The Catholic Tarot


Hello fellow Tarot creators! I've been working on the concept for a deck for a while now, mostly to help me learn the meanings of the cards. You know, if you get really into it, you learn a lot more. Anyway, here's what I've got so far.


0 The Nativity
1 Priest @ Mass
2 Mary Magdalene
3 Mary, Mother of Jesus
4 Joseph, Father of Jesus
5 Peter
6 Christ and the Church
7 Jesus at Prayer in Gethsemane
8 The First Temptation of Jesus (With the rock/bread)
9 St. John The Baptist
10 The 12 Apostles sitting in a circle
11 Calvary, with Jesus in the middle, and the two prisoners on either side
12 The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
13 The Pieta
14 Mary, Martha (Sisters of Lazarus) and Jesus
15 Satan
16 The Sanhedrin at Eastertide
17 Christmas Star with the 3 Kings
18 The Sermon on the Mount
19 The Resurrection
20 Angel with Trumpet
21 Globe, with a cross in the Background

Minor Arcana: THE MASS

Cups-- The Eucharistic Wine
Staves-- Bishop's Crosier
Swords-- Cross (Plain, not a crucifix)
Pentacles-- The Eucharistic Bread

So that's what I have so far. Does anybody have any suggestions? Should I continue on with this deck?


Yeah, just one question- why not Adam and Eve for the Lovers?


Why not Adam and Eve

Because I was trying my hardest to keep it New Testament. Although that's a really good idea. I could adjust a few of the cards to reflect some Old Testament themes. Like The Chariot.



I think rather than Satan, it should be the temptation of Jesus by Satan - it seems like the later cards are events not people and it keeps the story better.

Great idea though! I'll keep thinking over it - I've wanted a Catholic tarot since I got into it and Tarot of the Saints is just out of my reach.


Won't a Christian tarot be kind of limited because of Deuteronomy explicitly stating that anyone who uses divination is "detestable to the Lord"?



That is a good point, however, the Laws of the book of Deuteronomy are 3.000, 4.000 years old. I really don't think they apply to something that wasn't even invented until the 14th Century. Just saying.


I don't really care, because I'm not personally a Christian, but:

a) The edict was against divination in general; The fact that a new type of divination was invented doesn't change its being outlawed by that text.

b) The fact that the edict is old shouldn't change anything for observant Christians, since they follow the commandments (or at least the ten famous ones) which are just as old.

The way a lot of Christians justify tarot use is by saying they are just using it as a mirror to their soul to reveal hidden truths about themselves, rather than actually divining the future, hence not divination.

I'm just being playful though. Of course anyone, Christian or not can do what they feel can/want.


I'm a fan of Underoath (a christian band), but I'm an athiest, so why can't Tarot be the same?

Open minds open hearts, homeskillet. :D


There are a lot of edicts in the book of Deuteronomy that rational Christians no longer follow... proof-texting helps no one.


The question of whether divination is good or bad is not simple. There are examples of acceptable divination in the Bible: In the Old Testament, the High Priest used the Urim and Thummim. In the New Testament, the Apostles cast lots to replace Judas. There must be additional factors such as the intention of the querent, the sincerity of the querent, and the ideals held by all involved.

vmackenzie, I really like your concept and I am finding that contemplations on your interpretations are uplifting. Yes! Continue!