that sees four as two sets of two. The number 2 to the 2nd power, or twice the power of the number two. Two triangles put together. And in an odd thought, a very difficult way to go 360 degrees. After all, you have to make it through the corners.



Hmmm.... by the way... a circle IN every square, a circle AROUND it thru its corners. (Which applies to all equal-sided 2-dimensional figures I guess)

In german, the "square" of a number also means this number to the power of 2. Don't know if it works in english as well.

And I want to state that I find the scientific mathematical view VERY enlightening in divinational matters - as far as I understand it, that is... :)



vijeno said:
Hmmm.... by the way... a circle IN every square, a circle AROUND it thru its corners. (Which applies to all equal-sided 2-dimensional figures I guess)

In german, the "square" of a number also means this number to the power of 2. Don't know if it works in english as well.

And I want to state that I find the scientific mathematical view VERY enlightening in divinational matters - as far as I understand it, that is... :)


The power of 2! Same in English. I just didn't say it as well.



Oh, just comes to me... of course, the 4 elements. And the tetragram, the name of G'd.

Hebrew: dalet = "door"


In some cultures, the number three is held sacred. The three norns, the three muses, the Holy Trinity; faith, hope, and charity; three’s a charm, disaster comes in threes, Three’s Company, three’s a crowd, The Three Stooges, and The Supremes.

In other cultures, it is the number four. The four elements, the four points of the compass, soup, salad, entrée, and dessert.

When multiplied by each other, they make twelve, a truly sacred number. The twelve apostles, the twelve signs of the zodiac, a perfect orange, a hung jury, are all good examples.


Four is the number of stability, order and firm foundations, it sugest a square, the four seasons, the four cardinal points and the four elements, is the number associated with matter and the material world, notice how it has a calming pacifying effect on the force and energy of the suits of wands and swords whereas its effect in the suits of cups and pentacles is more likely to produce stagnation and rigidity.


5 years late...but i think 4 is important :D

4th dimension is time, and time as we know is restricting and ruled by saturn. Just went full circle :cool3: