Shadowscapes - Nine of Wands


9 of Wands.

In the 9 of Wands we can see a knight riding a majestic animal, what is this animal? He resembles a lion but has more of a magical air about him, he has a mask on, which the man has his left hand placed reassuringly on his head, this to calm the beast, or to get him ready before he needs to bound into action

On the bottom of the card there is. 8 sentinels ready to charge into battle if they need too, they are waiting cautiously, defending the knight and beast from any incoming attacks, for me this card is about having the courage to defend yourself when you feel threatened by something, but that you are able to do it in a way that can calm any fiery situation, represented by the way the knight calms the best with his left hand.


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Indeed, calm yet exuding force.

Another thing I see in this card is how he is higher up than the others, as if to have a better vantage point.

It suggests to me the idea of applying your past experience and the perspectives you've earned in having climbed to the top, and to trust that your inner-power and outer-strength will keep you going and ready to move forward when the time is right.

Also being an individual (for he is distinguished among the other figures in the background) and having confidence in your own choices/methods of preparation.