Tarot Publishing Business


blue_fusion said:
this is such a good thread with a lotta useful info. thank God i unearthed it (while searching for something else). i wonder, whatever happened to the threadstarter's proposed tarot comapany? it'd be good to hear more of his experiences regarding the startup process...

It would indeed be interesting to get some input from him. I wonder if we will?


I don't know if mentioning phetish is a good idea or not - perhaps he is a good example to all concerned of what not to do??


Moderator note:

Please don't go down that road again. It was covered and closed in the other thread.



baba-prague said:
It would indeed be interesting to get some input from him. I wonder if we will?

perhaps the setup is taking time? it would be wonderful to have yet another player out there in the tarot publishing scene - to add even more flavour to it (like what you guys in Magic Realist are doing :)).


Someone has to be publishing all those Russian decks on Ebay


AJ said:
Someone has to be publishing all those Russian decks on Ebay

There are several Russian companies that publish tarot - but these have nothing to do with the OP, most of them have been going for some time. Quality is a bit variable - and unfortunately one publisher in particular is notorious for copyright violations and bootlegs.