The A. Nonny Mouse Promotional Tarot Deck Parts I, II & III

All Is One

All the rest of the people who are waiting for cards: your cards are in the Master Mailbox in front of the Real Post Office in our little town. They will be wynging their way to you tomorrow.

There is one person whose address I do not have, I don't know if it's ok to post this here, but I tried a PM and no word yet.....

So: Mythos? I'll need your address to mail you your blanks. :)

I won't have any more blanks until Amazon brings me more blank decks. Thet say they shipped today and will be here on Wednesday.


Feretian said:
I've been thinking of gilt edging the decks. Is it as simple as running a gold metallic marker around the edges?
There is a thread. Here.

It works fine, she says.



I am going to try it with real gold leaf! :D


I wouldn't do it on your cards for this. Goodness knows what the spray would do to them.....


I think that would give quite a nice edge to the cards, pardon the pun. Would we be doing that ourselves?


According to Mellifluous (who just did it) you do it to the whole deck in one mighty sweep - that's how it is just the edges that get it. And we can't do them ourselves now - mine are packed and ready to mail and I am NOT undoing them !


Gregory: love your cards!! (the dancing mouse is so cute!).

I finished the other Hermit, so they are ready to mail. I must mail them back to you, feretian, right? With the description?

And I have two extra blank cards, if anyone needs them.


Oh the descriptions. Oops. You have mine here in the thread, eh Ferretwoman ?

All Is One

All you smarty pants show-offs who have your cards done?

Phooey on you. I have about 2 and a half months left.

I intend to use them.

I have a lot of sleeping to do.