Tea leaves and candle work?


Yeah, I'm a Harry Potter fan but in the 3rd movie, it made me wonder this sometimes, can you really read something in tea leaves? I know Harry Potter is fantasy, fictional (BUT SO EPIC!) but I wonder if you can. I heard psychics or new agey people do and some use candles for spells. (I am skeptical of candle work and spells to be honest, I just can't get my mind to wow they totally would work for sure).

(I don't remember how I came across this but I forget what it's called but it's a big black dog that is a omen of death, then I remembered how in one of the Harry Potter movies (Prisoner of Askaban) has this dog)). Scary but pretty cool :)

Back to tea leaves and candles, it's interesting to think about but I rather use tarot cards to find things out :p


Tasseography (reading tea leaves) is right up there with Tarot Card readings as a divination form. There are many books on the subject and some of us even collect tea leaf reading cups!

(PS - you can read coffee grounds, too!)


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You can divine with anything, literally! It's not so much what you use to divine with but how you 'see' and make sense of the shapes, symbols etc.

Reading tea leaves and coffee grounds is a long respected form of divination.


Ah neato :) Maybe I will try day..just to see how it goes :D


I have a question. I have tried doing tea leaf readings before if I brew a cup of tea using extra herbs from my garden. ( I love adding lavender, mint, and catnip to my sleepy time tea. It has such a sweet scent and puts me right to bed) It was easy because there was loose leaves to work with at the bottom of the cup. However, I am curious how one could read coffee grounds. I use a filter for my coffee grounds because drinking coffee with the grounds in the cup is just icky to me. So how would you use the grounds to divine with if they are in the filter and not in the cup?


I am curious how one could read coffee grounds. I use a filter for my coffee grounds because drinking coffee with the grounds in the cup is just icky to me. So how would you use the grounds to divine with if they are in the filter and not in the cup?

Anyone read coffee grounds? I am guessing it is pretty much the same way- you must have grounds in your cup to swirl around to do this.

Has anyone ever read a coffee filter? :) I use K-Cup coffee myself ...