The Empress as an Obstacle?!


Prohibiting/stifling the nurture/growth of your soul, your inner being...not doing those simple things that bring you true pleasure, whether it be time spent doing nothing or time spent creatively...being unsure of what's expected of you or uncertain of your own role in life.
Off the top of my head.

le fey

That line between mothering and smothering is such a fine one - Mom wants to take care of you and (theoretically) help you grow into the person you're meant to be, but often the act of mothering involves protecting one from experiences rather than promoting them. Which is way breaking away to independence and adult autonomy can be *such* a difficult thing... it gets all wrapped up in rejecting Mom's loving acts.


over indulgence...denial...not ready to move your butt to get some work done....could be obstacles suggested by empress...

p.s.: finding nemo!!!......i like the way thirteen thinks....;-)


I think others may have mentioned some of these possibilities:

1) Parenthood (of literal children) can be an obstacle in many ways to work, business, recreation, etc.

2) Do you have pets that pose any obstacles to what you want to do? Any other home or family life issues? Even a boyfriend who likes you to cook for him or pay attention to him more than your business would allow?

3) Stifling control and over-protectiveness are negative Empress qualities.

4) If you need to hire people, I can see a need to understand that your business is your baby, not theirs. To them, it's a job. No matter how dedicated they are to that job, at the end of the day they go home to their lives, as they should.

5) Parenthood -- of a child or a project -- requires full dedication and commitment. Many entrepreneurs will tell you it's much easier just to work for someone else and leave work at the end of the day. Do you have the longterm commitment to see this through?

6) You might want to look at any attitudes about success that you've inherited from your own mother. Sometimes they can be unconscious. My parents grew up during the Depression and had a distinct poverty complex. That whole "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" mindset. I know now that's affected me in ways I wasn't aware of for a long time. It can set up a huge success block -- but it can be overcome. Awareness is the first step.

7) One's parent's voices can follow one through life in other ways as well.

8) Environmental or stewardship issues could be shown in the Empress card, which in many decks appears as Earth Mother or Gaia.

Pocono Platypus

I am starting to overthink the whole Empress question. TMI. Okay, I realize she can be a problem, but I still love her luscious self.