Tarot for kids?


Hi! I just gifted a Vanessa (thanks again, Pandan! :) ) onto an 11 year old friend who was very interested in learning the tarot, and who is hugely sensitive - and very intuitive...

My question for you is, does anyone know of a very good and very simple book that would suit her age group in order to help her learn, because although I will teach her what I know, a book is always a handy reference to have...and my books would be too complicated for her to grasp at this stage and at her age. I was wondering if they had Tween Tarot books out there...?

Please suggest away, I am all ears! :)


If they don't, it sounds like an opportunity for a writer in the Tarot community. I know it deals with a lot of grown-up issues, but so does the Bible. They still have the kids' version of that!


I know there are teen books - not sure about "tween" books. My 10 year old niece can figure out her way thru most basic tarot books. At that age they are really only interested in basic card meanings and spreads anyway, the heavier stuff is a little over their heads. The 2 books my niece always likes to use when we read, regardless of the deck, is the little Essential Book of Tarot that comes with the Tarot to Go kit (also includes mini Hanson Roberts deck) and has simple keywords or the Permutt's Crystal Tarot book, which is bright and colorful, like it's accompanying deck. (Both of the above can be found at Barnes n Noble) Both are RW based, which is what I let her use, because I figure she's young, don't want to confuse her with decks that go off into their own little world. She can use them later if she wants, for now better for her to learn the basic RW system and then build from there if she stays interested.

Maybe you could try a teen book? I have been wondering about getting this one myself for my niece, but have not seen one in person yet. There are 2 reviews here on Amazon, maybe you could search for more reviews from people who have it or have used it.



thanks Bhavana! that looks like it will do the job :) I checked it out with my little pal's mom and she ok'd it!

Intuition 897, that is an *awesome* suggestion! Thanks!


There is a book titled "The Girls' Guide to Tarot" by Kathleen Olmstead. It comes in two forms - an abridged version (61 pages) as the companion book to the deck discussed (and sample cards shown) in this thread. The complete version is 128 pages and is illustrated with the Rider Waite. Both are put out by subsidiaries within the Sterling Publishing Group.

The abridged version has ISBN 978-1-4027-6449-3 and the full version has ISBN 0-8069-8072-9. The unabridged version was published in 2002, the kit version in 2009.



thank you so very much for your thorough and informative answer, RWCarter. I will certainly go read the thread and check out the Olmstead books :)

this is great - I am doing research on it myself, but I needed to hear recommendations and I wanted to know what others thought of as a good book for a tween, because it's so important to get it right at the beginning...your opinions are extremely useful and invaluable to me.



You know what? I think I'm inspired. I think I'm going to dig out my sketch book and see if I can come up with a series of cards that would appeal to and work for kids. It'll be a fun challenge, to try and break down the complexity of the Tarot into primary elements that would make sense to kids under 12.

Glass Owl

It may also be a good idea to print off some 1-3 card spreads that would work for a child at that age.


You know what? I think I'm inspired. I think I'm going to dig out my sketch book and see if I can come up with a series of cards that would appeal to and work for kids. It'll be a fun challenge, to try and break down the complexity of the Tarot into primary elements that would make sense to kids under 12.

how cool that my question inspired you! Good luck, that's a great idea! :)

It may also be a good idea to print off some 1-3 card spreads that would work for a child at that age.

that is also a very good idea! ") thanks Glass Owl!


I own "The Girls' Guide to Tarot" by Kathleen Olmstead, and second Rodney's recommendation of it, in either version.

FWIW, last Saturday I gave a major presentation, an Intro to Tarot, to my monthly journaling group. It was this deck that caught the eye of the only male in the group. :-D