The A. Nonny Mouse Promotional Tarot Deck Parts I, II & III


My motto for the last batch was: "Procrastinators unite!"

My new motto for this batch shall be: "Speed instead of perfection! Improvise brilliantly! You know you can do it!" :D


Ok, well, 9 of swords for me, then.


I'd love to do one, seeing as I missed out, my only problem would be getting a hold of the blank cards... and being allowed to do it of course


[size=+3]Post here in the thread which card you would like to do, and send your address to All Is One so she can mail blank cards to you.[/size]

(Welcome, rhombchick!:))


4 & 10 of cups for me!
Address sent!
Awaiting blank cards....


*banging on a frying pan with a wooden spoon to get attention*

Eight more cards to go!

*bang bang*

Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary project!

*bang bang*

See the list in post #1628 for the cards that still need adopting! Claim the one you always wanted to draw RIGHT NOW!

*stopping the banging and getting her pen and notebook ready to take names*


All Is One

I'm going to try and get the blank cards mailed out as soon as possible because there are International Myce contributing!!! I'll send plenty of blanks.


Steps in meekly...Cat, pick two at random for me. AIO, pming you my addy, 'cause I used too many try-its the first batch. They shall be horrible, horrible cards. 'tis written in the stars. But I'll do it :D.


I've PMd someone in the raffle thread who misunderstood and asked for a card; I hope they make it over here....

Guiding Cauldron

Ill do the 6 of cups, 6 of wands and king of coins if they are still available? I am making 2 of each card yes?