The De-Enabling Thread


Ship of Fools? You want to buy that?? Hmmm ... well, go ahead if you must. But ... do you like monochrome decks? Jesters in ... ahh... jester hats? With tinkly bells on the points? Uhmmm ... you want a deck that will give you a laugh? Well that's all fine and good. You want a deck to point up man-kind's foibles? (hey! I spelled that right! *pats self on back*) Oh great - now I've got a cramp.

Let's see. You like Brian Williams? And I don't mean the anchor man. (although .... )

Let's see. Nope - that's it. That's my best shot.


I wanted the Ship of fools for a long time and finally got it a few months ago. What a waste. I thought it would be deep, but only found it scattered. It's chaotic and boring. Maybe a person could get somewhere with it, in time, with a lot of hard work, but it won't be me. The art is uninspiring and the whole deck feels pointless. The color scheme is beige with brown. Ick.

Go to a crummy movie instead; at least you'll have popcorn.


Thanks, SD and magpie. I actually do like the monochrome thing, which is partly why I was looking at it (since I can't get a Victoria Regina for love nor money :D). Magpie, your comment about chaotic and hard work does seem to be very pertinent, and I'll remember that. I have enough hard work to do with my decks at the moment, so I think I'll hold off, at least. Cheers for the input!

\m/ Kat

Madame Squee

Tarot of Dreams????

All of the sudden -- within the past week -- I want the Tarot of Dreams in the worst way!!!! :bugeyed:

I don't need this deck -- I already own more than a few Tarot decks that I like really well, I have two children in college, Christmas is coming & so is the silver Bohemian Gothic I already ordered for my Christmas Tarot, I'm broke, AND I'm afraid I'll set it aside a week after I get it, but I'm having no luck slowing myself down wanting it, so I'm turning to you guys!!!!

PLEEEEASE, I NEED HELP (I'm a danger to myself and others -- I have a credit card and a paypal account)!!!! :D


6 Haunted Days

Better than the Gilded, but still slick...kinda cheesy, very reminiscent of 80's airbrush art....tacky. It all looks so fake and not very mysterious...cold.

And for all this you're gonna have to pay like $85?

Madame Squee

6 Haunted Days said:
Better than the Gilded, but still slick...kinda cheesy, very reminiscent of 80's airbrush art....tacky. It all looks so fake and not very mysterious...cold.

And for all this you're gonna have to pay like $85?
I know, I know!!! I'd hate myself in the morning, and how would I face my husband!!!! Acckkkk! I think it's the CD thingee -- it's even Mac compatible!!!


The CD is lots of fun - BUT - what will you USE it for. I played with it a couple of times and - well - I don't any more.....

And the box the whole thing comes in is just awful. I had to make another. (If Cirom turns up - hello; you KNOW I think this, I already TOLD you - and this IS the de-enabling thread ! }))


RE: Ship of Fools:
I really liked the artwork when I first saw it, but the brown on tan color scheme is a bit dull, even though I love black and white decks. Maybe it's the lack of contrast. Also, the cards when they were new stunk of chemicals. I aired them out for a week, but I can still kind of smell it. I do like the companion book, though.

I got my deck and book set for ten dollars at Llewellyn's last sale. If you MUST get it, get it cheap! Scour, and other sources. Don't buy it full price.

Speaking of Llewellyn, I had a minor self-de-enabling moment yesterday when I ordered the Liber T (half price), but didn't "round up" to twenty-five dollars worth of purchases, to get the free shipping. Total spent: under thirteen. (note to self: It's okay to pay for shipping.)


The Bohemian Gothic Tarot will give you nightmares.

I have been longing to say that for days. There, now I've said it })
I think I must need to get it off my chest or something.

By the way, I don't have Ship of Fools and did plan to get it one day (I tend to like Brian Williams' decks and have most of the others). But I do now feel a bit de-enabled.
Though possibly not very :joke: