Spiral Tarot


I bought a deck of tarot spiral cards recently and they are the first set of cards i've bought. I disagree with the pessimistic review about them in a way. I agree that the modern day images on the cards clash with the traditional images, though its not a bad thing as change in imagery is interesting compared with the boring traditional images.The 19th century images, gives us a more modern image in tarot which people can relate to. Though it would have been good if they kept that traditional theme constant in the whole deck.Many say that its not really a deck for beginners but i disagree, because i had no trouble with them.
I found the images colourful and believe that one can not criticise a deck of tarot cards, as it is up to the individual what type they prefer.
They changed the traditional court card of page to princess. I feel that they used a more feministic approach in their cards as i wondered why they didnt make that courd card, prince. These cards are very beautifully illustrated, easy to use and should certainly be recommended if you want a more humane deck of tarot cards.

Kaleidoscope Eyes

I, too, bought a Spiral deck a few weeks ago, having read a couple of reviews and found myself intrigued by the few images that were available on-line.

I just about flipped when I opened the box and saw the majors. The artwork is stunning, and I knew I'd done right to get this set. I've actually been using them quite bit since, and feel quite comfortable with them.

Personal favorites: The High Priestess,The Wheel of Fortune, The Moon and The World. The Death card is really spooky, too. But they're all pretty awesome. I *really* like the aces and the courts.

Yes, the ninetheenth-century theme in the numbered cards *is* in rather odd contrast to the more traditional majors and court cards, but a few of them I actually like a great deal: the Two of Swords and Eight of Cups, for example.

At any rate, I connected with this deck, and I enthusiastically second Tanya's recommendation of it.



I didn't mean to come off as pessimistic about this deck. There is so much I love about it! I hope that was apparent in my review. To me, the pips just don't reflect the full scope of the artist's talents which she made so evident with the majors. But for anyone interested in this deck, please don't let my opinion of it stand in place of your own. You may absolutely love this deck. The opinions expressed in my review are only that...Opinions. One thing though, I hope that everyone feels free to criticize or recommend a deck as they choose. Aeclectic would be a dull place without it's varying opinions!

Major Tom

I bought the Spiral Tarot the same time I bought the Sacred Circle - I still have the Spiral }>

I was initially repulsed by the dark feel of the major arcana but have become fascinated with the colours. This deck is the first I've had where I use all 78 cards and I rather like the 19th century images. But then I'd like to see modern images on the cards. }>

My girlfriend pointed out to me the number of female characters that have red hair. :D I've become rather attached to this deck - my girlfriend has too.