Specific Memories of Past Lives: Patti Smith Edition


Wow! How did you remember these? Did you both spontaneously remember it or did you go to a hypnotist?

We were talking about it one night, and discovered we had the same memories of those two events. It was really cool! :D

@Tanga - In regard to those being weird things to remember - I don't think so! It would be weirder not to have them, I think. But then maybe that's just me ;)

PS When my dad was 6 or seven, he asked his mother where the driver and the maid were...she took him to a doctor, as she thought he was going mad; the doctor replied that the boy was merely exhibiting "metempsychosis" - past life memory. Pretty open minded of the doc, actually, considering that would have been in the early 30's!


@Tanga - In regard to those being weird things to remember - I don't think so! It would be weirder not to have them, I think. But then maybe that's just me ;)

I meant in terms of why this in particular. :)


oh! Ok, I see! :)

I found your past life memories very interesting. I don't know why we only get to remember random snippets...I guess they are vivid moments in those lifetimes.

According to article I have read, the monks of Tibet believe that before coming back to earth, one is given a drink on the other side, that enables one to forget the life lived through - maybe so that our memories don't all crash together in a jumble! ;) But I think sometimes it doesn't work - just as in the examples you gave, of young kids remembering.

In regard to the Patti Smith concert snippet - I think it is just something that came through from the past life, a moment so intensely lived, perhaps, that it remained engraved on the memory.


I just spent waaaay more time than was healthy looking for pics online of the show at Fillmore. lol I had to know what she was wearing! I believe I found every concert she did during that time BUT the Fillmore more one. Gah! Anyway, it appears she often wore white or cream colored tops. :)

ps...I think you definitely attended this concert. Absolutely possible. Maybe that was one of your last major memories during that life so it stuck with you through the rebirth. :)


We were talking about it one night, and discovered we had the same memories of those two events. It was really cool! :D

that is way cool. I do know that my hub & I were together in previous life time(s)--but not as a result of our both *knowing*. I once went to a psychic reader, who told me that I went through many life times with a man named "***" (my hubs name) and that he and I were often married, but once he was also my father. :laugh: My sis had one done too same time, though the psychic didn't realize we were related (we were in a big group) and he also put her with me and the hub). The funny thing is, sometimes he can sort of act like he's in charge--"dad" and we will look at him and laugh and say smartly, "yes daddy!". Always makes us all laugh--but I sometimes wish we could remember the exact lifetime and remember it. that would be WAY cool!!!

@Tanga - In regard to those being weird things to remember - I don't think so! It would be weirder not to have them, I think. But then maybe that's just me ;)

PS When my dad was 6 or seven, he asked his mother where the driver and the maid were...she took him to a doctor, as she thought he was going mad; the doctor replied that the boy was merely exhibiting "metempsychosis" - past life memory. Pretty open minded of the doc, actually, considering that would have been in the early 30's!

now, THIS is really amazing, esp. for the times, yes! So, Padma, does your father have the "gift" of psychic abilities?

found your past life memories very interesting. I don't know why we only get to remember random snippets...I guess they are vivid moments in those lifetimes.

According to article I have read, the monks of Tibet believe that before coming back to earth, one is given a drink on the other side, that enables one to forget the life lived through - maybe so that our memories don't all crash together in a jumble! ;) But I think sometimes it doesn't work - just as in the examples you gave, of young kids remembering.

this reminded me of when my one sister and I were very young. I was about 4 and that would make this sister 6. We were playing and I can remember her telling me that before I came into this world "again", the Blessed Mother put her finger on my lips and said, "shhhh...don't tell anyone about your life here". Now the reason she did say that is because the little space between our lips and just under our nose does look like a finger was pressed there, you know? My mother overheard this and always 're-told' that story and quite honestly, I also remember it, maybe because its been retold so often. So, maybe both my sister and that article is on the right track to that....


If he had the gift, CN, he never told anyone! He has passed away now, but I find him easier to reach and to draw to me than my mother, oddly. Mom had the gift of seeing presences.

That was a cool little vignette about the space under our noses looking like a finger was pressed there :)

That is like the top of a cat's head - most look as though a paw was pressed on top of the head, just over the eyes and towards between the ears. :)

Anyways none of this is about Patti Smith, so I am getting out before I get called for being OT!


If he had the gift, CN, he never told anyone! He has passed away now, but I find him easier to reach and to draw to me than my mother, oddly. Mom had the gift of seeing presences.

That was a cool little vignette about the space under our noses looking like a finger was pressed there :)

That is like the top of a cat's head - most look as though a paw was pressed on top of the head, just over the eyes and towards between the ears. :)

Anyways none of this is about Patti Smith, so I am getting out before I get called for being OT!

hmmm...that is funny, esp. as your mother had the gift too. My dad use to think this was all hogwash, but he always comes to me. He has totally changed into a believer now that he is crossed over! :D

Yes, I know what you mean with cats heads too. My granddog seems to have the same look too on the top of his head, (as I inspect the top of his brown furry head). :D