Sun Sign Chart


I thought it might be fun to compare a real astrology chart with a sun sign chart. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The first chart, chart1, is an actual natal chart with all the planets, houses, etc. The second chart is what a sunsign reader considers important based on the same natal chart.



  • CHART1.gif
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  • CHART2.gif
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Point made, but consider this . . .

Wizzle, those two images make a good point. There is, perhaps, one more view of this situation. Consider those who place the Sun at the Ascendant and then place the approximate daily position in the chart without having calculated an actual timed/locational chart.

To do this, one would rotate the first chart you posted such that the Sun was at the Ascendant, placing Jupiter in the first house, Moon in the seventh, and Saturn in the 3rd. Think how this chart might be interpreted! A happy bon vivant personality with great social sensitivity but also experiencing difficulty in expressing his/her happy nature without all sorts of conditions being imposed.

Compare this to the full chart's actual meaning which includes a Saturn-rising cautionary person with difficult squares to Venus and Sun and also to Uranus and the bon vivant nature is replaced with an eccentric control freak (just to be a little bit dramatic).

Yes, astrology has to be done right. Grade A is the only acceptable level. Everything else can be hurtful in terms of professional practice. Students are exempted, of course. Again, a good point, Wizzle. Dave