Solar Eclipse conjunct natal North Node


Differing Solar Returns

The important point to remember is that any type of Solar Return is a "transit" chart, among other things. The Sun transits natal Sun, reaffirming one's place in the world, their potential and vitality. However, this Sun-to-Sun pairing brings along with it a different pattern of planet-aspect foci. The Suns are in different houses, the planets are in different signs and houses for the most part and form different relationships to each other as well as to the natal planets.

If you try to put all of that into a cogent overall synthesis statement you'll get both tongue-tied and mentally scrambled. That's why so many tropical-zodiac or non-precessing astrologers have trouble getting a good story out of a solar return chart. It takes work in most cases. Using a cyclic approach makes life so much easier.

Now, in addition to being a transit chart, Solar Returns are also cyclic. Your first Solar Return chart at year one finds the MC having moved some 450 degrees ahead over that yearly period. (The MC advances day-to-day over a degree while the Sun advances just under a degree per day). If you figure it out, that 450 degrees per year means that the MC returns to its birth (or previous S/R) position some nine months and two weeks later. This part of the cycle coincides with the human gestation cycle. Two months and two weeks later that ever advancing MC reaches next year's S/R MC position. The cycle continues from birth (or, perhaps, conception) through your whole life and beyond. We seem to have an affinity for a moving personal zodiac cycle that is sensitive to planets being at the angles defined by our earth-location as that personal zodiac cycle passes over head. Interesting stuff. Dave


Yes, I know they are transit charts and cyclical. I'll experiment with precessed, it's interesting to see how they looked for previous years when I already know what happened. Thanks for the ideas to you both. :)

Up till now, I'm pretty happy with what I've extracted from Solar Returns and Lunars. It took some time to learn how to read them but it seems quite accurate at this point. I'll try the precession too.


Solar and Lunar Returns 1994

I don't want to go into this in a lot of detail, but perhaps give some pointers to follow up. I must admit to never covering this situation before, and it's quite an interesting one. The issue of course is not interest but whether it works as an indicator, not just for the month or year ahead, but for your own personal Metonic Cycle of 19 years. I honestly don't know the answer to that but perhaps you can consider the charts and trends shown in them and then make a judgement.

At best though I would take this as a background 'noise' against which the ebb and flow of solar, lunar returns and other transits occurs.

I've included three charts. Your Solar Return for 1994, Your Lunar Return on the same day, and the chart for the beginning of the actual Metonic cycle on October 5th 1994. My feeling is that the charts would need to be looked at in conjunction.

The three charts are:

Ronia 1994 SR - the Solar Return
Ronia 1994 LR Birthday - the Lunar Return
Ronia New Moon 1994 - the New Moon of October 5th 1994

All charts are set for Sofia, and use local time.

Taking them in chronological order:

The October New Moon has Libra rising and the New Moon is in the first House and conjunct the Ascendant. Venus the Ascendant Ruler is on the third. Although the New Moon before your birth was also in the first House, the Ascendant was actually in Virgo, so this one is more angular. The 2013 New Moon on October 5th will be very near the third House cusp. So of the three this one is strongest in Sofia.

The New Moon Chart

In the 1994 New Moon Chart Venus is conjunct Jupiter and the North Node, and all three benefics are separated by only 1 degree 40 minutes. This is arguably the chart for a new period in your life. Th Moon rules the MC and Venus also rule the 9th House of higher eductation and travel. Mars is just entering Leo, rules the Seventh House.

Within your own chart, the New Moon is in the eighth but not far from the ninth cusp and given it's Sun and Moon, I'd tend to treat them as ninth House. So they show the coming importance of that higher education and travel on a personal level. The three benefics also are in the tenth house of your natal chart. All conjunct your natal MC, almost exactly

Mars ruler of the Seventh in the New Moon chart is placed in the seventh of your natal chart and is about to transit natal Saturn. In many ways this is a very promising New Moon, but the Angles of the New Moon chart square your natal angles and the Mars transit of natal Saturn suggests that partnerships will not be easy.

The 1994 Solar Return

The chart has Virgo rising, but Mercury is Retrograde in Libra in the second House. Mercury also rules the MC which it aspects by trine. The Ascendant of the Return Chart is trine to the Ascendant of your natal chart, another indication of a prosperous period. The dignified Moon (within a couple of hours of its own return) adds to the positive factors.

Debilitated Mercury (Retrograde) and accidentally Lords' 5, 6 and 8 gives mixed signals here on the positive side he presages your son, on the negative side it indicates that the period will not be without significant difficulties.

[The 1994 October Lunar Return[/b]

The Ascendant for this chart is again Libra, with Sun and Venus angular in the first House (though in Scorpio). Venus, like Mercury is Retrograde though natally Direct. Venus is conjunct (a separating conjunction) with the North Node. The first House is completed by Jupiter. Like the New Moon chart, the Ascendant of the Lunar Return is square your natal Ascendant. Mars again rules the Seventh House and is positioned in the tenth. The Moon is just under 4 degrees from the MC, in the ninth and applying to a conjunction with it, though it will have to change signs first. Mercury although Retrograde is conjunct the Ascendant and therefore angular.

The lunar return chart has more angular planets than the solar return chart with Mercury (the Year Lord) again being emphasised followed by Sun and Venus.

Both Lunar and Solar Returns emphasise your natal ninth House and your natal Seventh House

All charts offer promise for the coming period but two of them have Ascendants that square your natal Ascendant. Mercury is significant as ruler of the Year (ruler of the SR chart) and being conjunct the Ascendant of the LR chart, All three charts are nocturnal charts, though your natal chart is Diurnal. The Moon is therefore more pronounced. In the Solar and Lunar Returns it is above the Horizon and in a nocturnal sign so it is in Hayz - in a nocturnal chart, nocturnally placed and in a nocturnal sign. In the New Moon chart it is about to rise with the Sun.

The Moon rules your natal seventh, this suggests that the affairs of that house will be prominent in your life, and as the Moon has first, ninth and eleventh placements, that these houses, yourself, your higher development and your hopes and aspirations will be prominently featured.

Now that is a very superficial examination and I've left out the outer planets. The New Moon in October featured a transit to natal Pluto by the Moon, in the hours before the conjunction with the Sun, and also Chiron is conjunct to the Ascendant of your Solar Return chart. You may want to investigate whether other significant transits were involved.

Overall I'd draw your attention to Mercury and Moon and their roles in your natal chart, and also their roles in the three charts to get some idea of what is significant over the period.

The issue really though is do any of these charts speak individually for the 19 years to come, do they collectively do so, or are they limited to their own period.


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Minderwiz, thanks a lot. I'll dig in these charts now and go over your ritings thoroughlhy. Are they still in force? I mean is any of those related to the 19 year cycle?


Minderwiz, thanks a lot. I'll dig in these charts now and go over your ritings thoroughlhy. Are they still in force? I mean is any of those related to the 19 year cycle?

Good question :) :)

The next round of this Metonic Cycle begins in October 2013. Whether the charts cover the full cycle is the issue. They all relate to the beginning of the last cycle and the last time you had solar and lunar returns on the same day. Whether they went beyond the 12 months of the solar return I'm not sure. So have a think whether they provide a back ground against which you have been living. They will not be at the forefront of every day or month or even year but are the themes identified ones that have been there on and off during this cycle.

Normally if I was going to give something this long I'd look at your Firdaria as the backdrop to the period. These are based on the idea that each period of your life is governed by one of the planets, usually supported by a second planet. The system is Persian though draws on similar ideas in Hellenistic Astrology.

Looking at those, your eigteenth birthday saw the beginning of a Mercury period that lasted till your thirty first birthday. The first two years were ruled by Mercury alone, and then the next two were Mercury supported by the Moon. So the charts that give Mercury and Moon a strong position are mirrored in your Firdaria! From October 2006 you are in a Moon period, (currently supported by the Sun) and that will last till October 2015. Again the two most prominent planets in the Metonic charts are the two governing planets for the period.

So there's some supporting evidence that the metonic charts might be longer lasting. I've attached the full list. Clearly this system was developed long before the outers were in used, so they do not feature in it.


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Thank you! Bear with me, I'll take a careful look and will be back with feedback, I have to refresh my memory and think about the particular planets, to dig out some events. But the thing with this Firdaria is awesome! :) May be that's why I feel the lunations and especially the eclipses stronger these days... hm.

P.S. I can't see the list, it's too small and when I try to zoom it, it becomes blurry. :(


Try this version - it certainly prints out OK on my printer


  • Ronia Firdaria.pdf
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This one is perfect, thanks! I'm digging for events now. LOL


What I've got till now based on the Firdaria:
Mercury/Mercury 1993 - I finished school (Mercury doesn't rule an educational house though); started working (6th house rulership as it was a job to pay the bills only); started university (again no rulership of an educational house, may be mundane rulership works here)
Mercury/Saturn 1997 - I started my second education in another university, switched subjects (Saturn as ruler of the Asc? New beginning?) In 1998, at the end, still under this rulership I as first noticed by my future employer, a very significant event, I was volunteering at an event (Saturn);
Mercury/Jupiter 1999 - one of the best years, this employer offered me my first real job, the beginning of my career as an event organizer in the best venue in the country. Pure luck, not without its downsides but still luck.
Mercury/Mars 2001 - big problems at the work place, there were laid offs, I had to be moved to another place which I hated (Mars rules my 3/10); at the same time I think sometime here, around 2002, I ended a relationship, tough time again; also in 2002 I graudated, my second degree;
Mercury/Sun 2003 - this one was one of the worst years I've ever had, nothing was working, nothing, I don't know why, I left my job then, was jobless for very long, no money, no relationship, horrible troubles with my so called relatives, my car was broken in a number of times, terrible, Sun is a co-ruler of the 7th;
Mercury/Venus 2004 - here I entered my professional field again but it actually started in September which would still be under the Mercury/Sun I guess... However, I truly started working at my best around this time, under Venus, Saturn return in the 7th as well, very big responsibilities but very rewarding career wise too. Still here I also met my future husband and got married thus leaving my job and moving to Canada.
Moon/Moon 2006 - moved to Canada, got a job on the second week, didn't like it; in 2007 moved to another job and got fired for the first time in my life which brought me a depression;
Moon/Saturn 2008 - had my son.
Moon/Jupiter 2009 - moved to Toronto and finally felt better; still here found a good job in Toronto and things started looking brighter.
Moon/Mars 2010 - my marriage was over, emotionally and verbally we were separated, still I made a last attempt to save it moving back tot he city we lived before in the end of 2010 - big mistake; went on a summer vacation with my son and met someone very special for me, on a personal level but it was a chance meeting, nothing serious, however made me think of returning to my home country; still here my divorce was finalized and I moved back;
Moon/Sun - I'm still here since the end of 2011, I can't say anything is happening, it's a very tough period, still no job, very tough...

From all this I can see a pattern, I think. Looks like Mars and Sun as co-rulers are not very beneficial... I wonder why, ruler of the 10th and co-ruler of the 7th.... Then Saturn, Jupiter and Venus seem to bring the more pleasant times... I certainly have missed many events as I can't recall the exact dates of those but overall, this is my impression. I've been under the rulership of Mercury and Moon all this time... Mercury rules my 5,6 and 8 - I can see how it worked job related, kids related and about the 8th, I don't really see it except that in my transit charts he always points at my son, especially as 5/8 it also pointed at pregnancy and birth but in Firdaria I can't pinpoint the 8th. Moon rules my 7th and it's pretty obvious how much relationships with different people and places have influenced me during her rulership.

Now, I'm not sure how to connect these to the Solar and Moon return charts? I'll need a bit of help, thank you!

P.S. I'm glad to see Moon/Venus is coming! Judging by the previous period when Venus was co-ruler, I hope things will brighten up! Venus rules 4/9. It's interesting that last time she was a co-ruler I had my Saturn return (square my Sun/Uranus) while now, again under her co-rulership, Saturn is on my Sun (squaring himself)... I've always thought Saturn helps me, hopefully he'll do so again next year. My Solar Return this year (I don't know if you've looked at it) has Saturn on the MC conjunct the Sun, while Pluto (ruler of the 10th) is on the Asc, in mutual reception. I very much hope for positive changes. Mars, the other ruler of the 10th, is on natal Neptune, ruler of the 2nd, opposing Jupiter. It's an interesting Solar return.


What I've got till now based on the Firdaria:
Mercury/Mercury 1993 - I finished school (Mercury doesn't rule an educational house though); started working (6th house rulership as it was a job to pay the bills only); started university (again no rulership of an educational house, may be mundane rulership works here)

Mmmm What's that planet sat on your ninth cusp? It might not be the ninth ruler but it's there all the same and has quite a bit to say in the affairs of the ninth.

Ronia said:
Mercury/Mars 2001 - big problems at the work place, there were laid offs, I had to be moved to another place which I hated (Mars rules my 3/10); at the same time I think sometime here, around 2002, I ended a relationship, tough time again; also in 2002 I graudated, my second degree;

Mars is in Fall and placed in your sixth, so Mars is not likely to be that helpful to you in any situation.

Ronia said:
Mercury/Sun 2003 - this one was one of the worst years I've ever had, nothing was working, nothing, I don't know why, I left my job then, was jobless for very long, no money, no relationship, horrible troubles with my so called relatives, my car was broken in a number of times, terrible, Sun is a co-ruler of the 7th;

It's perhaps worth looking at SRs during this period and possibly other sources too. Sun is well placed in your chart but is heavily Mars related (Ruler, Terms and Face) However I think there's much more than that at work over this period,

Ronia said:
Mercury/Venus 2004 - here I entered my professional field again but it actually started in September which would still be under the Mercury/Sun I guess... However, I truly started working at my best around this time, under Venus, Saturn return in the 7th as well, very big responsibilities but very rewarding career wise too. Still here I also met my future husband and got married thus leaving my job and moving to Canada.

Venus and Mercury should work well together, given their mutual reception and Mercury on the ninth cusp.

Ronia said:
Moon/Moon 2006 - moved to Canada, got a job on the second week, didn't like it; in 2007 moved to another job and got fired for the first time in my life which brought me a depression;

Apart from the link between Moon and Depression, and the changeability here I think this period again needs perhaps some further investigation for connections, if any.

Ronia said:
Moon/Saturn 2008 - had my son.

Interesting give the applying conjunction betweent them