storing decks to stay flat? do yours bend in storage?


It's such a shame.. this happens to some of my decks, quite a lot of them actually. I store mine usually without the outer box, and in handmade tarot bags stored in decorative wooden chests scented with 'third-eye' oils.
I jam them in standing upright in rows to try to prevent warpage (if such a word exists!) but unfortunately some decks still warp despite my efforts.
One theory that could explain this is cold temperatures. I've had decks that I've plucked out of the chest warped and cold, but when I've shuffled with them and warmed them up they seem to level out again. It's doesn't apply in all cases though..
I have some decks with the classic 'shuffler's hand curve' which I can live with, in fact it quites adds character to some decks! But the dreaded 'S curve' is much less desirable.....