Sheer bags (?!)


I've noticed a trend in tarot decks coming with a bag for storage. I think this is generally a good thing, but what is the deal with all the sheer/see-through fabrics (chiffon etc) being used?

Personally, this bugs the crap out of me, so I wind up having to make or acquire a bag (or cloth - if you use a simple scarf you then have a clean surface for reading anywhere) anyhow.

I'm sure this is probably one of those "it's just me" things that doesn't actually matter, but personally when my cards are in a bag I first want them protected, and secondly I want to *not* see them - neither of which is really accomplished by these sheer bags!

What do you think?


I think it's simply because they're cheap. They're not durable at all, either- even with light use they fall apart very quickly. SO it costs them very little, but they can still market the fact that the deck comes with a bag.


I think it's the best compromise they can come up with. We'd all be complaining about the choice of fabric or color or whatever, right? :p
I'd rather have them than have nothing at all once the cellophane is off. A few of my large-box sets that have the cutout spaces in the center are quite cumbersome to get the cards out of without nicking them. (long fingernails)


cardlady, on those type of boxes I lay a piece of ribbon across the hole with a few extra inches in each side. Then the next time you want to use them just lift them out with the ribbon ends.


I had to settle for cutting strips of copy paper to make my own belly bands.


I'm with you, Theora. I find the sheer bags to be useless as an actual storage place for my tarot decks. Since I do beadcraft, I can use them for other things. But give me a nice, lined silk or velvet bag any day - preferably in a motif that coordinates with the deck!


I accept them in the spirit I accept all freebies - mild gratitude.

Due to fiscal constraints I haven't been buying for ages, but when I still was, it was only Llewellyn that was giving them out, in conjunction with a big, flimsy, white, one-size-fits-all box with a printed line on them to write the deck name on. The three decks I have in that format (including my beloved Rumi) are all stored in their organdie bags inside their shoddy boxes. None of the bags have broken (yet) and because the boxes are there, I can still pick a deck "at random" (provided I'm happy with it being one of those three).

I'm always gently amused by people complaining about something - either a gift or a service - that they've been given for free. And with Llewellyn it *is* free - I haven't noticed their prices go up to cover it.


I do appreciate the effort of supplying a bag of some kind and I think these sheer bags will do in a pinch, but I know they are extremely fragile. I keep most of my decks in the original packaging, but most of my bags I just have to purchase. I wish I was handier at sewing.


I think they're ok, I keep my gently used "sometimes" decks in bags like that. I also repurpose them for other stuff. They make great herb bags, and sachets for my clothing drawers, so whatever, I like 'em, but wouldn't buy or not buy a deck based on the cheapy bag.


nisaba said:
I'm always gently amused by people complaining about something - either a gift or a service - that they've been given for free. And with Llewellyn it *is* free - I haven't noticed their prices go up to cover it.

I personally am simply frustrated with the waste. I would prefer to make my own bags, but I don't have a use for the organza bags at all. I hate throwing things away... same reason I don't like decks to come with massive amounts of packaging, either.