The Star as Feelings


Hello beautiful souls! :)

I'm able to give deep, intuitive-based guidance using the tarot even though I am a novice, but I find it extremely difficult to do readings for myself as it's subjective. So, I'd love to get some insight from you.

Long story short, there's this guy (we'll call him Mr. Dreams) who was absolutely very interested in me in the past when we first met, but as I was interested in someone else at the time, he wasn't on my romantic radar even though I thought SO highly of him as a person & felt we had great romantic promise and potential, yet my mind was elsewhere at the time. So he seemingly moved on. When I untangled myself from the other guy, and came to realize Mr. Dreams had dreams for me ;) and I let a BEAUTIFUL man slip by... Well, I suddenly turned my focus on him in the summer and got his attention. He lives in the States and I live in Canada.

The tarot is showing me "THE STAR" for his feelings for me at this moment. When it comes to how he sees me, I only get the most beautiful and wonderful depictions, so I know that he thinks very highly of me, but I cannot read what his feelings mean... Any ideas? :)

During the Fall, I had asked about his feelings and it kept showing me extremely dramatic cards: Death, The Tower, and Judgement. Now it's Winter, and I am seeing The Star.


Remote, beautifull and unobtainable.

The Star is a lovely card, far away dreams, wishes but its also tinged with a beautiful sadness, the star is so far away, we can only look but not touch, admire and dream on it.


The Star comes up in a reading when there is hope. Perhaps he still hopes you can get together. Did you just pull a card with no position and no other cards?


I would see it as Hope for the future too. Maybe not a full blown reconciliation but the thought is there at least.


Moderator Note: OP, please remember to offer YOUR interpretations

Greetings, Oceanic,

This is a quick reminder that our posting guidelines now ask that readers offers their own thoughts on the cards they get in a reading. You can check out those guidelines here:

We mods would appreciate it if you would edit your OP to say what *you* think the Star, as well as Death, the Tower and Judgement (as you mentioned them) all mean as this person's feelings. We know you wouldn't be asking about those cards if you knew, but UTC is a learning forum, and that means that you have to at least offer a guess or thoughts on any cards you want others feedback on.

Thank you for your understanding and patience, and we now return you to your thread.
Thirteen co-moderator Using Tarot Cards


Love isn"t enough to make a relationship work, it needs compatabity & commitment.

What is it that you truly want?

I see the Star as a follow your dreams card i.e your North Star. Follow your bliss.

What is your bliss? What makes you happy?
