Steampunk decks dilemma - your opinions, please


There are at least four steampunk themed decks on the market at the moment - probably more while I type.

The Barbara Moore/Ali Fell Steampunk Tarot, published by Llewellyn

The Caitlin Matthews/John Matthews/Wil Kinghan Steampunk Tarot, published by Connections

The Liz Dean Victorian Steampunk Tarot, published by CICO

The Charissa Drengsen Steampunk Tarot, self published and sold on Etsy

Are there more on the way?

I love steampunk art and aesthetics. I know I want to buy at least one of them - I can't afford to buy them all.

Which one would you recommend? Which one did you buy? Which would you buy if you could, and why?

And for those who own one of them: how does it shuffle, read, work with yourself, others, clients? Was it easy to get into? What are the quirks, surprises, joys and disappointments of the deck? Which cards did you like? Were the minors different from the majors, and if, how? Which kind of readings are especially rich with the deck?

Is there a deck where you would say: steampunk is just a gimmick, it's played for show, it's shallow? Or does the steampunk theme reveal insights that other themes don't?

What about the books that go with them? Necessary or not?

Please help me to decide, enable or de-enable me. I really feel drawn to all of them, but to none of them strongly enough.

(If there is such a thread already, please mods close this one. I looked but didn't find one.)


I've only been interested in and purchased the Barbara Moore Steampunk. I got the ap first and I really loved the book meanings in it, so decided to get the actual deck and book. There is an occasional new way of looking at something... The colors are vibrant, it shuffles just fine. I only did a few readings for myself with it and it reads fine. I haven't had it very long, but I wasn't disappointed when I got it at all.

Glass Owl

I own three of these decks. I took a peek at your collection list and I think that due to the decks you prefer, such as the Thoth, that you would probably like the The Caitlin Matthews/John Matthews/Wil Kinghan Steampunk Tarot, published by Connections. The background for the deck is so rich and well thought out - the book that comes with the deck is awesome! The imagery on the cards really transports you to another time and place. It isn't a cookie cutter RWS so if you like to study decks that are off the beaten path, this one is you.

The Barbara Moore/Ali Fell Steampunk Tarot, published by Llewellyn has wonderful art and follows the RWS system closely. It shuffles well.

I also have The Charissa Drengsen Steampunk Tarot. It is steampunky and very "artsy" in a bold way if that makes sense. I think it reads better as an Oracle, used for one card or daily draws. Since I have the large version of the deck, shuffling it is a tad difficult. In my collection of decks, this is the one that I consider my "art museum" deck. I could just see these cards hanging up in some hip art museum.


Of those four - the Moore/Fell - no contest at all. I have all but the Cico one (which is still on preorder, I think) and the Fell/Moore is far and away the best on all counts.


I have the Barbara Moore/Aly Fell one. It's based on the Rider-Waite deck and has a strong story-telling element in it. :) I know the other one by Caitlin Matthews/John Matthews/Wil Kinghan is an reinvention of tarot. It follows the system/format of tarot but the major arcana cards different. For example there are cards like The Captain or The Airship (I think) instead of the traditional major arcana. The minor arcana suits are different, too--all pertaining to the steampunk theme.

I've got my eyes on Charissa Drengsen's Steampunk Tarot for a loooong time. Going to get it after I acquire Shadowscapes and Caitlin Matthews steampunk tarot. Bwahahahahaha.


I purchased the Moore/Fell deck last week and connected with straight away. I love the art work and the card meanings. I have to admit that I haven't seen the other decks though.


The Barbara Moore is far and away the best of the lot.

The Etsy one is my second-favorite.


I prefer the Etsy one. I simply love the art.


I have the Matthews one, and my acolyte has the Moore one. Of course there have been comparisons. The Moore is more what I'd think of as steampunk - the Matthews has the feel of Jules Verne and HG Wells and seems to belong in that early twentieth century science fiction sensibility.


the Matthews has the feel of Jules Verne and HG Wells and seems to belong in that early twentieth century science fiction sensibility.

I agree, although I don't consider it a completely unreasonable stretch. I'm not sure I see any real point to a steampunk deck unless it's to really get into the whole steampunk "mythos," and this deck (along with the companion book) does seem to make an effort to do just that.
But I have to say I'm not at all a fan of Aly Fell's artwork in the Moore deck.. There's more to steampunk than just throwing gears and goggles gratuitously into every image.

I quite like the artwork in the Drengsen deck. It has a certain flavour that resonates for me.