***spell To Collect Judgment***


First, I dont know if this post should belong here. If not, moderator, please delete it or move to somewhere appropriate.

We won judgment in our state, but the defendant moved to Florida. Florida is one of the hardest states to collect judgment. She is trying to take advantage of Florida's law to avoid paying judgment.

I am looking for a very excellent spell to help us collect our judgment, or even bring the debtor back to our state because our state's law is much favorable to us than Florida's law.

A little bit about our case: this is a very complicate and long story, so I wont tell everything here. However, the debtor used the name of God, Jesus, and Mary to con us by false pretense. Money represents energy. She lied, conned us to steal our energy that we exchanged for our work at job. She used the name of God, Jesus, and Mary to do it. Now, I just need to do some spell to get back what belong to us. I am not intended to hurt her. I just want to cast a white/positive spell to get back our money.

Anyone has any good suggestions ?

One very important thing, I absolutely DONT want to play with fire.


This is just my own opinion (shared in a similar way by others here) but anytime you cast a spell you are in a sense playing with fire. There are to many ways a spell can go wrong. For instance you wouldn't want to receive your payment from the persons estate because they died in an accident that might have occured as a result of the spell, requesting payment soon, or find out that the money you are paid with was obtained by them bilking another innocent victem.

Personally I would exhaust all remedies that are available thru non magical routes before I even considered using magic. (No matter how difficult).
For example filing a lein against any property this person owns, such as land or a house. This is not the most timely way to collect your funds, but it is a way to eventually get them. The title of the property cannot be transfered without the lein being satisfied. I used this method to collect a divorce settlement. When he sold the house several years after I filed the lein, there were 4 checks issued by the new buyer's mortgage backer. The first to the existing mortgage, the second to me, and the third to the realtor, and the last with the remaining proceeds of the sale to my ex. If it's a smaller amount you can file a vehicle lein. If the car is in an accident the insurance pays off the leins before releasing the remaining to the owner. If the owner sells it privately the title will not be released for transfer until any outstanding lein are released.



I agree. I wouldn't want to receive anything with 'bad karma' attached.


The problem with your request is that the intent is incorrect.

Rather than a 'spell to collect Judgement' - which has a harsh, errie sound to it, you would rather 'do' a spell to make a person complete their responsibility to you, a spell that a person come back to their sense of honesty or decency, realise their dishonesty and make recompense, or something along these lines.

Your 'spell/intent' as stated is nothing more a demand for 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' ... by which means you shall become blind and toothless.

I remember one of those dreadful morning 'judge' shows where someone brought a person to court for non-payment; turned out it was non-payment for a drug deal. The judge asked the person it they had ever considered that fact that they wanted a judge to 'make good' on what is an illegal act of drug trafficing. The person had never considered that fact that selling drugs was illegal and the courts would not make the person 'pay up' for an illegal act! So it is with your spell to 'collect judgement' - sounds like you want retribution, not justice.

What goes around does come around ~ consider what you are asking very carefully.