Swine Flu and Pro Readings...


I wash mine properly and often, and so does everyone lives in our home ......

But at work my room is next to the staff ladies' WC - the wall is thin but I am amazingly deaf at times. However, it is obvious to me how few wash their hands ......

And I don't want these people sneezing/coughing into their hands, wiping hands on a tissue and then shuffling my cards...... but I can hardly order them to go wash before they sit down. Likewise when they come to my home for a reading - what do I say "I know you're a very clean person, but please go and wash before you touch me, my home or my cards...."

It's very difficult.


Here is a reliable site pointing out that it helps combat viruses.

And here is how to do it properly. You'd be amazed how many don't. And when they have publicity drives and use lightboxes to show people how much dirt and stuff was left on their hands after they thought they'd washed them, people are horrified.....

Wendy - if you are worried - just say that given the swine flu thing (which is media fuelled paranoia in a large part but it applies to all flu germs anyway !) for everyone's protection, you are not having clients touch the cards; you don't want to pick up their germs any more than they want to pick up yours. If they see it works both ways, they shouldn't be offended.


Good idea gregory althoughI don't worry overmuch. Oddly I have this idea that I am invincible which, given my history, is laughable. But I still have complete faith that I will be absolutely fine :)

But - that's a good plan. When and if swine flu becomes a bit more prevalent in my area I'll adopt it.


Wendywu said:
But - that's a good plan. When and if swine flu becomes a bit more prevalent in my area I'll adopt it.
You want the regular flu ???? The common cold.... (why, actually, do we ever let others touch cards ?)

Nah - you're right. I am invincible too.... })


I got vaccinated against flu. Common colds - I eat loads of garlic (or is that to stop the vampires ...)

I dunno why we let them shuffle. I mean - distance readings work fine .....


Wendywu said:
I got vaccinated against flu. Common colds - I eat loads of garlic (or is that to stop the vampires ...)

I dunno why we let them shuffle. I mean - distance readings work fine .....
Yes. (*sneezes down the internet....*)

As I don't read f2f this has yet to come up - but I do (sometimes })) let visitors handle my decks.....


gregory said:
You want the regular flu ???? The common cold.... (why, actually, do we ever let others touch cards ?)

Nah - you're right. I am invincible too.... })

My late father-in-law was a doctor and he said if you protect yourself and your kids from germs too much, they won't build a strong immune system. The kids and I (and I'm on prednisone) rarely get sick and if we do, it's just something minor. Oddly enough, I don't get sick other than my genetic problem. I haven't had the flu or a cold in years. This is the first year I've had a flu shot in so long I can't remember and the first time I've ever had a pneumonia shot.

However! I do recommend getting immunized against h1n1 and taking every precaution for you and your kids to be immune to it. We're doing that.

The deal with hand washing and alcohol wipes isn't just so you and yours won't get it, it's so you won't be so likely to spread it to someone who hasn't had the immunization, too. It's not just for your well-being.

Although, as nisaba and I pointed out, it's a respiratory thing, the good point was made that people sneezing into their hands and blowing their noses or wiping children's noses encourages hand washing.

Proper handwashing is definitely a good thing, but alcohol wipes are better than nothing. Using a couple of wipes to wash your reading area down every time you've read for someone is a good idea, too. Better carry a cart-load of those things with you when you go out reading.

You know, the guy upstairs has some kind of respiratory thing and the stupid animal is spitting and blowing his nose out onto the ground right out in front of our apartment as I type this! Those neighbors are totally disrespectful of other people but that just tops it for gross and disrespectful. THAT'S one big way germs get spread and when the kids were little, I wouldn't put them down on the ground in public because of people like that who hack big wads of crap out of their lungs and spit it on the ground. You may not see it, but the residue remains there and if you put a little child on the ground or put them down in a store where people track it in on their feet, GROSS! I also made sure my floors and carpets in the house were as clean as I could make them.

No offense to my late father-in-law, but that's one kind of thing I just can't stand and my babies' immune systems didn't get any boost by being down on the ground or down on the floor in stores.

Sorry I got distracted and sorry if I grossed anyone out.


They even say if you don't have wipes, gels or soap and water, rub your hands together in the same motion as washing your hands. That breaks up the germs you have come into contact with and though you might still catch something, it is less likely to be severe.

I don't even want the common cold. I plan to be extra careful this year and future winter months. No matter how careful we are, it is the others you worry about. Think of the clerk that works at a store. They pick up germs from everyone. The bathroom, lunchroom, sharing phones, computer keyboards, registers, pens for signing credit cards, people handing them stuff, etc. It is amazing we are not sick all the time.


HearthCricket said:
It is amazing we are not sick all the time.

We're not because we've built up a strong immune system through being exposed to all kinds of thing. :)


Yeah I agree with Griz. I never used to get ill at all and never got flu vaccines or anything until I got the cancer. If I still had the innards I started out with I wouldn't bother now. But I do know the risks I run because of the immunosuppression so I do as I'm told by my wonderful doctors.

The woman down the road .......... when her son was tiny she kept a medical log - he had 12 courses of antibiotics before he was 15 months old! I recall she even used to bleach the buggy wheels before she'd let it in the house .....

I think handwashing is the way to go with the cards, and if it gets rife down here then I'll not let folk shuffle my cards for a while.