Tarot ever lied?


I am not a tarot newbie.

Ok...scratch that... maybe I am...

because recently I had an experience where the tarot flat out, no questions,truly and utterly lied to me.

It was about entering a contest. All signs pointed to the fact that I HAD to enter it. Like, if I didn't win...then by some grace I would get some sort of recognition or feel as if I had accomplished something great even if I didn't win.
Even as I was pulling an all nighter, and spending money I didn't have to mail the entry overnight so it would get there in time (which completely messed up my bank account) the cards were still saying how I shouldn't give up...as rewards were imminent!

But not a single damn thing came of it. I didn't accomplish anything great. I didn't get any recognition. In fact i am not sure the entry even made it to the the contest in time.

I felt a little betrayed by my cards.

I can't tell you how often problems arose and I should have just said damn it all and stop. But the cards kept egging me on...promising that it would be so awesome if I did this.

I didn't feel awesome. I felt like I wasted three nights and a crap load of sleep.

Now granted, my tarot was all optimism and rosy futures...but they got nothing on the three separate oracles that I also consulted...which were even far more complimentary and filled with grand promises of success.

I am still not sure how I misinterpreted this. I am not even sure how I could have misinterpreted them.

I am still, months later waiting for that reward from the Universe for actually staying up 57 hours to enter that contest.
It's the only time I felt the cards lied to me in the 25 years of reading them professionally.

Which I guess, is why I rarely read them for myself.


SunChariot said:
This is probably associated with a life lesson about faith and having faith in the cards, and in life to give you the answers you seek.
A very astute observation. :lightbulb


Chronata, I've had almost the exact thing happen, which is why I've become so careful about what I'll read on for myself, or at least believe in a reading for myself. But any of us, newbie or not, can fall for that. There are certain primrose paths we can let ourselves be led along, and with tarot it's way easy to feel they're validated.

For me, there was a lesson, especially since my experience was initiated and further enhanced by a bizarre dream, and my lesson was to interpret dreams and tarot readings first as being about me, internally. Then to consider any outer, external meanings.

I'm also a lot more brutal these days about how I interpret positive looking cards. I get this "too good to be true" feeling about some rosy looking layouts and sometimes first interpret the whole thing as if all the cards were reversed.


There's a section in the Lord of the Rings that makes me think of Tarot, and the way I feel about it. In it, Galadriel shows Frodo her mirror, and tells him that it can show the past, the present, the future; what might come to pass, what shouldn't, what will come to pass if he should try to change it... The Tarot can show us an unlimited number of possible outcomes; it is not always easy, or even possible, to tell which is which.

Throw in the fact that reading for yourself is difficult at best, since your own judgement is clouded, that one might wonder why bother with it at all.

But for that, I have no answer, since obviously, I do bother :)


Chronata said:
I am not a tarot newbie.

Ok...scratch that... maybe I am...

because recently I had an experience where the tarot flat out, no questions,truly and utterly lied to me.

It was about entering a contest. All signs pointed to the fact that I HAD to enter it. Like, if I didn't win...then by some grace I would get some sort of recognition or feel as if I had accomplished something great even if I didn't win.
Even as I was pulling an all nighter, and spending money I didn't have to mail the entry overnight so it would get there in time (which completely messed up my bank account) the cards were still saying how I shouldn't give up...as rewards were imminent!

But not a single damn thing came of it. I didn't accomplish anything great. I didn't get any recognition. In fact i am not sure the entry even made it to the the contest in time.

I felt a little betrayed by my cards.

I can't tell you how often problems arose and I should have just said damn it all and stop. But the cards kept egging me on...promising that it would be so awesome if I did this.

I didn't feel awesome. I felt like I wasted three nights and a crap load of sleep.

Now granted, my tarot was all optimism and rosy futures...but they got nothing on the three separate oracles that I also consulted...which were even far more complimentary and filled with grand promises of success.

I am still not sure how I misinterpreted this. I am not even sure how I could have misinterpreted them.

I am still, months later waiting for that reward from the Universe for actually staying up 57 hours to enter that contest.
It's the only time I felt the cards lied to me in the 25 years of reading them professionally.

Which I guess, is why I rarely read them for myself.

Someone else changed the future. The cards may not have lied.


Oy! Just throw open Pandora's box and watch all the sparkly fairies come flying out!

OK, first, can the Tarot even tell a lie? A lie assumes that the truth is known and that what is given is an intentional "lie". Thus that statement assumes there is some kind of intelligence behind the cards, and that the message is purposefully misleading or "wrong" (for some unknown reason). Of course, now I feel like I am defending (ex-President) George W. Bush, so I will stop there. Maybe the real question is, are there weapons of mind destruction buried in these cards? :D

My allusion to the Tarot always presenting the "correct" cards is not based on an intelligent ordering of the cards or on "faith", it is based on empirical evidence. But now I feel like I am discussing creation theories, oy!

I know that the cards go beyond statistical randomness. However, I am... dubious as to whether a deck of 78 playing cards can predict the innumerable tangible, concrete results of every defined situation in a person's life. I am also quite dubious as to whether that would be useful. But that is only a personal, inexperienced opinion, and it also raises the question of whether some psychic ability is required... This thread talks a little more about this issue:
Click here to view the thread: How to use the Tarot for fortune-telling?

Such a simple question, but not so simple answers… ;)


closrapexa said:
There's a section in the Lord of the Rings that makes me think of Tarot, and the way I feel about it. In it, Galadriel shows Frodo her mirror, and tells him that it can show the past, the present, the future; what might come to pass, what shouldn't, what will come to pass if he should try to change it... The Tarot can show us an unlimited number of possible outcomes; it is not always easy, or even possible, to tell which is which.
VERY nice ! I must save that.

And yes - the future can only be known - if it can - in a single instant. Everything that happens changes everything. Like that wonderful story where a guy goes back to prehistory in a time machine - steps on a butterfly - and comes back to find that the whole world is different - politically, environmentally - everything. One tiny thing can change it all.

So I guess - as Noelle said - someone stepped on that butterfly, Chronata. Crap luck :(

I never read for myself. I cheat. That isn't as bad as it sounds - but when I get something I don't want - I can ALWAYS find some area of my life that fits, and pretend to myself that was what it was REALLY about. Self-deception is a terrible thing !

So what's the point. :)