Snapshot Relationship Spread


Hi Amy,

I am currently trying it in the reading exchange forum. It's a great spread :)



this is exactly the type of spread i need right now. Thanks...:)


Me too. It's excellent! "My head, my heart, have never been so far apart" ..Or have they? lol

Great spread. Thanks!


Great spread!

I recently used this to help a friend out with his relationship problems. His exact words on it were, "frighteningly accurate!" lol so here you guys go, an easy to use sheet that I made on photoshop.


  • snapshot-relationship.jpg
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I used this with a friend and her budding relationship, it worked really well! She confirmed its accuracy by relaying some of the conversations they've had. :)


Great spread Amy! Thanks for posting it. I'm off to try it out...


Just what I needed

I had been looking for a spread that was more clear/concise other than a traditional relationship spread, and although I am an extreme newbie this spread helped me a great deal. While I am not sure my reading was 100% it definitely gave me enough to think about. Thank you for posting this (both versions)! I tried both and will be using this again.


great spread!

Great spread - thanks for sharing!

I just tried it and it explained a current situation perfectly. What a powerful spread! :)

Can I pls clarify what you mean at Card 4 - Impression you're giving the other person? I got 3 cups here which is accurate that he sees me as a friend right now but can that card also represent 'what he/she thinks you're feeling about him/her'? i.e. he thinks I only want to be friends?

The outcome card I received was The Lovers *big grin* and I drew a clarifier to determine which month I would see this outcome. I drew 10W which I instantly took as 10th month = October. Other readings have suggested October also.



Hi Hulpster :)

Funnily enough, I don't use this spread anymore (I decided I wasn't comfortable reading about people who aren't there and haven't given their consent) but just before I saw your message my housemate was telling me he'd just used a very similar one!

The 'impression' card is more about the impression you're giving them about how you feel - so you've got how you think you feel, how you really feel, and how you appear (to the other person) to feel. So I guess he can see that you enjoy his company and value his friendship, though he may not realise you feel more for him. In which case it will be instructive to look at the relationship between what he's thinking and feeling and the impression you're receiving from him (though, as I've mentioned, I have ethical reservations about this!)

Good luck! Hope it's lovely! :)


thanks - that actually provides further insight when I consider his thinking/feeling cards.

But I understand about the ethics around doing these types of readings.
