The tower as a flaw


The obvious answer screaming at me is that she might be a terrible drama-queen. Is there a reason you ruled this out?

I haven't seen her as a drama queen yet but it is possible. She always gets everything she wants so I have never seen an outburst yet. Although it would be really funny to see her not in the limelight getting all her servants. I mean she has someone (maybe a friend I don't know who) always posting photos of her on facebook. Who does that? It's like her friend is a major fan or servant kind of relationship and that's the only kind of friendship she can have, one where her friends follow her and admire her and kiss her feet. What an odd person. She's got such a sweet baby face and that's what reels all of us in. She looks so cute and I cant imagine her angry. But hey, maybe she is a diva drama queen.


She could be hot-headed (she blows her top regularly). Or she may be one big drama waiting to happen.

Yes I think she may be drama waiting to happen too. I think she's so bored she cant help herself.


She actually reminds me of my mother in law lol. I drew the tower card once for my mother in law too and she used to use her body a lot to shock in front of overweight women. And she talked about inappropriate sexual stories too.


Hmm . . . she has a crack in her foundation? And she's intent on getting it filled?

We had a woman in town who, when in her late 40s, arranged on-line hook-ups with much younger men. But she followed through. She went to one guy's apartment and, when he opened the door, he blurted out "You're old!" But that didn't stop them from having their "Tower moment."


Hi all,

So im doing a reading for myself regarding the potential for a friendship between me and another woman. I used a few cards in the spread but im not sure how to understand the Tower card in regards to what her main flaw is. Could it be that she is a disruptive person who cant help but shake things up and destroy? She is a disaster? Everything she touches shatters? Or perhaps it means that im the one who receives disruption by having her in my life and therefore depression and sleepless nights?

If that is what The Tower means to you, then yes I could definitely see it meaning that. And I do believe that the answer will come up using your meanings.

That said, for me it would have meant something like being too flighty or spontaneous and acting impulsively without thinking things through first. My meaning for The Tower is just sudden change, that happens very very quickly and changes things forever. I don't have any of that shaking or destroying in my meaning, although many people do and that's fine too.

But for me The Tower is very quick change that changes things forever. So for me the flaw would likely be about someone who acts without thinking and then regrets it when things have changed as a result and can't go back to what they were before.



This actually sounds a lot like her and all the pieces are coming together for me. I wouldn't be surprised if she called that ex over to setup the situation for chaos to add more thrill to her life. she already has everything she needs in life handed to her on a silver platter and lots of ppl are mesmerised by what she has and follow her. I wont stick around cos I'm sure she'll do the same to me. I'm surprised she has friends although I'm sure they are just ppl in awe of how much she and her partner can get away with. It's a good thing she's with a guy who's like herself otherwise she could do some serious damage. But yeah, I cant respect someone like that.

Energypipes - she seems like the kind of person who really uses her figure a lot to get attention. Like because she gets such a thrill from surprising ppl, the easiest way for her to do it is with her body. Maybe she is insecure. I think it's immature and she's holding onto that figure ever so tightly simply because of the thrill she gets from it. She would walk out of her workplace (as a receptionist at the gym, where ppl go to lose weight, even though she never exercises) wearing tiny shorts unbuttoned so you can see her undies and a boob tube the size of tape. she would stare at the wall whilst all the ppl around look at her and then she would get in the car and giggle to herself. Pretty pathetic.

I have a therapist friend who works in an institution and she would say this screams emotional/self-esteem issues. I certainly think so. I wouldn't analyze it too much. Looks fade and these thrills lose their luster over time. It's quite reckless as she's not being too careful about the attention it attracts (which is quite dangerous imo). I'm more surprised you decided to do a friendship reading on her, as her behavior more or less speaks for itself. She is quite literally a walking, burning, red flag. This isn't someone you want in your home, associating with your family or getting into your personal business... no telling who she associates with too, who could be just as bad or worse, who could bring you trouble should you end up on her bad side.


I have a therapist friend who works in an institution and she would say this screams emotional/self-esteem issues. I certainly think so. I wouldn't analyze it too much. Looks fade and these thrills lose their luster over time. It's quite reckless as she's not being too careful about the attention it attracts (which is quite dangerous imo). I'm more surprised you decided to do a friendship reading on her, as her behavior more or less speaks for itself. She is quite literally a walking, burning, red flag. This isn't someone you want in your home, associating with your family or getting into your personal business... no telling who she associates with too, who could be just as bad or worse, who could bring you trouble should you end up on her bad side.

Yeah I guess I'm blinded by her beauty and sweet looks. She looks so angelic and warm hearted. She can give you this huge smile that melts your heart. That's probably why I was fooled. It must be a facade based on this reading. I'm not sure what her father does for a living but I'm pretty sure she has good protection and knows ppl just in case. That's probably why she thinks she can do what she wants with ppl. I'm happy you are warning me that this is the kind of person I don't want around me just in case something does blow up and I realise at the futile moment that she is bad after all :(.

Ps: I would find it rather funny that when she is older and has a daughter in law, she will be envious like hell lol :). Her looks wont do too much for her indeed but I'm sure she'll start pulling out all her bikini photos and talking about her inherited wealth. Ahhh. Again, thanks for the warning, I was really blinded by her sweetness!


Well, if this angelic young lady wasn't really innocent, take a look at the Tower in the After Tarot :D
What it nice with this deck is that it reinforces the initial meaning, and for the Tower it is quite chaotic. :rolleyes:


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Yeah I guess I'm blinded by her beauty and sweet looks. She looks so angelic and warm hearted. She can give you this huge smile that melts your heart. That's probably why I was fooled. It must be a facade based on this reading. I'm not sure what her father does for a living but I'm pretty sure she has good protection and knows ppl just in case. That's probably why she thinks she can do what she wants with ppl. I'm happy you are warning me that this is the kind of person I don't want around me just in case something does blow up and I realise at the futile moment that she is bad after all :(.

Ps: I would find it rather funny that when she is older and has a daughter in law, she will be envious like hell lol :). Her looks wont do too much for her indeed but I'm sure she'll start pulling out all her bikini photos and talking about her inherited wealth. Ahhh. Again, thanks for the warning, I was really blinded by her sweetness!

I had a friend similar to this many years back who I became acquainted with a through friend of the family connection who had moved back into the area. She would leave doors open in her house so people could see her doing stuff (undressing + bathroom related stuff) outside with explicit purpose to wind people up. She was particularly vindictive and put a lot of effort into shaming or acting out against other people who fell on her bad side. I have another childhood friend who still communicates with her but something just didn't sit right dealing with her or her family, so I cut ties with the girl. Years later, she doesn't seem to be doing the same exact things and she has matured some. Maybe due to the influence of my friend and her family, but the constant need for attention is still there. I really wouldn't overly analyze the person when you see them (aside from what cards tell you)... you risk falling into the same mental traps that other people fall into when dealing with that type of personality. Their behavior may not even fall within the realm of normal function and therefore can't be analyzed in the same manner. Our analysis would only be a guess at best I think, because there's no telling the history or other factors involved that encourage their behavior.

My main concern is the danger aspect of the Tower... they're opening themselves up to being a target as perpetrators often target victims who may be too embarrassed or scared to report are ideal victims of assault. Tower has that imminent disaster component to it--i.e. change your behavior or else. So she may just be an accident waiting to happen.

Edit: Worth noting for purposes of the reading, with regards to my acquaintance, her immediate friends and family didn't know about this behavior. Could be she just showed certain (very odd) facades to strangers as there was no danger of exposure. Her mother thought she was an angel.