tarotbear&#39s spread


'Lo all,

Kinda sorry for the interruption, but I've been gone for a long time, and trying to catch up by reading everything.

In a response that I can't now find tarotbear offered an amazing spread, which I now can't find to respond to. Briefly, it went like this (I hope);

5 cards. At 12 o'clock, the current situation, at 3 o'clock, the waning influence, at 6 o'clock, the hidden influence, at 9 o'clock the emerging influence. In the center, the synthesis of the first four cards.

I hope in this, probably vastly simplified version, I've got it right, because what I wanted to say is I think it is a mildly fantastic spread.

Sorta' like a more succinct Celtic Cross sans staff. tarotbear, if I've got it right, what is this spread called? If you invented it, and it doesn't have a name, I think it deserves a really good one. And, I'll betcha someone can come up with a good name.

If my poor memory has it totally wrong, and you deny it altogether, then I'll claim credit for it, 'cause I really think it is mildly fantastic. (I specialize in oxymorons.)



Talisman, it's called The Wheel Spread , and it's found in 'Power Tarot'. As I have said before, one of my classes found it gave them enought info without overpowering them with too much stuff like the Celtic Cross spread does.

Sorry, can't claim credit for that one. Must give credit where credit is due.