The Timegate Tarot (A round Pack)

Pincho Paxton

Here is a sample of my Tarot Design. I have reduced the size to maintain a sort of Copyright.

Most of the Major Cards are made. There will be about 24 Major Cards in this Deck, and there are no reverse meanings... because they are round. I have not added the text to them yet. I'm doing all of that at the end, when they are all finished.

I want to get them in print, but being round might make this tricky.

The Hermit.....

The Fool....


Welcome to AT, Pincho! Round is interesting! Why 24?

Pincho Paxton

Well, with no reverse meanings, I thought it would help to have some extra cards. Also I had some pictures, and meanings in my head that did not fit any of the current card descriptions.


Ah. Some round decks do have reversals and "degrees" of meanings, depending on how "tilted" the card is off vertical when you lay it down! (Australian dreamtime oracle, as I recall, has that feature) Anyway, welcome, and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

Here it is. In the cards, there's a small symbol along the edge indicating top/bottom, so you can estimate how much forward/back/upside-downness there is to the card ... if you want to.

Pincho Paxton

Yeah, I thought about doing that, but decided that it was really going to depend on how you hold the cards when you deal them out. My reading method doesn't need reverse meanings, it really needed some new meanings more than the reverse meanings.


I like the Hermit! The fool is scary--maybe because I'm afraid of clowns! :)

Pincho Paxton

Lol! Yeah, he's a crazy fool.


These look great - a very stained-glass type of brilliance. Would love to see more.

Is it too early to tell us what these two extra Majors will be like? And will you be doing Minors as well?

Pincho Paxton

Sure, I can tell you something about the new cards... they may just replace existing cards, I'm just following my instincts at the moment.

The Alchemist.. probably replaces Temperance.
Liberty.. New card
The Sorceress... Replaces the High Priestess
Sacrifice... Replaces The Hanged Man

I am making a full deck of all the minor cards, but mostly with pips, apart from Ace, Valet, Knight, Queen, and King which will have some sort of graphic pictures.

Oh yeah, and I will probably make this into a computer Tarot Reading Game as well. Because another hobby of mine is making computer games. But it depends.. I really want to get them published, and if a company wants them, I will have to not make the game due to loosing the rights.

This is The Alchemist.. not quite finished yet...


Hey, it's Einstein! That's great :D

Sounds really interesting so far. Would love a copy if/whenever you should make it available.