The Ocean Oracle: Journey to the Shore and Beyond...


It broke along the 9 holes...and interestingly it is now a 2 hole!!! Only two of the nine holes remain.

I saved the major piece. The entire inside is whole, so the whole attachment scar area is still visible. And it has two little holes sticking up off of it.


shell oracle

One other thought elf. You shared that you thought your husband was the Tropidophora, and you were the Coronate Prickly Winkle. When I do readings, I think of each shell as a vocabulary word, and the arrangement you make guides you in how to string the words together to make the sentences or paragraphs of your message.

IF you are extremely tolerant of harsh conditions, and have a high threshold for pain, AND your husband feels something only has value if it is a challenge, THEN he could be throwing challenges at you, which might create pain in others, but your tolerance causes you not to notice. This means that you unknowingly increase the level of his challenge to get your attention. His behavior would escalate to rise to the level of the challenge. Then, he would really value your attention because he worked to earn it. Ironically, you would not even notice that he had been working to get your attention until the final behavior that reaches epic proportions. It would be a perfect pairing.


Okay, I glued together my abalone. It now has 8 holes!
It started out as a 9 hole, then went to a 2 hole, and if the super glue job holds it will end being an 8 hole!!!

It is too funny what you do to try to maintain the shell's integrity...or perhaps my own???!!!

I loved reading your ideas on Tropidophora and Prickly Winkle. I think we are both both. Does that make sense?

There are deep levels of meaning I'm finding here, and it concerns some deeply personal stuff that I don't feel comfortable sharing on the forum, but suffice it to say that these two little shells create an enormous amount of potential for change in our lives.

Interesting as well that when I look at the picture of Tropidophora it looks upside down to me. I wanted to turn it around....and when I did, it seemed I think that means that I'm ready to change the pattern a bit?


Here is the first sort of trial-run for what a study thread might look like.
I chose the shells that were on this thread that we had discussed already from one group, the Behavior Group.

What do you all think?
Should I continue to set them up this way?

I wasn't sure it was fair to Simone to have her do all the work.
After looking at the list Shelley generated it seems we have talked about a lot of shells!

I can continue to create threads in this manner, or we can do it differently.
Just thought I'd see what it would look like to have them all in one place.

Also, I can put all of the shells into the first post rather than have a separate reply box for each shell. I broke them up for ease of reading.

Thoughts? Feedback?


Looks really good elf!
Have you ever considered being a ....moderator... wink wink ;)


elf, you are an angel! :D

Thanks for this - as i don't know the oracle that well (yet), I really was thinking and reading and still didn't know which shells belonged where ;) That and being interrupted to go to work every now and then...

Looks good!



I have opened an Index for this study group and linked it in the index of indexes so that even in case of thread burial, it can be found again...


Me again ;)

just had an idea - what about a daily readings thread? (or occasional readings thread)

Anyone interested?

I find those shells suddenly very intriguing and interesting hehe



And according to the estimate, it wasn't due until at least April 17th. haha!

Anyway -

1) want to learn them so a daily draw might be in order

2) I have 2 of #146. I think that is significant. There could be another duplicate, but I know for sure that none are missing.

3) the new threads and indexes (indice?) are looking good!

I'm thrilled!



Yes, let's do the daily readings.
That will be neat, to see what shells come up and how we interpret them according to our own lives....

I'm really interested to see how all of you will begin to use the Oracle and interpret it. I find it to be pretty fascinating.

As a bit of an aside I'm creating my own Tarot deck according to the thread Aoife posted. I started with the Cups and of course, Ocean Oracle has shown the impact it is having on me. My Ace is Chamber Nautilus and it just goes on from there, with the 8 of Cups showing an Octopus gliding away in a cloud of black ink from a diver who is swimming away from it anyway!

It is great fun doing this and for the first time in my life I'm actually not that upset with the primitive nature of my drawings. I'm no artist, but the deck is very oceany and fun so far.

As for the moddy jobs I thought I might go that route, but right now I just don't have the time. I have little ones and already I'm on AT way too much. I do appreciate you all liking the thread I created. Now to do the rest...since we have so many shells already discussed it feels like work!