Tarot- Fantasy Bellydance DVD

Briar Rose

I love tarot and bellydancing too! Thank you for sharing. The woman that dances to Justice is one of the best I have ever seen. It looks like the DVD is a pre-order on Amazon, February 23. I am looking forward to it.


BelovedK said:
I actually have a 3 of Swords dance plotted out, I probably won't perform it until this summer though because it isn't appropriate for the 2 haflas I have coming up, too theatrical.

I was so excited when I saw that Word Dance NY was coming out with this :)

I'm so happy to see more Tarot/dancers here!!! YAY!!!
"Too theatrical" - ::pshaw:: ;) More theatre!

Tarot and bellydance seem to be a match made in heaven because there are so many of us! We might need our own sub-forum one day ;)


Man I want that little pink costume the gal on the cover is wearing, that would look awesome on me ;)

Lots of good costuming in the video clip at the link, curious that they did that many numbers but didn't go whole hog to do all the Majors, isn't it?


BelovedK said:
I actually have a 3 of Swords dance plotted out, I probably won't perform it until this summer though because it isn't appropriate for the 2 haflas I have coming up, too theatrical.

I was so excited when I saw that Word Dance NY was coming out with this :)

I'm so happy to see more Tarot/dancers here!!! YAY!!!

Have you heard of **The Inappropriate Hafla** in MD? It would be perfect for your 3 of Swords number! I can find out who the organizers are for you if you wish.


oooooooooooooooh very nice thank yhou for sharing
I too belly dance not professional though but because where I come from it is the normal thing LOL I did teach it once
this is awesome :love:


BelovedK said:
I actually have a 3 of Swords dance plotted out, I probably won't perform it until this summer though because it isn't appropriate for the 2 haflas I have coming up, too theatrical.

I was so excited when I saw that Word Dance NY was coming out with this :)

I'm so happy to see more Tarot/dancers here!!! YAY!!!

Ooh, sounds wonderful, if you ever decide to film it and upload it to youtube, please link us to it! :)



Wow, I'm surprised at all the praise for this. I found the choreography completely lacking and I wasn't impressed by most of the dancing or the costuming. Although, I've been dancing since I was 5 so I am a bit difficult to impress. I look heavily at technique, form, and choreography and this video, for the most part, just falls short of all three.

Irina, as Justice, performed well, but I absolutely hate when dancers get down on the ground to dance, just a peeve of mine, I think it looks cheap unless it's done right. But dancing while balancing a sword on your head does take skill. I also liked the woman with the giant green thing on her head, could have done without the light-up outfit though. I also really liked the skulls on the backs of the heads but the rest of the costuming for that one was so blah. It was also very nice to see a male solo dance!

I don't understand the short black dress costume with the Kenny G guy and the Devil really bothered me too.

Overall, I'm so unimpressed that I won't be purchasing it.

It's a shame because I was really looking forward to this one. But by the sound of it, we could make our own with ATers! :D Now that, I would pay for!


Sinduction said:
Wow, I'm surprised at all the praise for this. I found the choreography completely lacking and I wasn't impressed by most of the dancing or the costuming. Although, I've been dancing since I was 5 so I am a bit difficult to impress. I look heavily at technique, form, and choreography and this video, for the most part, just falls short of all three.

Irina, as Justice, performed well, but I absolutely hate when dancers get down on the ground to dance, just a peeve of mine, I think it looks cheap unless it's done right. But dancing while balancing a sword on your head does take skill. I also liked the woman with the giant green thing on her head, could have done without the light-up outfit though. I also really liked the skulls on the backs of the heads but the rest of the costuming for that one was so blah. It was also very nice to see a male solo dance!

I don't understand the short black dress costume with the Kenny G guy and the Devil really bothered me too.

Overall, I'm so unimpressed that I won't be purchasing it.

It's a shame because I was really looking forward to this one. But by the sound of it, we could make our own with ATers! :D Now that, I would pay for!

Ehhh, I tried not to comment on the choreography or quality of dance- with short clips like that, it's so hard to make a call and you'll never know who's editing together these clips. I liked some of the costuming though. I can't recall that little black dress. I'll have to re-watch the clip tonight when I get back home. Like you, I've danced a long time (since I was a kid) and I also have an post-secondary education in costuming.


The solo choreography does have a lot to do with how it's edited and tough to see on youtube with the lag. But the groups, I think tight choreography is a sign of good dancing. In the clips, I saw a lot of mismatched movements, especially when they had props which makes it that much more noticeable. It's just one of my things, perhaps it was drilled into me in training. It's always more difficult when dancing with others. But if you're all on the count it isn't all that hard.

I appreciate what they were trying to do, maybe they needed more practice time before they actually shot it. But maybe their instructor wasn't as horrid as mine have been!

I mean, if the dancing was clean, I'd buy it just to follow the steps. Which is nearly impossible if the dancers are all over the place. But you would think that only the best clips would be put into that montage. So that makes me wonder what didn't make it into the montage.

$15 isn't all that much but I wonder what shipping costs. If I saw it in a store I might pick it up just to see it. I'd rather rent it though! :D


Sinduction said:
$15 isn't all that much but I wonder what shipping costs. If I saw it in a store I might pick it up just to see it. I'd rather rent it though! :D

Yeah, me too! Personally, I never buy dvds of performances- I've never had patience for video recordings of dance regardless of the genre or style. I love dancing ballet too, but I hate renting a PBS video of Swan Lake and sitting down and watching it (UGH). I could watch live dance every night though :)

I think you're probably right that the performers are lacking in the polish that comes with having enough practice time. I wonder if you re-assembled them now to do it if it would be any sharper. I find that group work in belly dance frequently (but of course, not always) suffers in this way.

Anyway, for 15 bucks plus shipping, maybe I'll see if any fellow tarot-entheusiast belly dancers wanna go splits on it. I think it's really hard to interpret non-middle eastern concepts in belly dance and still keep the core of belly dance itself in the work and I'm curious.