The International Icon and Me


Sulis said:
I'm so tempted to do this too.

Elf, I've been eying the II for ages now but it's quite expensive - what's the lamination like? Very shiny lamination is a definate no-no for me.


Sulis xx
Sulis the finish is very much like the Morgan Greer deck finish.
There is a slight shine but it leans much more towards the matte finish.

For my part in this "big scheme" elf asked me if I had even done this and what I thought of the idea.
Well I have done this with a few decks, my first experience was with the Robin Wood.
Except for a little comparison work I did with the Robin Wood and the Universal Waite I used the Robin Wood exclusively for 3 years.

:arrow: "Freeing the mind allows us to focus upon the sitter, and the Process of reading." A quote from Umbrae.

The above quote is exactly what I learned from the experience.
I didn't know at the time what I was doing, or if it was a good thing or a bad thing, I just knew that looking at and using so many different decks was making my readings feel muddy.
And I was so stressed out trying to unlock the unfamilar decks meaning my client was only a distance second thought.
So I decided to learn one deck really well.
I still collected during this time, but I would look through the cards and put them away.
Never reading with them.
I just didn't want too.

I am going to try and put into words what happens when you stay with one deck for a long period of time.
I don't know if I can explain it right but I'm going to try.

When I lay a spread out with Robin Wood I can instantly see the essence of the reading in those very familar cards.
I understand the colors the symbols.
I don't have to lean forward and see if I'm looking at the Page of Wands or the Knight of Wands, I know them instantly, and what they have to say to's in our history, our long time spent together.
And because my mind is so free and comfortable with the cards I can with confidence lean back and focus on my client and the process of connecting with them.
It's not about "me" deciphering a foreign deck and getting a coherent reading out of's about the "client" their involvement and the connection we are making in the reading.

When I read at the fairs the decks that go along with me each week are decks that have been through an extensive period of being an "only deck."
Robin Wood
Morgan Greer
Universal Waite
International Icon
These are just my personal choices ....everyone's will be different.
When my client choses anyone of these decks I feel very comfortable that the reading will be for them and not for me.

So that is what I learned from my "only deck" experiences.
I am so excited for all of you who are going to try this!!!!

And elfie you are very welcome! :*


I have been thinking about this all night and I can definately see the benefit to someone who reads for others on a regular basis e.g. enabling a better connection with the client. However, do you think that this same experience could come if you only really read for yourself. I mean, I have done a few readings for family and a couple of what I consider real readings for friends but generally I only read for myself and I suspect that is the same for a lot of us. Would the same benefits still ensue, I wonder?



Tarot monogamy

That's a good question.

I think it does help to get to know a few decks really well, even if you read mostly for yourself.

As Umbrae, lark and elf have said you get an immediate intuitive response because you know the deck so well. And you learn so much about the symbolism, its derivation and connections. You learn a lot about history too. If you are reading for others you would need to know the decks really well.

For a few months I studied two decks: the Fournier Marseille and the Universal Waite quite intensely. I have not anywhere near completed all the work that could be done. I still do most of my personal Tarot readings with both these, and my journalling as well. I use the Hudes for healing work, mainly because of Amy Samuel's beautiful interpretations, almost like prayers - so that deck is more about affirmations for me.

But I do find other decks stimulating. The Ancient Egyptian is one which always gives very accurate readings, and I also love the Fey. Sometimes using other decks gives you a real lift.

I admire what Elf and the others are doing and will watch with interest how it goes. Reading so much for others I can see real advantages.



i took the big step. all my tarot except for the universal waite and the hadar are in a taped plastic box (huge!!).

i kept the halloween and the whimsical for the kids and just found out that i forgot the kazanlar next to the computer so i will have to open that box and stuff it in there. i have the fairytale tarot on order, so i will consider this one as a birthday present and maybe open it then. have another non-scenic pips deck coming so i might switch the hadar to this one at some point.

i counted the 78 days this morning, because i am starting today.
guess what the 78th day is? January 1st 2006!!!! .
really made me smile. i am not the kind who does all kind of new year's day promises/big decisions etc. but this is quite a symbol, still.

i would lie if i said it was easy putting all the tarot decks in a box, here are some of the feelings i remember experiencing during the archiving process:
1) i felt ridiculous for having so many decks that i don't use
2) i felt suddenly curious about certain decks i hadn't even watched for months (years...)
3) i understood what elf said about the faeries or the osho, except for me it would be the world spirit or the timeless truth
4) i felt like i was pressured to do the archiving thing and i hate being pressured. then i realized i do it only for myself, it is a decision i take, nobody here would be angry at me if i decided not to do it at the last moment
5) packing the decks is the worst, even if the decision was taken yesterday, those little cardboard boxes tried really hard not to fit in the box

altogether, i am extremely happy with my decision and i am beginning a new journal as well. yesterday as i was watching the five decks i wanted to choose from (RWS, universal waite, hanson roberts, sharman-caselli, gill), my hubby came to lie next to me as i held the rws and the universal and he said "back to the roots, eh?". i find it amazing because i didn't even know he knew about rws... his little sentence somehow helped me a lot, putting back to my mind what i am doing this.

also, i was going to go for the rws. my strategy as i was choosing was to take the same cards of the five decks and compare them. the rws was the best choice because Pixie's faces definitely show more expressions than Mary Hanson Roberts's universal waite. halas, the King of Pentacle was really too busy on the rws, i didn't even notice his left foot was on something until i saw the same card in the universal. for a sec i thought maybe the original waite would be clearer but i don't have it anymore and it would be somehow stupid and not very logic to start my "Back to the Roots Program" by ordering new decks again... wouldn't it?

i have a picture of my sealed box (the one i was supposed to put the Kazanlar in, now that i think of it, i will simply put the deck in an envelop and tape it on the top of the box. don't want to open that pandora box... ;) ) and i will post it here as soon as hubby comes back and shows me how to crack open the files of that stupid digicam. grrrrr....

ok, time to hunt the new journal now :)

thanks for reading this long "my name is k. and i am a tarotholic" message ;)



Oooh Kissa,

I admire you totally...78 days does seem more do-able. I need to think a little more on this but well done you!!!



Oh yeah kissa!
You know when I packed my box I felt the same way about all of those first. I was ashamed as well to have so many... I'm not really a good collecter. If I don't think I can read with a deck, I don't like keeping it. The cadre of decks I have now are all reading decks for me, except for Tarot of the Spirit. I have that one and don't really like it. It isn't packed yet because I'm thinking of trading it away.

This year represents a change for us, a new phase for some old deck lovers...not old as in our ages, altho I know I beat ya! ;) we will get back to those decks and they will look new and familiar all at once. I'm sure our tastes will have changed somewhat, and perhaps, we'll be ready for a new adventure with one of them.

Right now I'm actually relaxed and happy about the change. I don't have to worry about what deck to choose before readings...the choice is made.

I too want the Fairytale Tarot, and probably will order it when ready.
I love the scans I've seen.

lark, I've used the Robin Wood, and of all the decks I have her court cards are the best. They make sense because of all the mnemonic devices she used painting them.

I'm happy you are joining us kissa.
We'll have a nice crop of new readers all ready for the pro forum by the end of it all. I hear people talking about not feeling comfy with the story and how well firemaiden reads. And she does read phenomenally.

Focus on the sitter, and your stories will emerge.
That is very good advice and a place to end.


and thanks to hubby's magical hands }) (...with the digital camera, that is) i can now prove to the world that i am in the "Back to the Roots" Tarot Program (which is not exactly the same as elf's "Transition Deck to Learn to Focus on the Client" Tarot Program but still...

Pic010: the box as it was sealed this morning by 10am. It reads "do not open before Jan. 1st 2006"
Pic011: YES it is sealed, see the side, and as, i didn't dare opening it when i found out i had forgotten the kazanlar next to the computer....
Pic012: i taped the kazanlar on the top of the box, in a bubble envelop...



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Kissa said:
and thanks to hubby's magical hands }) (...with the digital camera, that is) i can now prove to the world that i am in the "Back to the Roots" Tarot Program (which is not exactly the same as elf's "Transition Deck to Learn to Focus on the Client" Tarot Program but still...

OK, that's quite enough about your husband's magical hands.....:bugeyed:

You know, this thread needs to be renamed, or we need a new thread.
I am not alone on this journey, we are now a group, and we are indeed giving up our decks and commiting to one deck, whatever our reasons.

Now accepting ideas for the name of the new thread!!!!


Are my... *sniff*.... my Wegmuellers in that... *sniff*.... box?

You know, I can still get the Wegumuellers and not use them.
I have room in my box, lots of room....

I've made the commitment and I'm sticking to can send them...I'll just hold onto your Shining Tribe for a while.....


Jewel-ry said:
I have been thinking about this all night and I can definately see the benefit to someone who reads for others on a regular basis e.g. enabling a better connection with the client. However, do you think that this same experience could come if you only really read for yourself. I mean, I have done a few readings for family and a couple of what I consider real readings for friends but generally I only read for myself and I suspect that is the same for a lot of us. Would the same benefits still ensue, I wonder?


J, you want to do it.
So do it.
You'll be better for it...;)
And we get the pleasure of your company...

elf skips away singing....

"Come on over to the
single deck side.
Come on over to the greatest team.
Come on over to the single deck siiiiiiide (you get to keep out a Marseille type don't forget)
Come on over to the single deck side!!!!!"