Symbology Study Group: Devil July 18-August 1


And so here we have come to the Devil, this is going as interesting as the Tower I believe.

This is the Devil out of the Quest deck. I love how he has the chains going out of the card, pulled tight as if you're the one on that chain. Bound to him until he sees fit to free you. The fact that his back to you seems to imply that you can't handle the truth. If you could you wouldn't be chained. The sublte masks hiding in the bottom corner, make one thing of ghosts or at least being haunted by past mistakes or people.

The "floor" looks dangerous to cross, not sure if there are empty holes or just an illusion but it does have a way of making one stay still in fear. The sun in the distance setting fire to everything I don't completely understand but the Devil holding the Earth speaks of his ability to control because of our own desire to have. Also makes me think of our destroying our Earth, our home.

The black cat I don't understand, I kinda like them and have no fear of them. The petacle I have to say is different in the fact that it is tilted and not reserved. A reserved pentacle/penagram in wicca and most pagan spells was used for banishing until the (not true) Satanist got a hold of it and preversed it with a completely different meaning. I like the fact that he only cocked it, giving it a whole new meaning for me.

This Devil does make one think of: Be careful of what you wish for because you are bound to get it in a way you won't like.

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Have to say that I'm kinda surprised no one wants to take about the Devil?! :confused:


I use Gilded Tarot. That Devil is just too damn sexy looking that sometimes I feel that Gilded Devil is not the best card for many tarot readings, except for romantic relationship readings.

God, I could make a baby with him!


Isn't the point of the Devil is to make you want to sin?! LOL

Durant Hapke

to help or not...

Brothers, and Sisters,

The rocking devil card is very "old school" to me.

I had a bit of contact with said card, and produced this bit of mind scrap:

I see the "golden winged skull" as being free to travel where ever it wants, and to come and go as it pleases -- but with out a body and arms, it has to ask for assistance from us.

If we Jack bird decide to "lend a hand," well, rock on with the possibilities.

Durant "I share what I can" Hapke


tabi said:
Isn't the point of the Devil is to make you want to sin?! LOL

I know, but he looks too luxurious that he distracts me from "serious" readings. However, come to think about it, I just realized a meaning right now. I never paid attention to his helmet. Well, it never meant anything to me until now. I guess, he is so wrapped into his passion that he is mentally blind?

The fire only burns up to his lower torso, hides is private parts. So it is saying that he is living/thinking with is penis that is so inflammed with passion. That is my interpretation for a serious reading.

But for romance, all I can think of is that Nelly song. "It's getting hot in here. Why don't you take off all your clothes. I am getting so hot, I got to take my clothes off." LOL That Devil gots his clothes off, and its making me hot!

I feel sorry for anyone who has a Devil card that looks like an ugly Gargoyle human mutant with goat legs. My Devil is sexy.


I'm working with the Gummy Bear Tarot this week...if there was ever a RWC clone this is it, but it makes me laugh every time I look at the cards, so for that it was worth the price of admission.

The devil isn't always about Cardinal sins. The 7 deadly ones you KNOW are wrong but you go down the slippery slope anyway, because we all deep in our heart think we are going to live forever so heaven and hell are moot points.

This Gummy Guy is about the little sins, what pops to mind right off with the colors and the bears is Halloween, a day of excess candy if there ever was one, and for many adults, a day to other odd excesses that maybe aren't go-to-hell sins, but you probably wouldn't tell or show your mother.

Little sins against our spirit like buying a shiny widget when we owe on bills that aren't getting paid. The things that in retrospect dim a shiny day and then we make it worse by kicking our own (Y) over it.

The Gummy Guy knows if you do that sort of thing often enough, a big sin isn't far behind, what ya got to lose, you feel rotten about yourself already.

Durant, lovely to see you here, your sig lines are like the Gummy Guys, always presented with a smile.


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A Gummy Bear with boobs is slightly scary to me! However I do like the look of this particular devil. Never expect a gummy to be hardcore do ya?

The Devil in any deck seems to imply temptation, not only of the more lustier aspects but of all temptation. Food, drugs, drink, money, yes sex too but there is something deeper in the Devil of a tarot deck that forces us to really look at ourselves and our behaviors more carefully. Is this simply due to the fact we don't care to Dance with the Devil? Or is there some underlying thought that requires us to believe that we are all good people, so anything that we do "wrong" or is a "sin" must have been the Devil working his thoughts on us?

BLFO's Devil is sexuality, AJ's is about facing your temptations, Durant is the mind, and mine is just simple chains and fear. Each different but somehow they all say the same thing. This however is the "Horned One" out of my Witches deck, which is in the place of the Devil. The Horned One is of course a God, know by that name and many others including Cernunnos. The thing here though is if you didn't see the horns or the Horned One at the bottom of the card would you think of the Devil here? And what is this card saying? Is this a throw back to the time before "Adam and Eve"? Of man and woman flirting in the dark naked with no fear?


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They look like they are running for their lives to me. Did you ever run anywhere naked? It is not easy and look at them, they are flat out. It is one of the reasons the inmates at the death camps were stripped naked. It is very difficult for a naked person to fight.


I don't get that from looking at the card. He (the Horned One) seems happy as they send them forth. However you can't see their faces which would probably greatly change the over all feel of the card. I haven't read all of the handbook that comes with it, not sure if I'll even finish it since it is a bit dry...but overall this seems to be the more playful side of this card. However it isn't to say that the playful side is always completely safe or sane.

This is the mini Manara (WARNING: This is an erotica), this is pretty tame compared to some/most of the other cards in the deck. However she is playing the role of the devil but it is the man behind her that always makes me think that he is playing tricks, and he is the real Devil. Like a Magician that stands behind his illuision watching his captives be stunned. He lets her do all of the "talking" but he is the one with the power. She it may be that her tripping him but it is that cold deathly look that always speaks to me.


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